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Dispatch from the Greater German Reich.


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On the television screen, the German Triad appears. Slowly, it begins to fade out, revealing the face of Scolar Visari

War. War seems to be action used when there is a disagreement. When will man stop going to war over frivolous things? Frivolous things such as border disputes, ideologies and most recently land. Yes, war over land which does not even belong to them but to the state. Yes, Mariehamm Republic I am speaking of you. You claim to be for peace and justice; yet, you want to send tanks over a land dispute. You want to send the sons and daughters of your nation to death over land. How sad, how irresponsible, how ignorant. Yet with all this, I am not surprised. You have become so diluted in your own lies; I would say you're now in an alternate world. Others would call it a fantasy or a delusion. Some would disagree with me but with how you ramble on about ethnic cleansing and racism, without any substantial evidence just shows your insanity.

Ethnic cleansing? do you even know what that word means? Let me define it for you.

Ethnic Cleansing - The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide.

First. Give me atleast one shred of evidence to support your claim of ethnic cleansing? In the Reich, all ethnic groups are created equal, wether they live in Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Denmark and Moscow. All are given equal job and educational opportunities. Ethnic cleansing? Comrade Uberstein, if we were so hellbent on the destruction of other ethnic minorites, we wouldn't have granted sovereignty to the Republic of Serbia.

But you ignore this? It seems so. Such is the man who lives in his own fantasy.

2. The NC is aggressive.

The Nordic Confederacy is aggressive? We're only aggressive when we're defending our people, our lands, and our rights. Comrade Baron, it is YOU, who declared war. Yet, we're aggressive? I pray for your people, since they are on the highway to hell with you in a leadership position.

When I became Kaiser of the German Reich, I promised one thing. Peace for Europa and Germania. I will keep that promise. Therefore as of today, I am decreeing the following.

The Greater German Reich will NOT respond to Mariehamm's Declaration of War. We will ignore it. We will not allow innocent civilians to die under unnecessary reasons. We will not.

Uberstein, I only hope that you come to your senses. For you and your people's safety.

The screen fades away, slowly, turning into The Reichsadler


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War. War seems to be action used when there is a disagreement. When will man stop going to war over frivolous things? Frivolous things such as border disputes, ideologies and most recently land. Yes, war over land which does not even belong to them but to the state. Yes, Mariehamm Republic I am speaking of you. You claim to be for peace and justice; yet, you want to send tanks over a land dispute. You want to send the sons and daughters of your nation to death over land. How sad, how irresponsible, how ignorant. Yet with all this, I am not surprised. You have become so diluted in your own lies; I would say you're now in an alternate world. Others would call it a fantasy or a delusion. Some would disagree with me but with how you ramble on about ethnic cleansing and racism, without any substantial evidence just shows your insanity.

And yet, this occurred because YOU invaded Uberstein's estate in the first place. If you hadn't done that, and simply left the estate alone, you wouldn't have to contend with that right now. This is only our observation.

First. Give me atleast one shred of evidence to support your claim of ethnic cleansing? In the Reich, all ethnic groups are created equal, wether they live in Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Denmark and Moscow. All are given equal job and educational opportunities. Ethnic cleansing? Comrade Uberstein, if we were so hellbent on the destruction of other ethnic minorites, we wouldn't have granted sovereignty to the Republic of Serbia.

How do we know if it's not propaganda?

But you ignore this? It seems so. Such is the man who lives in his own fantasy.

Interesting. How is he living in a fantasy when he did what he believed was right? Is forcing peace through war not a fantasy?

2. The NC is aggressive.

The Nordic Confederacy is aggressive? We're only aggressive when we're defending our people, our lands, and our rights. Comrade Baron, it is YOU, who declared war. Yet, we're aggressive? I pray for your people, since they are on the highway to hell with you in a leadership position.

When I became Kaiser of the German Reich, I promised one thing. Peace for Europa and Germania. I will keep that promise.

Finally, you admit it. The NC is aggressive, yes. As such as the invasion of Slavorussia, which you with your friends invaded for no apparent reason, other than 'Nordlandic revenge' and whatnots. Now you take over Uberstein's harmless estate with force? How is an estate going to do harm to the Greater German Reich? Once again, our observation.

The Greater German Reich will NOT respond to Mariehamm's Declaration of War. We will ignore it. We will not allow innocent civilians to die under unnecessary reasons. We will not.

Highly ironic.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The words of Scolar Visari couldn’t be anymore true than they are right now. When Mariehamm invaded Gebiv to take their land they… wait…

When Marieham eliminated the Andorians… no that’s not right

When Mariehamm nuked the hansa… oh wait that’s not right either

When Mariehamm invaded Slavorussia and occupied Moscow… no, that wasn’t Mariehamm either

The CAF withdraws the original statement.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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War. War seems to be action used when there is a disagreement. When will man stop going to war over frivolous things? Frivolous things such as border disputes, ideologies and most recently land. Yes, war over land which does not even belong to them but to the state. Yes, Mariehamm Republic I am speaking of you.

I tought you were speaking of the Nordic Coalition

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You are all very clever with your use of sarcasm, the lowest form of wit, in your official national statements.

The WNSR would like to address a point right here and now, that of ethnic cleansing. We do not, nor have we ever, nor shall we ever, participate in ethnic cleansing or genocidal activities. Under the principles and laws of Nordic Socialism, all people and peoples are created equal, there is no difference between the black man, the Jew, the Russian, the Chinese man, and the European other than physical complexion. Intolerance is one of the five chief enemies of Nordsoc, and it is an offense which the Emperor deals with personally.

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You are all very clever with your use of sarcasm, the lowest form of wit, in your official national statements.

The WNSR would like to address a point right here and now, that of ethnic cleansing. We do not, nor have we ever, nor shall we ever, participate in ethnic cleansing or genocidal activities. Under the principles and laws of Nordic Socialism, all people and peoples are created equal, there is no difference between the black man, the Jew, the Russian, the Chinese man, and the European other than physical complexion. Intolerance is one of the five chief enemies of Nordsoc, and it is an offense which the Emperor deals with personally.

Oh, how wonderful propaganda is, eh?

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The Nordic Confederacy is aggressive? We're only aggressive when we're defending our people, our lands, and our rights. Comrade Baron, it is YOU, who declared war. Yet, we're aggressive? I pray for your people, since they are on the highway to hell with you in a leadership position.
“Defending your people and rights somehow involves consistently initiating hostilities on you neighbors? I find this incredibly unlikely.

The Central Asian Federation and Republic of New England are correct in their respective assessments of the Greater German Reich & Nordic Confederation allies; you are the people who massacred the Andorians, stared the Great European War, nuked Helsinki, turned the European continent into a wasteland, plunged the world into nuclear winter, and invaded Slavorussia for revenge’s sake, and attacked the residence of a foreign leader in a time of peace. . . I’m finding it increasingly difficult to trust your intentions.

Ethnic cleansing? do you even know what that word means? Let me define it for you.

Ethnic Cleansing - The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide.

First. Give me at least one shred of evidence to support your claim of ethnic cleansing?

When you aided and abetted in the genocide of the Andorians, if you did it then how can we know you’re not doing it now?


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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How do we know if it's not propaganda?

You can send observers, if you wish. You'll see in Germania, all people are created equal.

Finally, you admit it. The NC is aggressive, yes. As such as the invasion of Slavorussia, which you with your friends invaded for no apparent reason, other than 'Nordlandic revenge' and whatnots. Now you take over Uberstein's harmless estate with force? How is an estate going to do harm to the Greater German Reich? Once again, our observation.

Tell me this, if you were threatened with possible action from another bloc, what would you do? Also, as the estate was IN the Reich, we had every right to reprocess it. Indeed, our laws dictate our stance on private property.All individuals have the right to own private property in the Reich. However, the government shall have the power to regulate the use of private property for the good of the State or if the individual is performing actions against the laws of the state. That is taken directly from the Reich Law Concerning the Use of Private Property. Indeed, don't communist have the same guidelines? Although I believe they are more strict in that the individual doesn't own the land or the house on it.

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In such a case, would you not require a reason to invade the premise and assault those within? As far as I know Mariehamm has not before committed any offenses against the Reich. Working off of this, there is also no reason for the Reich's Government to "Regulate" said private property.

With Troops.

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-Official Dispatch from Astrakhan World Services-

While we can understand you taking control of the estate we however consider the arrest of in essence a Diplomat an illegal act and justifying reasonable repairs or War. Regarding the claim of ethnic cleansing. While you might not conduct ethnic cleansing in the traditional sense it is clear you are brainwashing citizens to believe in your utopia where all races are the same. Fact proving this is you could have occupied Slavorussia so fast while the citizens fought against it before and sources prove have done so after the surrender. This makes us believe you conduct ethnic cleansing in a modern way by making people believe they are all the same and erasing thousands of years of history. As such we stand by our point, every nation conducting these practices can be considered conducting Ethnic Cleansing. You are welcome to prove us wrong.

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-Official Dispatch from Astrakhan World Services-

While we can understand you taking control of the estate we however consider the arrest of in essence a Diplomat an illegal act and justifying reasonable repairs or War. Regarding the claim of ethnic cleansing. While you might not conduct ethnic cleansing in the traditional sense it is clear you are brainwashing citizens to believe in your utopia where all races are the same. Fact proving this is you could have occupied Slavorussia so fast while the citizens fought against it before and sources prove have done so after the surrender. This makes us believe you conduct ethnic cleansing in a modern way by making people believe they are all the same and erasing thousands of years of history. As such we stand by our point, every nation conducting these practices can be considered conducting Ethnic Cleansing. You are welcome to prove us wrong.

First, Fredrick Von Uberstein was not an official diplomat to the Reich. He was never confirmed to be one, and he never contacted the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs for his diplomatic credentials. If he was a diplomatic, we would have taken the proper precautions and revoked his diplomatic status. However, since he was a foreign national under investigation for the distribution of anti-german propaganda, we took the appropriate actions. Tell us, what would you have done? You have a government to the north who is hell bent on your destruction, and you also have your people being prosecuted and kicked out of other countries, such as Azerbaijan, for simply being German. This world has become increasingly hostile to people of the European ethnicity. Yet, they tell us we are killing millions in "genocide". Nothing but hypocrisy. Look at yourselves in the mirror before you judge us.

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This world has become increasingly hostile to people of the European ethnicity.

A note: There is no "European ethnicity". That's only the imagination of you, Martens and some others.

Yet, they tell us we are killing millions in "genocide". Nothing but hypocrisy. Look at yourselves in the mirror before you judge us.

Nobody is saying that you are killing people.

You are being accused of destroying the culture of these people, not the people themselves. That is a great difference.

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who massacred the Andorians, stared the Great European War, nuked Helsinki, turned the European continent into a wasteland, plunged the world into nuclear winter, and invaded Slavorussia for revenge's sake, and attacked the residence of a foreign leader in a time of peace. . . I'm finding it increasingly difficult to trust your intentions.

When you aided and abetted in the genocide of the Andorians, if you did it then how can we know you're not doing it now?

You have a government to the north who is hell bent on your destruction, and you also have your people being prosecuted and kicked out of other countries, such as Azerbaijan, for simply being German. This world has become increasingly hostile to people of the European ethnicity. Yet, they tell us we are killing millions in "genocide". Nothing but hypocrisy. Look at yourselves in the mirror before you judge us.

In your mind only. Any anger directed at you is earned through the Nordic nations' past actions.

A: The near extermination of the Andonians.

B: Initiation of the Great European War

C: The nuking of Helsinki

D: Turning Europe into a radioactive Wasteland for a time

E: Invaded Slavorussia for reasons ambiguous at best, blatantly false at worst.

F: Attacked the residence of a foreign national who had done nothing to provke the attack, during a time of peace.

Please note that not all these actions are the German's responsibility. However, between them selves, all these actions can be traced to the Member states of the Nordic Coalition.

Do you still wonder why the world hates you?

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Mariehamm is proving how unstable of a leader Uberstein is yet again. While we do not necessarily approve of the Nordic Coalition's actions as of late, Mariehamm is a danger to peace and stability and Europe and is seeking to end the Pax Germania that has recently been imposed over Europe.

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This world has become increasingly hostile to people of the European ethnicity. Yet, they tell us we are killing millions in "genocide". Nothing but hypocrisy. Look at yourselves in the mirror before you judge us.

You killed thousands during the Slavorussian war, and the world is becoming increasingly hostile to those who claim to be nordic.

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Mariehamm is proving how unstable of a leader Uberstein is yet again. While we do not necessarily approve of the Nordic Coalition's actions as of late, Mariehamm is a danger to peace and stability and Europe and is seeking to end the Pax Germania that has recently been imposed over Europe.

OOC: Pax Germania?

The only reason there is peace is because they killed everyone else. :awesome:

/that's what my IC person would say if I had land :v:

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OOC: And that's any different than Pax Brittainia or Pax Romana?

OOC: You see, all empires rise to their greatest extent (often enforcing peace through force in 'Pax [insert name]'), but then they decline and eventually fall.

This is no exception. :awesome:

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OOC: You see, all empires rise to their greatest extent (often enforcing peace through force in 'Pax [insert name]'), but then they decline and eventually fall.

This is no exception. :awesome:

OOC: Me has exception! Pax America.

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Mariehamm is proving how unstable of a leader Uberstein is yet again. While we do not necessarily approve of the Nordic Coalition's actions as of late, Mariehamm is a danger to peace and stability and Europe and is seeking to end the Pax Germania that has recently been imposed over Europe.

How exactly does one impose peace?

OOC: we shoot you if you're not happy and content?

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In your mind only. Any anger directed at you is earned through the Nordic nations' past actions.

A: The near extermination of the Andonians.

B: Initiation of the Great European War

C: The nuking of Helsinki

D: Turning Europe into a radioactive Wasteland for a time

E: Invaded Slavorussia for reasons ambiguous at best, blatantly false at worst.

F: Attacked the residence of a foreign national who had done nothing to provke the attack, during a time of peace.

Please note that not all these actions are the German's responsibility. However, between them selves, all these actions can be traced to the Member states of the Nordic Coalition.

Do you still wonder why the world hates you?

We agree with the Promise Land’s representative on all of the previous points.

Right now it’s the word of the Greater German Reich against that of the Mariehamm Republic, and I’m not inclined to believe the Greater German Reich (regardless of Uberstein’s alleged instability).

How exactly does one impose peace?
Through the Barrel of a gun, it’s not peace it’s tyranny.
You killed thousands during the Slavorussian war, and the world is becoming increasingly hostile to those who claim to be nordic.
The Azerbaijanis are somewhat correct in this regard. Trust is earned and cultivated through actions not words, the world would be more receptive to Nordic interests if Nordic interests were more receptive to the world.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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