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An Imperial Announcement from The Legion

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By putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LOL LEGION NO EXIST" so you could be in denial more?

Sadness is not denying our existence, sadness is saying "sorry you are with NPO on this one, but I respect you for honoring your treaty good show Legion."

I dont see why you bother listening to them.

*points to the alliances history* - they have been around longer than you and continue after you.

sorry your not that important mr.ex-legion. (@ Rakari, and others).

Edited by Rajistani
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lol Rok has 84 nations in anarchy we have 19,(half of which are ghosts/inactives) so i love how they still try to troll us, also when we honor a treaty you hate us and when we cut and run you hate us? and if we did leave NPO to themselves we would be with in the coward coalition.

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And yet you do nothing. Us Legionnaires did all in our power to see the Legion continue to survive. Maybe not survive as you see it, but survive nonetheless. We are all happy with the way the Legion has turned out, and your laments should stay your own. Do not force them upon us, we will not have any of it. We stand with our heads high for our alliance, while you, who claim to hold the "true" ideals of the Legion at heart no longer reside among our ranks. I feel this gives you no right to talk.

If you wish to compromise your morality to survive, that is your decision and the reason I left. I feel free to air my laments in a public forum that, by nature, invites such comment. As they are not posted on the Legion forums they are not being forced. Does the Legion now detest freedom of speech also?

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I was expressing my sadness at how things have changed so far from where Legion once was.

YOU CALLED FOR US TO DIE! That is a little different than expressing sadness don't you think? Do you remember that post? THAT is why we are upset! A former member said the alliance should be no more. Do you not get the reason we are pissed? Do you not see the hypocracy?

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Oh, come on, guys, this is a classy declaration. =( Possibly the classiest declaration on their side yet.

I completely agree. While I don't like your position. I respect the decision you made. Good show Legion. I'll see you out there.

Now if only some other alliances showed as much class as Legion did... perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.

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I completely agree. While I don't like your position. I respect the decision you made. Good show Legion. I'll see you out there.

Now if only some other alliances showed as much class as Legion did... perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.

wow...thank you. That is very honorable of you to say.

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The Legion: the only alliance on Bob that can catch flak for honoring their treaties.

For what it's worth, congratulations on doing the right thing.

To be honest, we catch flak just for existing. We don't actually have to *do* anything.


Some battles we win, some we lose, but the Legion is Forever.

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I'm kind of amused that we are still having the debate about whether or not the Legion should still exist, whether it's a horrible monster ala Frankenstein, etc etc. It's been well over a year, folks. Give it a rest. The Legion exists as she does--whining about how you don't think she should exist this way and that's why you left and shake your heads over your morning tea every day accomplishes nothing. Actually, wait, it annoys everyone else because it should be a dead argument.

The point is that the Legion honored her treaty with the NPO. Good on them.

Melidan, I'm sorry, I still :wub: you!

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Yea I know nothing of the old legion, other then getting messed up for her in the Dove war, Purplegate and missing out on GWIV cause of school, but thanks for updating me on what I know I will be sure to ask you what I know for my calc test laster. I know a lot more about Legionnaires then you think, I read my history and learned a lot. You do try to be important by trying to condemn us for moving on. We do not hate you, we are sick and tired sycophantic pleas of "Legion Died". If you doubt me, then tell me what telling true Legionnaires does for you. I try to be civil, but this "Legion is dead" is some bullcrap. Go back to being quiet and get out of this thread clearly you do not belong.

In a way, though, the Legion Rakari remembers is dead and gone. By the time I joined right after GWIII, the original group (Fonzo, GB, Zunea, Yenisey, Miem, NP, etc.) was almost all gone. By Purplegate, Swampy, Thom, Ref, Woody, and other pillars of the post-GWIII Legion were gone. Now there are new pillars of the community. I may not like the continued NPO/Legion lovefest, but it's who you guys are now. It may disturb me to the core that you aren't joined to ODN at the hip, shoulders, and sword-swinging arm, but it's who you guys are now. It may sadden me that the democratic ideals that survived the Great Wars and Purplegate are being swept away, but it's who you guys are now. Compared to the Legion I remember it is neither better nor worse, just different - and I still cherish the good times already had and yet to be had with Legionnaires new and old.

I will not debate rightness or wrongness of the Legion's decision to side with the NPO in public.

Instead I would like to address myself to the Karma trolls in this thread. While you might not be happy that the Legion has joined the other side you can't accuse them of cowardice or being dishonorable. They honored their MDP with the NPO. Whether you like it or not you must respect that.

Holy crap it's a Simon. :) Wise words as always.

It was said earlier in this thread, but it just needs repeating because the situation is really humorous from my warped standpoint. The Legion honors it's treaties, and we get flamed for it. Damn, ain't that some irony?

Maybe it's something about the CN Forums that attracts the anti-Legion trolls. It gets old as $%#@, doesn't it? It doesn't matter if you did good, bad, or discovered a cure for cancer, someone would crawl out from under the bridge to complain about it. :)

Edited by The Corporal
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The Legion shoulders a heavier burden of history than most. Something which is never more clearly illustrated than by those former members who safely voice their frustrations from afar. It's damned annoying. Both for those who daily keep their own alliance, only to be told by outsiders that they do so poorly; and for those ex-patriots who look back to see little of the alliance they once knew. Regardless of words, Legion will act as it wishes, and regardless of actions, Legion will be damned with words. Such is just part and parcel with being a Legionnaire.

I'll add my voice to those former members who are saddened by some of her decisions, particularly this last one in which she has chosen to fight alongside those powers who for so long sought to subjugate her. And I'll voice that my opinion – and theirs – is largely irrelevant on this matter. No matter what the Legion has become, no matter what the Legion once was, no matter the level of nostalgic passion some of us hold, only one thing matters in the end: We left. We had our reasons, many justified, but we left. It is not ours to safe-guard any longer; it is theirs, and they may do with her as they like. And if we sometimes lament the loss of those principals we upheld in earlier days, we must remind ourselves that we must foster them elsewhere, and not look for them in the past.

Legion, best of luck to you in coming days. Truly.

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The Legion shoulders a heavier burden of history than most. Something which is never more clearly illustrated than by those former members who safely voice their frustrations from afar. It's damned annoying. Both for those who daily keep their own alliance, only to be told by outsiders that they do so poorly; and for those ex-patriots who look back to see little of the alliance they once knew. Regardless of words, Legion will act as it wishes, and regardless of actions, Legion will be damned with words. Such is just part and parcel with being a Legionnaire.

I'll add my voice to those former members who are saddened by some of her decisions, particularly this last one in which she has chosen to fight alongside those powers who for so long sought to subjugate her. And I'll voice that my opinion – and theirs – is largely irrelevant on this matter. No matter what the Legion has become, no matter what the Legion once was, no matter the level of nostalgic passion some of us hold, only one thing matters in the end: We left. We had our reasons, many justified, but we left. It is not ours to safe-guard any longer; it is theirs, and they may do with her as they like. And if we sometimes lament the loss of those principals we upheld in earlier days, we must remind ourselves that we must foster them elsewhere, and not look for them in the past.

Legion, best of luck to you in coming days. Truly.

Nothing but respect to you old comrade. Nothing but respect.

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While I do not appreciate you editing the text that I had written purposely, I will explain myself further for your understanding.

Legion was disbanded in an attempt to save it. The soul had been crushed and could not be properly repaired. Legion only lives on in name, but not in spirit. I am hoping that the dignity we once tried to live for will finally be redeemed in your death.

Turning your back on ORRPLE in favor of those who oppressed you is the worst part of this whole mess...

Rakari, I really like you. You're one of my favourite people on this planet we call Bob.

That said, the old Legion failed. Hard. Too much red-tape everywhere. Too much paranoia. Too much in-fighting. Too unorganized. I loved it at the time because of the community, but thinking back, there were many a-problem that never seemed to get fixed because people feared change.

I, for one, am glad to see how Legion has turned out. And ORRPLE is still strong.

And it saddens me that current Legionnaires are attacking someone who has worked so hard for The Legion in the past. Rakari, you still have my respect.

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I wish you were on our side in this but we over at ODN still love you Legion. Even us former Legion members do.

Yes, for good or for bad The Legion has changed over time. The Old Legion I was a member of is gone due to these changes but The Legion itself still stands. And no I do not like all the changes. But thats why I never rejoined them and instead found a home I love in ODN. If the changes are what they want then more power to them. My opinion on the changes doesn't matter that much because I am not a member. I don't have to like all thats changed to still consider them good friends.

I wish The Legion good luck in the war and hope that ODN and Legion will always be friends in the future.

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