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The Legion Foreign Affairs Announcement

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In response to PoF DoE, The Legion has this announcement to make. PoF is made up of former friends and members and it gives me pleasure to make this announcement.


PoF the Magic Dragon

The Legion-Paladins of Freedom Protectorate Agreement


The Legion and the Paladins of Freedom (PoF) hereby agree to the terms of protection and friendship laid out by this treaty.

Article I – Conduct:

Members of both the Legion and the Paladins of Freedom shall show respect and appropriate conduct towards each other.

Article II – Non-Aggression:

The Legion and PoF agree to not engage in either espionage or any acts of war that lead to warfare.

Article III – Assistance:

The Legion is encouraged to assist the Paladins of Freedom into building a vibrant economy through the use of tech deals and assisting in setting up trade circles with the Paladins of Freedom's purple sphere nations. The Paladins of Freedom are encouraged to give the Legion secondary preference (only behind the Paladins of Freedom) of PoF tech sellers.

Article IV – Protection:

The Legion agrees to and promises the protection of PoF against any rogue attacks and unprovoked wars of aggression. Members of the Paladins of Freedom are highly encouraged, but not required to assist in any way against a rogue nation or foreign alliance who has committed an act of war (whether it is an unauthorized attack or a declaration) against the Legion.

Article V – Tech Raiding:

The Legion and Paladins of Freedom recognize that any war that arises due to tech raiding shall be considered a provoked act of aggression and nullifies Article IV. Because of this, the Paladins of Freedom hereby agree that there shall be no tech raiding of any nations.

Article VI – Intelligence:

Should either the Legion or PoF come across any information that indicates a threat to the security of one another, they shall inform the other alliance through private channels within 24 hours.

Article VII – Government access:

The Paladins of Freedom shall grant two members of the Legion government level access on its forum for the duration of this treaty. PoF shall give their recommendations as to who advises PoF but the Legion is not required to use the reccomendations set forth by the Paladins of Freedom but they are encouraged to accept them.

Article VIII – Reporting of Treaties:

The Paladins of Freedom is inclined to report to the Legion all treaties proposed. The Legion must give their consent before any treaty can be passed and the Legion is free to make any reccomendations about the wording of the treaty before the Paladins of Freedom sign it.

Article IX – Cancellation:

This treaty may be canceled at the discretion of either the Legion or the Paladins of Freedom. The canceling party is required to give the opposite alliance 72 hours of notice beforehand. If the Legion commits a grave violation of the spirit of the treaty, the Paladins of Freedom reserves the right of canceling the protectorate agreement immediately. The Legion reserves the same right if the Paladins of Freedom commit a grave violation of the spirit of the treaty.

Signed for the Legion,

Imperial, Imperator

Hubb, Proconsul

King William IV, Minister of Foreign Affairs

totem, Minister of Defense

Iron Wolf, Minister of Internal Affairs

SIWELCELA, Minister of Economics

Signed for the Paladins of Freedom,

Badbrownies, The Xammux, Speaker of the Gods, Prophet of Bahamut

Megametal26, The Xammux, Enforcer of the Will, Prophet of Fharlaghn

Mayeram, The Xammux, Prophet of Avandra, Prophet of the Raven Queen

Mercs2foru, The Xammux, Prophet of the Raven Queen

Dexter, The Xammux, Prophet of Ioun

BIGz, The Xammux, Prophet of Erathis

tl;dr-PoF is protected by The Legion, any war on them is a war on us

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o/ Legion

o/ PoF

I thank Legion...

And thank you all for the welcome.


Prophet of Erathis

6th Seat of the Xammux

of the Paladins of Freedom :)

Edited by BIGz
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I wish to personally thank the Legion for taking us under their wing and signing this Protectorate. Hopefully, we will never have to drag you guys into a war but here is the first step to a beautiful friendship :)

Salva Sociatas

Salva Legio

Salva Liberatas

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