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Soldier Announcement

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If there were something substantial here I wouldn't be arguing this case. However, the fact that Soldier, an alliance that more than likely will not have more than a handful of POW's, feels it necessary to declare this sort of policy is beyond my understanding. Should the OWF be filled with nothing but how alliances are dealing with POW's? Should it be filled with nothing but specific policies enacted by every alliance? I simply feel that the number of people affected by this announcement is so small that it doesn't warrant a post.

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Aww man, Soldier must be one swell alliance!

Seriously though, being the good guys is our thing. When you do it, it just looks dumb.

What you said! :)

“Whether you like it or not, ... you're a national figure after five games at Notre Dame.” - Ara Parseghian

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Wasn't Enigma a TPF protectorate? Also, I was a witness to that IRC fight, and Soldier started it. Next try, please?

Actually it started when AUT made a joke that was taken the wrong way by RoK, which led to much posturing and weight throwing on the part of Rok.

However, as magic already said it doesn't matter who started it, only what happened after.

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Hizzy can you tell me why Soldier would need PR points? Sure we're on the "wrong" side of the war. We had treaty obligations. This person said they were not interested in war or politics and didn't even know about the war until she was attacked. I can't justify keeping someone like that. No one could.

This is a policy statement that we aren't gonna keep people sitting needlessly at PoW status for months while we're at war. I seriously don't think it's fair and if I was in her position I don't think I'd like it one bit if I were made to sit there with no community for months. Odds are in that case a younger nation would quit. I'm not out to do that to people.

I know it's pretty much been answered by others but I find it rude to ignore someone who addresses me directly (sleeping).

The way you brought it up makes it seem like you're more interested in showing people that you're a nice guy than actually letting innocent PoW's go.

1 PoW is hardly worth an announcement.


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I know it's pretty much been answered by others but I find it rude to ignore someone who addresses me directly (sleeping).

The way you brought it up makes it seem like you're more interested in showing people that you're a nice guy than actually letting innocent PoW's go.

1 PoW is hardly worth an announcement.


I am a nice guy. I don't need to try to show it. I just do what I do.

ooc: Indeed

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Good announcement, honorable decision. o/

This is not the focus of the announcement. There was one sentence where you mentioned it and the rest was about how awesome you are for letting that nation go and how undefined other alliances have different policies. +1 for the policy. -1 for tooting your own horn.

Nobody's going to toot it for them. :)

If there were something substantial here I wouldn't be arguing this case. However, the fact that Soldier, an alliance that more than likely will not have more than a handful of POW's, feels it necessary to declare this sort of policy is beyond my understanding. Should the OWF be filled with nothing but how alliances are dealing with POW's? Should it be filled with nothing but specific policies enacted by every alliance? I simply feel that the number of people affected by this announcement is so small that it doesn't warrant a post.

Just chill out and stop trolling, man. :D They did something nice, give 'em a pat on the back and resume blowing !@#$ up.

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Well done!

Just remember that you released her yourself, in case WTF should enter the war on the for you wrong side.

I don't even think we've made a statement of neutrality for this war let alone intend on entering it. What reason would we have to get involved in someone else's fight?

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