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Everything posted by brandonman

  1. Tehe, look at his About section on his nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=117947 Long live CON! Edit: Oh, and that's what our flag is? With 2 years in CON, you'd think I'd know that.
  2. Yeah, this does suck with CON going by the wayside. In the past year or so, so many higher members have been leaving. Hopefully things will be turning around next term... We have some fresh blood possibly going to the senate. Wish us luck!
  3. Those Genghis Khan quotes are epic. He now takes the cake as being the second greatest conqueror to ever live. Alexander the Great still holds first. ;P This dictator handbook could prove useful for my plots of world domination I will implement someday... I just need a few million dollars to raise my initial army, and then, the plan will go flawlessly! HAHAHAHAHAHA!... Er, revealed too much.
  4. Team: Orange Nation Name: Frozen Republic National Leader: Brandonman Link to Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=214382 Your Resources: Pigs and Cattle Needed Resources: Whatever will help me. I don't have any trades, and have been playing for quite a while. Never got around to coming up with a good set... >.> Would love to join a circle needing my resources!
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