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Avalon Issues a Declaration of War

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Royal Proclamation Decreeing a State of War


Assembled Rulers Greetings,

Avalon swore an Oath of Brotherhood to our friends at The Phoenix Federation, pledging to answer their calls for aid should the cause be just. Today we announce that the honourable Phoenix Federation has made just such a request for us to uphold our sacred bond, which Avalon found to be in good faith and for a moral cause. Thus at the mutual decision of Avalon and The Phoenix Federation Avalon hereby issues this proclamation declaring that a state of war now exists between our island nation and the alliance of Poison Clan.

Given the nature of the world conflict and the strain upon the Phoenix's resources at the moment, as well as the very dubious nature of the attacks upon them despite a Non-Aggression Pact with the Poison Clan we the Lords of Avalon agreed that this is a matter of honour in answering our brothers call. However we also recognize the long intertwined and tumultuous history between the Poison Clan and The Phoenix Federation, thus know the trust shown to us by a request to involve ourselves in a conflict so personal as to only be known in civil strife. We strive to treat the situation with the delicacy and respect it deserves.

In the prosecution of this war Avalon seeks one goal only, the cessation of attacks by Poison clan upon The Phoenix Federation. The moment this is achieved shall be a joyous one as that is the moment that peace can once again settle upon our shores. May Admin have mercy upon us all, may the Mods in heaven guide and protect both sides in this conflict, bringing a swift victory to the just.

Long Live The Phoenix Federation!

Long Live Avalon!

Long Live Poison Clan!

Mods Save the King!

Decreed in the year of our Mods and Holy Admin Kevin, this day April 27, 2009 by His Royal Lordship and Supreme Majesty,

King Air4ce1Jr, Sovereign of all Avalon

Signed for the Prime Minister of His Majesty's Government:[/b]

First Lord of Avalon, Subotai, Lord of Blades of Shadow

Signed for the Foreign Office of His Majesty's Government:

Foreign Secretary, SyndicatedINC, Lord of Schwertbruder

Signed for the Houses of Avalon by the Home Office:

Lord High Chancellor, Procantor Zarquon, Lord of Eisstaat

To our brothers in The Phoenix Federation, the cavalry has arrived!


To our opponents across the battlefield we offer caek of the yellow uranium kind:


To our fellow Avalonians remember we stick together no matter what:


edit: improved flag image

Edited by SyndicatedINC
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Welcome to the fray!

Also, that is one ugly flag you got there, no offense...

heh, that is our battle ensign flag that i finished making today. I'm not the best graphics artist.

I gladly will lay down my infra for avalon and our friends.

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o/ Avalon

May Arthur lead you to victory. Oh, your flag should definitely feature Avalon and Exalibur crossed, if possible. If you can't find a historical depiction of Avalon, you can always go for Fate/stay night, Avalon's pretty kickass there. Good luck with Poison Clan, way to come to TPF's aid!

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Let me be the first to welcome you to ruin! Have a seat, there is cake.

TPF, why are you throwing them under the bus?

The cake is appreciated, and we're perfectly capable of throwing ourselves under the bus, thank you very much; at least for a just cause.

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