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Cinema Toast Crunch: The Alliance

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Let's sprinkle this with some lulz and photoshopped images, then we're golden.


I was originally going to go with CNema Toast Crunch, but that sounded too much like Enema Toast Crunch. To the disdain of SupremeLord this alliance won't be named the Grape Nut Alliance, and sorry Grimm it's not Potatoes with Knives. Or the Anime and Ramen themed alliance (although there could be some iFok thing going on with that at some point).

Cinema Toast Crunch is a breakfast cereal and movie themed alliance. She is an alliance that values community just as much if not more-so than the in-game experience (since if you think about it, the former feeds the latter). And she takes a very balanced approach to the whole game. She also likes long walks on the beach and wakes up every morning to a bowl of raisin bran and a pack of cigarettes. She can also be found crying deeply to Something's Gotta Give most weekends.

On account people on the internet don't like to read, here's the charter to your disdain:

Charter, Take One

I. Government

  • There shall be three triumvirates, a total of nine leaders. Three in charge of foreign relations, three in charge of internal affairs, and three in charge of war.
  • The triumvirs shall appoint one of their own to be the figurehead of the alliance. He usually serves as role administrator on the forums. His title is determined by the other triumvirs.
  • Their names of all the leaders are as follows:
    • Foreign Relations Triumvir 1 -- Romance Movie Guy/Girl
    • Foreign Relations Triumvir 2 -- Comedy Movie Guy/Girl
    • Foreign Relations Triumvir 3 -- Tragic Movie Guy/Girl
    • Internal Affairs Triumvir 1 -- SciFi Movie Guy/Girl
    • Internal Affairs Triumvir 2 -- Biopic Movie Guy/Girl
    • Internal Affairs Triumvir 3 -- Artsy Fartsy Movie Guy/Girl
    • War Triumvir 1 --- Epic Movie Guy/Girl
    • War Triumvir 2 --- Action Movie Guy/Girl
    • War Triumvir 3 --- Scary Movie Guy/Girl

    [*]Any/all coups are illegitimate and not cool.

II. Membership

  • You can't be in this alliance and another alliance at the same time. Expats are cool and all, like The Sun Also Rises sort of, but no expats in CN... UNLESS there's been some sort of clearance from the top, like you're a substitute minister from a protecting alliance, etc.
  • No spies please, thanks.
  • What happens in the alliance stays in the alliance, unless it's, like, REALLY f'ing hilarious. Then have at it. But as far as serious business goes, yeah, it's probably a good idea not to talk about that... EVER.
  • One really important prerequisite, you need to have a CN account and nation to join.
  • You must fill out an application at our forums, and state the following oath:
    I ___________, hereby agree to work with my fellow alliance mates, to protect and defend the alliance, to honor all breakfast cereals from Cheerios to Lucky Charms, and to defend all films from The Lord of the Rings to even that dreadful DragonBall Z Movie. So help me FDA and IMDb.

III. Violations and Defense

  • You can't attack people in your alliance. Not cool. Makes you look like a f------ dumb c--- too. Yeah, you'll be kicked out too.
  • Again, and seriously, no spying please. It's frowned upon very much like cannibalism. (And you'll be kicked out).
  • You have to fight for your alliance if it decides to go to war or is attacked. If you don't, while conscientious dissent is kind of cool and rebellious in real life, not so much in Cybernations. Yeah, we'll have to ask you to leave.
  • If you attack one, you attack them all.
  • You can have nukes, but you can't lob 'em like an idiot at random. Let the head guys tell you in what direction to lob it like an idiot. That's better. If you do lob 'em like an idiot at random, eh, you're no longer our problem. (Kicked out.)
  • If you're on someone else's ZI list you're probably on ours too. If you're not, trying to join up probably might not improve your odds. Just a helpful tip.

This charter is only temporary and probably will be revised in a few weeks. Since I don't have nine members with whom to make a triple triumvirate, I'll just make myself figurehead for now (I like the title Projector Guy, so let's go with that).

And here's a link to our "forums": SUBTLE LINKAGE!. It's still under construction and by the looks of it we need a separate site for our embassies. If you see something out of the ordinary please let me know and I will try and fix it asap. I think on the whole it should be thoroughly refreshing.

Good day. Night. Whatever.

UPDATE: Our IRC Channel is #cinnamon on irc.coldfront.net

Edited by Thermidor
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I like this already.

Will you have a policy on tech-raiding? Any particular colour sphere?

Right now, I'm personally thinking the orange team. But it's still really too soon to call, I'd have to wait until more members show.

NOW, if I had taken the other route and made a Swine Flu themed alliance, it'd be Pink Team no questions asked.

EDIT: Yes-no on tech raiding. (I frankly don't know what stance to have, I'm leaning towards no tech raiding at this point though).

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9 member gov is pretty hefty.

Yeah, true. It's going to take a while to get there. What's probably going to happen is that once he hit like, idk, 30 members we'll go to a triumvirate, and if by some miracle we hit 100 then we'll have a fully loaded government. Stuff happens though.

@Kowalski: eh, I can just make it cTC or CtC or Ctc or cTc or...

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