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Everything posted by Tankz

  1. Ro-oh looks like TPF is going to be in for a surprise soon.
  2. Why not attack an alliance thats actually a threat? (sorry RAD but you ARE small) Trying to save some of your precious pixels NADC?
  3. Anyone who calls these guys nazis has s*** for brains and should be nuked into oblivion for such a comment. TCB/IS
  4. I bet Nick and Joque sure regret deleting their old nations now. Nonetheless kick butt and take names. o/ IS
  5. Can you clarify? What exactly is so scandelous about cancelling the Writ de Credo? I thought the entire thing was just an NAP
  6. So you've decided to declare on a member of the Citadel? Brilliant Political Move
  7. Did someone forget to invite IRON to the party?
  8. This war was to happen regardless, didn't TPF have target lists ready to hit a large pink alliance? 'nuff said
  9. Tankz


    These alliances didn't even cancel all their treaties with NPO, I expect them to pull a Echelon and declare together by update shocking everyone. Clearly depending on the veil of surprise to dispatch their enemies.
  10. Iron/Lumber here Message me ingame when you have the trade circle ready
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