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The Beginning is a Very Delicate Time

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Today is established the House Atreides in Cybernations.

The House will not simply be relying on its 'theme' to make its way through its existence, rather this theme will lay out basic principals for our conduct and provide us with our purpose.

From the ground up, House Atreides will strive to be a benefit to the overall community as well as the Members of the House. Our Diplomatic and Military experience will be at the disposal of those who would utilise our services. We will not swear neutrality in general, but will endeavour to remain professional and impartial no matter which parties are in dispute, be it friend or foe.

Our Founders under the leadership of Duke Mindwerkz are students of Thought and Tactics, taking knowledge from treatises such as the 'Art of War' and fiction such as 'Enders Game', the Foundation Trilogy and the DUNE series itself, realising that Knowledge of Thought and Tactics may be gained from limitless sources... Not just textbooks or doctrine.

We have formed a partnership with Zenith to gain their protection in these critical first weeks. We will establish our presence on the White Sphere and thanks to our Protectorate status, we also acquire membership to the SNOW Economic Bloc.

Our government will be headed by Duke Mindwerkz, with the role of Foreign Affairs managed by the Mentat Vanadrin Failing. Our Swordmaster will be appointed soon, applicants are still being considered. Economic matters will be handled by our Spicemaster, cpl. Education will be a joint operation with all leaders sharing their individual knowledge with incoming trainees, and will be organised along with Recruitment by a Suk Doctor to be named. In the interim, Education will be managed by Mentat Vanadrin Failing and Military matters will be directly under the purview of the Duke.

This will be a Ducal Monarchy. All Loyalty is sworn to the Duke and his House. The Duke realises the wisdom that may be gleaned from the entirety of the House and will entertain any wisdom that may be proposed, but his is the final word. Those appointed to Advisory positions are to be considered the Hands of the Duke and respected accordingly.

We look forward to our future prosperity within the Known Universe both today, tomorrow and in the Ages to come. The experience brought to the table by the Founding Nations will start the House Atreides' Nation Strength at over 170,000. You are welcome to visit our boards at http://atreides.greengrassmo.com or our IRC Channel on Coldfront at #CNAtreides. Recruitment details are posted in the 'Player Created Alliances' area here.

Signed this day by Duke Mindwerkz and Mentat Vanadrin Failing and sealed by the Ducal Signet.


Protectorate Details Follow:

The Treaty of Arrakeen

Zenith and House Atreides, two independent alliances on Planet Bob do hereby enter into this treaty of peace, respect, communication, and protection.

Article One: Sovereignty

Both Zenith and House Atreides shall remain sovereign and independent in their internal and external affairs.

Article Two: Peace

No member of either signatory alliance shall attack or commit acts of espionage against a member of the other signatory alliance or assist an outside entity in doing so.

Article Three: Respect

The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would show one of their own members. Healthy debate and discussion as well as constructive criticism are not restricted, but alliance members are expected to show tact and consideration by going through the proper channels when addressing a concern.

Article Four: Intelligence

Should either Zenith or House Atreides come upon or gather intelligence that has a bearing on the affairs or security of the other signatory, that information must be made available to that other signatory within forty-eight hours.

Article Five: Financial Aid

Neither signatory is required to provide financial aid to the other signatory. However, should one signatory request financial aid, the other signatory is encouraged to consider granting the request.

Article Six: Foreign Policy

Zenith and House Atreides agree to keep each other appraised of their foreign policy endeavors and The House agrees to not make any foreign policy moves such as treaties without at least 48 hours notice to Zenith. If Zenith does not approve of the foreign affairs move, The House is highly encouraged not to make it.

Article Seven: Military Policy

House Atreides shall be under the military protection of Zenith for the duration of this treaty. An attack on The House shall be considered an attack on Zenith and the government of Zenith shall assist the government of The House with securing a satisfactory resolution to the conflict. Although it is not required to assist Zenith militarily, should Zenith formally request military assistance - whether it be aggressive or defensive - from House Atreides, The House is highly encouraged to grant the request. The House agrees to refrain from engaging in alliance wide warfare without prior consent from Zenith. In return, Zenith agrees to inform The House of any military action taken at least 24 hours before it is executed.

Article Eight: Cancellation and Expiration

This treaty may be revoked by the government of either signatory in the event of fundamentally changed circumstances that were never contemplated by the signatories. Notification of revocation must be given to the other signatory within forty-eight hours. Should this treaty be revoked by either signatory, a forty-eight hour grace period begins at the time of notification during which neither signatory may violate this treaty. This treaty shall expire should any of the following conditions come to occur: 1.) 90 days have elapsed; 2.) House Atreides reaches 50 members; or 3.) House Atreides reaches 1 million total nation strength. At the time of expiration, the parties shall decide whether to upgrade the protectorate or go their separate ways.

Signed for Zenith:


Executive Triumvir: Suvorov

External Triumvir: Duncan King

Internal Triumvir: Metictype


Minister of Defense: Christian

Minister of Development: The Joker23

Minister of Domestic Affairs: Xaero

Minister of Finance: Gogeta

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Sulmar


Regent: Ferrous

Signed this day by Duke Mindwerkz and Mentat Vanadrin Failing and sealed by the Ducal Signet.


Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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This is a grand day for House Atreides and a important day in history!

We at Zenith are honored to partner with such a capable group of people. With zest we will provide our sword and shield to protect our important friends. Soon the world will witness the goodness, beauty and might of House Atreides.

Hail House Atreides!

Hail Zenith!

Edited by Kzoppistan
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While I am a Dune fan, I must admit being puzzled by a "ducal monarchy." I don't think there is a such a thing. I think there are duchies and there are monarchies and one cannot be both.

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While I am a Dune fan, I must admit being puzzled by a "ducal monarchy." I don't think there is a such a thing. I think there are duchies and there are monarchies and one cannot be both.

A Monarchy is rule of a group by a single individual, typically the monarch gains the position by heredity. Instead of a King, we have a Duke.

(Also, 'Ducal Monarchy' sounds better than 'Duchy'. ;) )

Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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Best of luck with this VF.

Is Zenith still under the protection of TPF?

I am truly not sure after the current upheaval in the Cyberverse so it is a genuine question.

Edited by Tygaland
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Best of luck with this VF.

Is Zenith still under the protection of TPF?

I am truly not sure after the current upheaval in the Cyberverse so it is a genuine question.

TPF never was a protector of Zenith, We were MDoAP partners for a long time, Now were MADP partners.

Back on Topic. The new alliance looks awesome. Gonna be a fast grower too. Their so cute when their little.

Edited by Rotavele
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