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I remember when..


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I remember when FAN hid in bunkers and only moved out into the world by blading at 45 degrees for the first month of her existence.

I remember when a member of GATO attacked a FAN member and we retaliated instantly, creating the first FANpile.

I remember when FAN screamed her first battle cries and piled into GWII.

I remember when Legion broke the X Nuclear Rogue policy during GWIII.

I remember when FAN stopped guiding itself by the core ideals.

I remember when the world cheered our loss of NS and predicted our imminent disbandment hailing those who were against us.

I remember when FAN didn't die and the Initiative disbanded.

I remember when FAN was considered 'irrelevant' and mocked.

I remember when our enemies fought amongst themselves and some never returned.

This is a short list as there are a myriad of events, conversations and times that pop into my head on occasion. Some certainly better than others, but they all make up the history of FAN and myself. I think these kinds of reflections are important as it helps one decide what worked and what did not.

FAN is currently and will continue to be, so help me, guided by what is FAN and the events of the world will not change that. We strayed from that course for a time and we have as much blood on our hands as *insert current bad guy here* and in some cases more. No regrets. No apologies. It is what it is. We will continue to stockpile hookers and blow for the eventual ZPOW that the prophecy has foretold of. We will continue to build our ammo forts up and provide the world with quality gun porn. We continue to move to a defensive shooting position behind solid cover so as to protect our members' freedoms and rights to self-defense.

My reason for sharing all of this is both as a gesture towards the world at large, but also a warning to others. This new conflict has folks screaming about how "they" have it coming. We all have it coming. Instead of gibbering about this and that, just make sure you are right with yourself. You will get yours at some point. Nobody gets out alive. So when it comes your time if you are at peace with who you are at least you have something. Of course if being yourself means being some kind of raging !@#$%^& you might want to be someone else for a while. :P

Alright. That's it. On with the general ranting, raving and shaking of fists.

Oh yeah... hubba :wub:


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o/ Gun Pr0n

From the time of my existance, FAN has been in the state of eternal war - I look forward to seeing a free FAN who will continue to influence the world with it's wisdom and with it's gun porn - now they'll just have NS to back it up ;)

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I remember when tech raids only happened on nations that were about to be deleted.

I remember when a 10k NS nation could buy nukes without a manhattan project

I remember when the Legion abandonned its allies in GW2

I remember when 9k ave NS for an alliance was high

I remember when LoSS had 400 members and 1M NS

I remember my first casualties, 1 year and 2 months after my nation was created

I remember making the list of all FAN nations in violation of surrender terms

I remember using SkyNet to attack the GPA being both the highest and lowest point in my CN career.

I will always remember the day the NPO surrenders and pays for their crimes of the last 2 years.

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I remember when tech raids only happened on nations that were about to be deleted.

I remember when a 10k NS nation could buy nukes without a manhattan project

I remember when the Legion abandonned its allies in GW2

I remember when 9k ave NS for an alliance was high

I remember when LoSS had 400 members and 1M NS

I remember all of these and more.

I remember making the list of all FAN nations in violation of surrender terms

I remember using SkyNet to attack the GPA being both the highest and lowest point in my CN career.

I also remember finding very damning evidence of exactly how you came about these "feats". Fabrication, lies, conspiracies and methodically, meticulously planned intransigence, of which you were a willing and able party. And I remember you making up wild accusations of me spying on you in order to swing your little alliance into spying and harassing me in order to try and silence me. Little honor or ethics there.

I will always remember the day the NPO surrenders and pays for their crimes of the last 2 years.

And on that day I will remember that you happily aided and abetted them until it became an inconvenience and a danger to yourself, at which point you ran away taking your dirty secrets with you. You didn't merely assist in making those crimes possible, you helped spill the blood. And I will make sure you pay for your sins as well.

mpol's right as usual, NR - nobody leaves alive, and all of us are dirty. But some of us are so filthy that they've earned the privilege of getting their time cut short for them. Some of us, such as you.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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I remember when tech raids only happened on nations that were about to be deleted.

I remember when a 10k NS nation could buy nukes without a manhattan project

I remember when the Legion abandonned its allies in GW2

I remember when 9k ave NS for an alliance was high

I remember when LoSS had 400 members and 1M NS

I remember my first casualties, 1 year and 2 months after my nation was created

I remember making the list of all FAN nations in violation of surrender terms

I remember using SkyNet to attack the GPA being both the highest and lowest point in my CN career.

I will always remember the day the NPO surrenders and pays for their crimes of the last 2 years.

I remember when YOU were almost the cause of GW2. tsk tsk...

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I remember

  • being allied to FAN
  • going to war with FAN
  • ordering a nuclear first strike on FAN
  • having NPO/Polar people submit peace offers to FAN and when they were accepted redeclare the wars and quad attack again
  • making peace with FAN after two months due to Initiative not carrying its own weight in the fight
  • opposing the second FAN war
  • Vox Populi

SpiderJerusalem: Skynet is the precursor to the current NPO web app that certainly doesn't break any CN rules

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Ok, let me rephrase.

What does it do?

The logs from GWIII that I saw showed it to be a .NET script that scraped the server for a delineated segment of alliance info.

It would parse alliances for nation data and build a tagged database on the user's local machine. Very useful for observing and directing wars, especially during post-GWII / early GWIII era combat.

It's obviously evolved since then, and when NR split from NPO, he became the indispensable man - he had proof they were being very naughty with such tools, so unlike the vast majority of departing NPO headliners from that point in time (Diskord, Seerow, LJ Scott, later Doitzel, etc), he was essentially allowed to walk away un-harassed and even given a free pass at trading barbs with the NPO Crap-spewer Battalions here on the forums.

NR admitted to me in in-game PM that he kept developing his own version privately for IngSoc to use, and FAN has proof that Koona and Bilrow developed their own version that was first called SkyNet and later Unimatrix Zero. That development effort is probably a large part behind why Bilrow abandoned the GGA and joined his real friends at NPO. Or it might just be because he has about as much personal integrity as a dead $@roach, hard to say.

Either way, New Reverie wrote the illicit tools that gave NPO much of it's early strength in warfighting, from about GWII to the emergence of Skynet around the UJW.

And since SkyNet and Unimatrix Zero are both geared solely towards offensive wars, and NPO built their military doctrine and organization around those 'tools', they're going down like a cheap hooker now - because they're totally on the defensive and don't have the slightest clue how to fight when they don't hold the advantage in order to use their crutch.

NR, for his part, apparently still has not learned to not cackle and caw during crow season.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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