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The Order Of Light Announcement

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You're talking about ghost DoWs? I think they're pretty useful.
The Dark Templar activating Treaty with Poison Clan to allow them to hit TPF - When they werent even fighting yet? Enacting Military treaty to have TPF hit without fighting?

The Dark Templars stepping in to help Green Republic tackle TPF; and in accordance of their MDAP hitting SSSW18? This one I cant explain... Except that PC can choose who DT hit? Doesnt sit right with TOOL. Enacting an aggressive treaty against TPF?

DT hit alliances not even at war with PC, but that's cool, but TOOL coming into the war is ebil.

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DT hit alliances not even at war with PC, but that's cool, but TOOL coming into the war is ebil.

Didn't say it was evil, said I didn't like the rationale behind it I heard about. If TOOL genuinely thinks what DT did was wrong and chose to back up TPF as a result, my only dislike for this is from a partisan perspective.

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Didn't say it was evil, said I didn't like the rationale behind it I heard about. If TOOL genuinely thinks what DT did was wrong and chose to back up TPF as a result, my only dislike for this is from a partisan perspective.

My point is people on the karma side seem to think that anything that helps their side is ok, but anything that helps the hegemony side is wrong, and it bugs me.

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We activated an oA and they really wanted to come in for us. TOOL knew the score on this before the war began. It's moreso what I heard about grahamkeatley rather than his alliance defending TPF that makes me not like this.

I don't like your insinuation there.

Stick to what makes sense.

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My point is people on the karma side seem to think that anything that helps their side is ok, but anything that helps the hegemony side is wrong, and it bugs me.

spoken like a genius.

and TOOL likes us better RoK :)

Edited by Sylar
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TOOL is more than justified in our actions. In fact every alliance should be thanking us for trying to prevent the bandwagoning that's been going on (GDI I'm looking at you). Those trying to capitalize on favorable odds are no better than say an oversized alliance in an even more oversized bloc pouncing a single alliance.

Anyway things are crystal clear for us in the way we view this war. We cannot come to the aid of a friend that declared war on another friend, but we sure as hell will swing the hammer of justice on those who go beyond reason to try to capitalize on another friend. No alliance will pick and choose our battles for us.

But regardless of where your loyalties lie, anarchy only makes TOOL that much more of a competitive adversary and we look forward to the day when we can rebuild our nations with mutual respect of our current enemies.

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Did you read the OP? ^_^

ya mogar didnt you see the tl;dr ??? wtf man

tl;dr TOOL dow's DT cuz we are scared and cannot declare on a target of equal size; Also we chose to ignore certian treaties and honor others because tpf is just too cool for school o/ US
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ya mogar didnt you see the tl;dr ??? wtf man

You're free to have your opinion but so is TOOL. No matter what you say, TOOL's opinion is obviously different. People can say you want about our morals but I think everything going on here has double standards and I'll leave it at that. You can say what you want about TOOL's morals but they are TOOL's morals. Just like every alliance here has their own view on something, so does TOOL. We're doing what we think is right and it may not coincide with yours, but that is your problem, not ours.

And I'll say this, the people TOOL has been doing battle against have been great foes in banter and such. I respect those we're at war with and hope that the friendliness continues.

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ya mogar didnt you see the tl;dr ??? wtf man

funny you say we're afraid, we're in war with 4 alliances and I've never heard a tool member complaining yet a lot of DT members are whining about how unfair that a bigger alliance attacked, so much for a "warrior" alliance.

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tl;dr TOOL dow's DT cuz we are scared and cannot declare on a target of equal size; Also we chose to ignore certian treaties and honor others because tpf is just too cool for school o/ US

Scared? We declared fully knowing that we'll be retaliated upon by their allies. Also, we didn't ignore them. If we honoured RoK's treaty, we'd be ignoring TPFs. Or haven't you gotten that idea yet?

I'll say this though. DT are fighters. You guys are losing a lot of NS fast (in proportion, faster than TOOL), but aren't giving up, props to that.

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You can say what you want about TOOL's morals but they are TOOL's morals. Just like every alliance here has their own view on something, so does TOOL. We're doing what we think is right and it may not coincide with yours, but that is your problem, not ours.

I believe a certain red team alliance had the same viewpoint. It didn't work out too well for them so you might just want to rethink your foreign policy.

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I believe a certain red team alliance had the same viewpoint. It didn't work out too well for them so you might just want to rethink your foreign policy.

So we ought to base it on what other people think instead of what we think? Right.


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I believe a certain red team alliance had the same viewpoint. It didn't work out too well for them so you might just want to rethink your foreign policy.

I can't speak for NPO's policy and again, you can think what you want. TOOL will not be dictated by outside forces. We have stuck to what we think is best. OWF opinion is always shifting but we remain true to the principles that have guided us for the last 2 years and will continue to be so. It may not agree with your view, but that is your choice.

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I believe a certain red team alliance had the same viewpoint. It didn't work out too well for them so you might just want to rethink your foreign policy.

you're just sore that tool didn't defend ragnarok, seriously get over it, constant trolling will get you no where and you just look bad.

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