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Cowardice shall be Rewarded


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I had not considered that...

I couldn't resist the joke, you know my thoughts on abandoning my allies, and so does everyone else, if I wasn't in anarchy I'd help those wonderful guys over at ML in destroying him.

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I'm pretty sure if I was fighting an overwhelming juggernaut such as Karma, I'd be inclined to surrender too. Take it easy on him.

Doesnt matter you stay through the good you roll with the bad

How unreasonable of him to surrender in the face of massively overwhelming odds instead of continuing a pointless war he may or may not agree with.

You agreed to support your alliance when you signed up so in your world your word is only good during good times and when things go bad you can have take backs.

Im pretty sure he wont be comming back here ML if i can help in anyway let me know.

o/ ML

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If you bare the name Molon Labe, it is symbolic of being a member of the most badass hardcore group in the game. Surrender and desertion are not part of it.

Basically it is like signing up and pledging loyalty to an alliance named Never Give up. You know what you're getting into.

It's not often I agree with you mhawk, but this is one of those rare times when I do.

I suggested to the rest of NSO government that we keep this guy locked up in wars so we can farm his tech and land, but I think that honor will likely go to Molon Labe.

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*mpol starts to mumble something about 'irony', but stops in mid-mumble when the pron he's watching takes an interesting turn.

Who knew you could do that with a hammer?

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Considering his screen name, are you guys sure he didn't just wander off because he saw a cat wander by and wanted to pet it? Or maybe saw some rocks that he thought looked like Twinkies?

Perhaps he doesn't feel that his nation should be sacrificed for a cause that he does not agree with.

I'm actually one of those sick people who has never thought that personal morality should automatically be trumped by loyalty to one's alliance, and that when your alliance does something you consider to be stupid or immoral, you either do your damnedest to talk everyone else out of doing it, or you make a statement by leaving.

That being said, it's not as if the treaty that brought ML into the war is NEW. Anyone with half a brain KNEW exactly what ML heading into a global war was going to mean and which side they'd wind up on long before this war ever started. If he honestly objected on moral grounds, he could have left LONG ago. When it was actually, you know, honorable.

Instead, he stayed and fought until it looked like the alliance was screwed, then bailed. I actually have less respect for that than I do for people who join an alliance and parrot the party line no matter how reprehensible out of a twisted belief that loyalty alone somehow justifies everything.

Shoot traitors.

Oh God, the Tzar virus is spreading. Quick, we must cleanse it with fire before we are all tainted!

Edited by Näktergal
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He signed to protect ML, even to ZI- he is a traitor and coward.

Err.. Protect ML? I thought you guys were fighting to protect TPF who are fighting to protect NPO's war of aggression against OV?

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It's not often I agree with you mhawk, but this is one of those rare times when I do.

I suggested to the rest of NSO government that we keep this guy locked up in wars so we can farm his tech and land, but I think that honor will likely go to Molon Labe.

I guided the nation in question through the procedure of surrendering via the individual Karma surrender terms. He is in the process of complying and has already peaced out his war with MK. I've informed MK and NSO of this nation's case and so I presume NSO will be peacing out their wars with him too. After all, NSO went to war with this guy in defense of MK and so the fact that MK has seemingly accepted his surrender should be enough for NSO to give him peace too.

Remember everyone that as a Karma POW this nation is protected by the forces of Karma, provided that he sticks to the surrender terms. Whether you like it or not, he has surrendered in a manner that is deemed acceptable to Karma. Not that I'm defending his actions morally speaking (still a coward for desertion), but we should let him have his peace now.

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He did not surrender, he abandoned MOLON LABE after swearing to go to ZI if need be. He changed his AA to "NOT ML"

But now he has KARMA POW.

Yeah, I believe he was confused. He was in "NOT ML" before I spoke to him as to the proper procedure for surrendering. In my messages with him, it appeared that he simply was unaware of the process and felt that saying "NOT ML" was the best way to surrender. I won't judge him for that, but he's properly surrendered now which is all that matters.

That said, he's still a coward.

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*mpol starts to mumble something about 'irony', but stops in mid-mumble when the pron he's watching takes an interesting turn.

Who knew you could do that with a hammer?

Irony does have a certain way of making it's rounds. Good luck with the pron, hope you don't hurt yourself.

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Remember everyone that as a Karma POW this nation is protected by the forces of Karma, provided that he sticks to the surrender terms. Whether you like it or not, he has surrendered in a manner that is deemed acceptable to Karma. Not that I'm defending his actions morally speaking (still a coward for desertion), but we should let him have his peace now.

It does not, however, protect him from future retribution once terms come to an end. Or prevent other alliances from looking on him poorly in the future.

After all, one has to ask, if he abandoned one alliance, how can the next one trust him to stay when times get tough? And if he's just a fair-weather member, what value does he really bring?

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Honestly, NSO has no beef with him, other than being highly disgusting by his cowardice.

But just to point out, just because the fellow surrendered to Karma doesn't release him from the wrath of Molon Labe, especially once this war is over.

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You dont make the demands ML

Justice, or Just us?

This is a matter that would need to be resolved between the alliance and the player.

As a NSO poster pointed out, this does not excuse him from what he's done to ML.

Traitors are dispicable, and I'm sure this will be handled in its own way.

Edited by caligula
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You guys are just embarassing yourselves now.

Agreed. NSO is showing a side of old as well. (The rulers old side anyways.) Have fun I guess...the ruler name is indeed ironic, cause some bullies are honestly doing exactly what they would do IRL.

For the record, I have never entered peace mode or left an alliance during a beatdown...and trust me, I've been beat down a few times.

EDIT: Surrendering does not make you a traitor. Just a wimp.

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