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Is the Phoenix still hungry?


The fate of the TPF  

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The call was mine, not my alliances, not my gov.

WOW how times change, mhawk, you have said many times, an alliance is responsible for the actions of their leader, after all its their choice to vote them in leadership or follow them.

TPF was once a respected alliance, how ever times change.

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WOW how times change, mhawk, you have said many times, an alliance is responsible for the actions of their leader, after all its their choice to vote them in leadership or follow them.

TPF was once a respected alliance, how ever times change.

Then my action was to fight to the last immediately against the enemies of NPO. Then they need to be judged as such. Sparta has no room to talk in this situation given their glee at hitting their long time allies.

Sparta was once a friend, how times change.

Edited by mhawk
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For what it's worth Crohl:

1. I'm retired from gov and mostly from CN (in case you haven't noticed).

2. I was asleep for 2 hours when the crap hit the fan and mhawk resigned.

3. Remaining TPF Gov decided to go in anyway about an hour after mhawk's resignation.

4. Mhawk had one rule when he took over TPF, that is we ride with Pacifica come hell or highwater. We discussed the options before the war broke out and I knew where he'd fall...what I did NOT know is that he would choose to make an example in the manner he did. He's admitted that was a mistake.

5. I was livid when I logged in in the morning and saw what happened. I was about to go rogue on people on the other side or switch AA to NPO and fight. I wasn't the only one. The other Embers were going to do the same thing.

6. I stayed when mhawk returned.

Do I know why mhawk did what he did? Not really. I think in the heat of the moment, emotion overwhelmed reason. He's the leader of TPF...if he said we went in, we'd go in...and even those that were sqeamish about doing so, would follow.

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He was decent enough to leave CN without logdumping. He served as your right hand man for how long? And still you have no problem with spitting on his grave. I'm sorry if I don't trust EC, Wing, or Kilkenny as valid character witnesses, you'll have to excuse me for that.

Plus, proof please? Why do I need to ask other people? Geopet's problems were with you. EC Wing and Kilkenny were all in Atarax. You wanted them back, you had to convince them that you were the good guy and Geo was the bad guy. Of course you'd try to prove that he lied to them. I don't trust a word you say.

Query EC, Wing or Kilkenny. They have the proof.

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You say that like its a bad thing. I do enjoy the hatertots

Look who's talking.

I know who you are for one reason and one reason alone, the grudge you've been pursuing all this time. When you attack, I have a good feeling that many of your targets will know you for only the same reason. With the power you've saved up for this thundering show-of-angst you could just as easily do good for any of the alliances you've been in, by amounts that would rival entire wars worth of damage done.

Instead you are becoming exactly what your hate is directed to. You're leaving allies in a time of great need, and taking deliberate actions that could severely worsen the outcome of a major war for them.

Edited by Senes
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To those who still continue to claim you did not attempt to ditch the NPO. We've all read the logs from #Hegemony. We've all read the MCXA DoW where they admited you only tried to save your own skin. For once in your lives, tell the truth. You're not fooling anyone.

Edited by der_ko
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To those who still continue to claim you did not attempt to ditch the NPO. We've all read the logs from #Hegemony. We've all read the MCXA DoW where they admited you only tried to save your own skin. For once in your lives, tell the truth. You're not fooling anyone.

Who are you trying to convince, and of what?

If you're going to preach about honor then I challenge you to set an example that your opponents will see for themselves. You look as if you are carrying the war into every last part of your being, if you are confident and satisfied with this conflict then you should show it.

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Who are you trying to convince, and of what?

If you're going to preach about honor then I challenge you to set an example that your opponents will see for themselves. You look as if you are carrying the war into every last part of your being, if you are confident and satisfied with this conflict then you should show it.

Did you actually read that post? At all?

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Who are you trying to convince, and of what?

If you're going to preach about honor then I challenge you to set an example that your opponents will see for themselves. You look as if you are carrying the war into every last part of your being, if you are confident and satisfied with this conflict then you should show it.

Did you skim read or something... :huh:


Oh and MK has and will continue to set an example... :popcorn:

Edited by Affluenza
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Do you consider me reliable?

No, not really.

But, NPO was never going to attack us. Actually they were instrumental in getting TPF white peace once the OOC crap hit the fan. I believe ES can confirm this.

Yes, I am aware the NPO was never going to attack TPF. I was told that after I pushed for an attack. My point is that TPF had always planned to withdraw.

Slayer trying to save your reputation with moos is a bad thing?

Slayer looking out for greenacres? Really? Looks more like Slayer trying to save his own self to me.

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Except according to Mhawk, when he gauged the opinion of government certain members wanted to split. He did not want to and took a different route joining elysium. Even PeggySue made it clear in the logs you so conveniently ignore, there are cowards in your government(that's coming from a government member herself).

And you can go on all day about how you "did it to prove a point". But you didn't. Its clear to everyone you were trying to split and get out of this without damage. It backfired and now you're trying to spin things to make yourselves look honorable. You're a sham. You're lying to yourself if you think Moo or any NPO leadership are stupid enough to believe you.

I know for a FACT they are not. They will remember your actions and if you aren't destroyed here in this war, they'll have a hand in putting you down at a later time. I promise you that.

No to the bold sentence.

There were rumors going around regarding the confusing events leading up to the hours Mhawk spent away from TPF. I attempted to use that to spread disinformation when I querried you.

1) My move was monumentally stupid.

2) I was trying to do a job that is wisely given to other people.

3) I acted on my own.

4) I lied to you hoping you would tell others; I figured your audience would be Poison Clan.

5) Did I say my action was monumentally stupid?

6) I named no person in our chat. I offered to give names but none were ever mentioned.

I apologize to everyone in TPF, especially other gov members; I apologize to our allies that must have had WTF moments when the logs hit the OWF; I apologize to Mhawk for giving him a situation to deal with on top of the normal execution of wartime duties.

Wars are partially about spreading disinformation and I wanted to do my part to spread false info. to Poison Clan. Yes, I also thought they'd tell their allies that TPF was split.


I made a huge mistake.

TPF is cohesive and *to reference JBone's post* the members of TPF wanted to fight and there likely would have been a coup or revolt of some kind if Mhawk or government had stayed with the decision of cancelling the treaty.

My actions were my own and I'll stand up to comments, pressure, whatever. In the end it does not matter that I had good intentions; the end result is what matters and it turned into a mess.

I have proven that a member with a job should stick to that job and not attempt to do someone else's job.

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Gatherum shrugged.

So it seems some have problems with you, Crohl. I, for one, am neutral in regard to you, yourself.

Given The Phoenix Federation's history, however, I cannot say I find this unreasonable...admirable, even. That said, whether you are a known deserter or not, do as much damage as you can. And godspeed.

He smiled and bowed.

EDIT: As for you, Peggy_Sue, your defense seems as more of a façade than what naysayers seem to think Crohl's reasons for assailing TPF are. Good that you are willing to admit a mistake when made, but your words, they ring hollow to the ears.

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So Brandon, Seal and any others who were wondering, we, and I include myself in this, were not given the entire story. It was only after repeated demands (about a 2 weeks ago) to be told the whole truth, I was made aware of these facts.

However it is not what the other side likes to paint either. No master plan to bail. We would have never left the war if 404 had not been such a !@#$%.

The present govt of TPF had no part in these events and should not be associated with them in any way shape or form. Mhawk and co. are standup guys and I am proud to have them at the helm.

The old guard allowed this to take place, no one else.

I don't blame you JBone. As I've said before, TPF gov was far too much like an onion with layers upon layers. That led to it's own problems which I'm sure you remember.

I only supported the withdrawal due to the fact that Slayer's word and his honor were on the line. I was willing to go to ZI for both GOONS and \m/. I had lost a good portion of my infra fighting; it wouldn't have been too long to lose the rest. Hell, I might have even been a little angry since the rest of the Unjust Path just couldn't help but jump into the war.

For everything I've heard from Geopet and the various sundry repeaters on this forum; I've never been given proof. Let's see some the people who have/"had" the logs (or logs that showed TPF planned to leave). I now have 3 people who have "proof" of the alleged escape plan.

RV - I seem to remember you trolling TPF pretty hard after your exit from TPF. However, you regrettably got rid of the supposedly incriminating logs due to lack of space. I never really had a problem with space on my PC but whatever.

Electron Sponge - I seem to remember TPF being involved in the war against Polar awhile back. He's also a member of Vox Populi which, i think we can all agree, doesn't like TPF at all. I would have thought he would have released the logs long ago if only to tarnish slayer's image and being further stigma on TPF. Seems weird he would sit on those logs.

Geopet - Hate to add in this entry. After the not so civil split with TPF to form Atarax, I was informed that Slayer and Sponge had a plan to remove TPF. I asked for proof but never received any. If he has the logs, I'm fairly certain at the time that he would have given them to me.

At this point, who cares? It's long over and done with. It's just more proof that this community is now more based on hating your opponent and mocking them at every turn than friendship and fun. I know I wasn't told the whole story. Hell, most people usually don't get told the whole story for most anything in their life.

One of the few things I know is that I'm occasionally disgusted by the hatred I see on these forums. I can easily see why some players don't want to stick around. It's so toxic at times that even I can't stand it. Hopefully, this war can get some of this crappy attitude gone so people can start having fun again.

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RV - I seem to remember you trolling TPF pretty hard after your exit from TPF. However, you regrettably got rid of the supposedly incriminating logs due to lack of space. I never really had a problem with space on my PC but whatever.

My word is good and people know it. Plus, people already know that TPF was going to back out. Why should I be concerned with proving what people already know? My personal anecdote was merely to give further insight.

And to you, Peggy Sue, sure. If you insist. Call it "spreading disinformation" if you'd like, but no one is buying your implausible story. It's like TPF, IRON, and others claiming they were simply out to teach NPO a lesson, but were always going to go down for them. Right......

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