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NADC Declaration of War

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I don't really see the connection. Zenith is attacking PC and getting attacked by Argent and RAD. PC is already getting hit by a number of alliances, and that was an offensive war. Argent and RAD are only battling Zenith. Attacking Argent would take more heat off of Zenith than attacking RAD, no offense to my RAD allies. It's not about a 1v1 fight, it's about what could cause the greater benefit to your allies.

Then again, and this hasn't been said yet, I could understand you attacking RAD since Argent is MDP'd with TOP, one of the only large alliances NOT in the war yet.

Let it be known that NADC was ready to fully honour their treaty (an ODP, mind) with Zenith, but that Zenith specifically asked for Argent not to be declared upon. The connection with TOP might have played a role. ;)

NADC have been nothing but very honourable allies and I hope that, no matter which side you are on, people can respect that.

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And to those that would seek to discredit NADC's target selection based on some mathematical values wherein an alliance of X size must declare on an alliance of Y size or larger, please feel free to drop a a few hundred war slots off of Pacifica, since you people obviously want a 1v1 fight across the board.

If you're going to preach about a fair fight, then you should be willing to fight one.

The Lady wins the thread. Well said.

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Why not attack an alliance thats actually a threat? (sorry RAD but you ARE small) Trying to save some of your precious pixels NADC?

That could have been said about RAD, Argent, IS, Umbrella who are declared on Zenith. I think we're outnumbered a fair few. But hey, you didn't see us !@#$%*ing!

In our small part to play in this war, thanks to NADC for honourably even things out a little bit.

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Why not attack an alliance thats actually a threat? (sorry RAD but you ARE small) Trying to save some of your precious pixels NADC?

Reading comprehension fail. Retry in 3...2...1...

Hint: My post explaining this is on the same page as your post I just quoted. I know you'll find it. Read it several times if you have a problem understanding. If that doesn't help, you can always PM me or find me in #zenith on coldfront. Good day!

Edited by Suvorov
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Wait, TOP stopped NADC declaring on us?

Who'd have thought allies willing to back you up would actually be a hindrance? :awesome:

No respect to any involved, it's just that I forgot I can't attack anybody while in nuke anarchy. <_< I'm kinda bored with one war. :P

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You should not talk about things of which you do not know. This is coming from the NADC diplomat at the time who spent several sleepless nights talking Egore into joining GUARD.

The GUARD admissions vote didn't get a chance to finish before the war started, and NADC had no treaties with Viridia. Come find me if you want more details.

I assure you, I was in the thick of the discussions with GUARD leadership at the time. I was at the time Deputy Capo of War & Defense for ONOS, practically running the entire War Department for the Capo. I was basically ONOS's military attache to GUARD. I'm probably still listed as a member on the old GUARD boards. Check it out for yourself. Viridia had applied to GUARD, and at LEAST one of the alliances involved had a policy to protect applicants to their alliance. ONOS. We considered protecting Viridia until the final admission vote was the Right Thing to do based on our policy at the time.

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I assure you, I was in the thick of the discussions with GUARD leadership at the time. I was at the time Deputy Capo of War & Defense for ONOS, practically running the entire War Department for the Capo. I was basically ONOS's military attache to GUARD. I'm probably still listed as a member on the old GUARD boards. Check it out for yourself. Viridia had applied to GUARD, and at LEAST one of the alliances involved had a policy to protect applicants to their alliance. ONOS. We considered protecting Viridia until the final admission vote was the Right Thing to do based on our policy at the time.

HAY! i remember when that happend. completely irrelevant for me though

NADC have been nothing but very honourable allies and I hope that, no matter which side you are on, people can respect that.

roflcake, this is CN. where lol wut is the most common response to the word "respect"

Edited by lolinfected
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Because you know, Karma is all about fighting their targets 1-on-1, right? :rolleyes:

NADC: 14.75 Score, 3,869k NS

RAD Score: 3.66 Score, 940k NS

Not saying that Karma doesn't have a strength advantage in some of their wars, but this is just silly.

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