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I don't want to suffer at the whim of a bunch of cowards


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I am a member of the MCXA. I no longer want to be, after what I have seen and read recently.

Everything that happens around the NPO is utter !@#$%^&*. When they're not dominating CyberNations, they're undermining others' ability to play it. When they're not destroying alliances mercilessly, they're cowering behind rules and allies. And who suffers more from this than us, the individual nations utterly beyond control of our own destinies.

From what I've gathered, what happened was that !@#$ went down between Karma and the NPO - due to both sides having a multitude of alliances, hilarity ensues. PLEASE correct this, as I know it will be wrong.

What I want is for this insanity to stop. I've been part of alliances previously that have been utterly crushed because of management incompetence, and their willingness to send the small nations to their dooms by not even providing warning of any diplomatic troubles. I've seen friends of mine give up on CN altogether, just because of the !@#$%bags in the big chairs who don't know what the $%&@ is going on.

Is ANYWHERE in this !@#$storm safe for me, or nations like mine? Does anything ever happen in CN that doesn't revolve around the NPO in some way?

For the love of god, if there are any GOOD alliances out there, you've got another potential member right here. I'm sick of being pushed into hopeless conflicts by cowards and idiots.

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Find an alliance where you're treated as you desire, where you are informed as you wish to be, where you get what you want, and do what you want, and do what your leaders want, because your desires are one and the same. Frankly, you shouldn't have joined an alliance so tightly bound to Pacifica if you don't stand for what Pacifica does, or what your alliance believes in. I'm guessing you should be in a rather small alliance, where you know everybody and everybody knows you, and if !@#$ does hit the fan, you actually want to rush at it because this involves you and your comrades, not people that you don't know or don't care about.

Good luck.

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then drop us from your AA and stop receiving our war support and aid.

its not hard.

or even better, go to peace mode and dont join an alliance. unless this is how you normally do things, suck off the tit of an alliance and then act like this. either way, im sure you know by now that youll not probably be very welcome in MCXA after this garbage here.

you would do well to stop what i personally now see as a fake AA and start acting like you have a pair.

but youre welcome for the aid and support and protection youve received up to now, its obvious that this is how you like to say "thanks".

like any alliance will want you after seeing you act like this? who takes on a nation that jumps ship at the first sign of trouble and then decides to try and insult them just for the sake of doing so in public?

you will not be missed.

im personally just a little less than shocked... you obviously are a coward who jumps from alliance to alliance every time you see a little trouble coming.

good riddance to bad rubbish i say.

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Is ANYWHERE in this !@#$storm safe for me, or nations like mine? Does anything ever happen in CN that doesn't revolve around the NPO in some way?

For the love of god, if there are any GOOD alliances out there, you've got another potential member right here. I'm sick of being pushed into hopeless conflicts by cowards and idiots.

Unless you're willing to put in the work to ascend to the decision-making tiers of your alliance, there will always be some level of helplessness and/or ignorance of goings-on. Two of your best options otherwise include:

1. Keep your eyes on these forums. Spend some time on IRC. Get to know different alliances and their leaders, and make an informed decision as to which best fits your ideals and solicits your trust. This way, if you join, you know that your interests and those of your leaders will be in sync, and you'll be less likely to end up in a conflict with which you don't agree.

2. Join a neutral alliance. While neutrality may or may not be a part of your personal views, an alliance such as The Democratic Order provides a community which is largely separate from the global body politic. In a place such as this, you can be reasonably confident that your leaders won't put you into the situation you're experiencing now.

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oh really?

how was that move avoiding war? we are well aware that dropping from that nest of backbiters will have us involved in plenty of war soon enough.

Come talk to me when your alliance sticks by an ally in a tight spot without canceling a treaty with them even one time.

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Come talk to me when your alliance sticks by an ally in a tight spot without canceling a treaty with them even one time.


obviously we are sticking by SIX of them right now.

are you new to this or something?

when has the supposed "victim" here EVER stood by their word?

thinking before posting will definitely help with that foot in mouth issue you seem to have.

and by the way, that didnt even come close to answering the question you posted to.

try addressing the issue, rather than dodging and putting in tripe in place of a real reply.

"come talk to me..." what a laugh. typical reply of someone who has absolutely nothing to say.

Edited by obfuscae
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obviously we are sticking by SIX of them right now.

are you new to this or something?

when has the supposed "victim" here EVER stood by their word?

thinking before posting will definitely help with that foot in mouth issue you seem to have.

1. You're talking down to the wrong guy.

2. You obviously have no idea what's going on here.

3. You need to read through your alliance's history.

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I really enjoyed my time in TOOL.

They're a very friendly alliance that really does everything they can to help new players. There are obviously going to be opsec issues in any alliance, where the members don't get to know everything, but in TOOL, every man has a voice, and things aren't withheld without cause. Also, their FA is conservative, and they have a number of friends.

Check em out at www.theorderoflight.com

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1. You're talking down to the wrong guy.

2. You obviously have no idea what's going on here.

3. You need to read through your alliance's history.

1. am i?

as i see it, youre talking total uninformed garbage to the wrong guy, friend.

2. i think youre the one with the lack of knowledge, since you appear to have not a clue what youre speaking of at all. you claimed we were avoiding war when its quite obvious that if we were to be avoiding it, we would not have done what we just did, now would we?

3. perhaps you need to pay attention to whats being said in the conversation rather than just posting total non-sequitors (do i need to define that for you?) in the middle of a conversation.

4. you STILL have yet to answer the question that you quoted when posting your completely asinine reply. you planning on doing so at some point?

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1. am i?

as i see it, youre talking total uninformed garbage to the wrong guy, friend.

I'm not your friend, pal. :awesome:

2. i think youre the one with the lack of knowledge, since you appear to have not a clue what youre speaking of at all. you claimed we were avoiding war when its quite obvious that if we were to be avoiding it, we would not have done what we just did, now would we?

No, you wouldn't have cancelled. You would have mounted an effective counter-attack in defense of your ally instead of backing out on the one alliance that has kept your alliance alive this entire time.

3. perhaps you need to pay attention to whats being said in the conversation rather than just posting total non-sequitors (do i need to define that for you?) in the middle of a conversation.

You're not an intellectual nor should you try to pass yourself off as one. You are not an educated member of the CN community and you are not in the know. The individuals you're feebly trying to argue with? Yes that's right, chuckles ... they are.

4. you STILL have yet to answer the question that you quoted when posting your completely asinine reply. you planning on doing so at some point?

I think the fact that you and your soulmates are now known collectively as the "Coward Coalition" speaks volumes.

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oh really?

how was that move avoiding war? we are well aware that dropping from that nest of backbiters will have us involved in plenty of war soon enough.

Hey, you're actually right! People will hunt you and your white-livered friends down. :awesome:

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The problem is, the more information you give to your members the more chance there is of a leak. In a democratic alliance you vote for those you trust to make the right decisions on your behalf. You cannot have a referendum on every decision.

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Hey, you're actually right! People will hunt you and your white-livered friends down. :awesome:

To be honest, I don't think they realized that as a possibility when they turned-tail and ran for their caves to begin with. :P

If there is any sudden attempt to fight by them, it will only be because it suddenly dawned on them.

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I'm not your friend, pal. :awesome:

No, you wouldn't have cancelled. You would have mounted an effective counter-attack in defense of your ally instead of backing out on the one alliance that has kept your alliance alive this entire time.

You're not an intellectual nor should you try to pass yourself off as one. You are not an educated member of the CN community and you are not in the know. The individuals you're feebly trying to argue with? Yes that's right, chuckles ... they are.

I think the fact that you and your soulmates are now known collectively as the "Coward Coalition" speaks volumes.

T'is on occasions like this I see how you developed the old cult of personality thing.

On Topic:

I still don't get what the former Q alliances thought they would achieve by dropping NPO, other than forever tarnishing their AA's reputations. I also don't take to kindly to a member whining about how his government got him into this mess and pleading for help. The current situation he derides so much is one he helped create by sitting passively in membership with a Q alliance.

Don't like it, suck it up and take responsibility. There were plenty of others actively seeking change and there was nothing stopping others from joining them.

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1. am i?

as i see it, youre talking total uninformed garbage to the wrong guy, friend.

2. i think youre the one with the lack of knowledge, since you appear to have not a clue what youre speaking of at all. you claimed we were avoiding war when its quite obvious that if we were to be avoiding it, we would not have done what we just did, now would we?

If you were well-informed, you'd understand that today is probably not a good day for you to walk out into public, let alone to start drawing ignorant conclusions and writing troll posts. :blush:

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its just dandy it already degraded to "noob" ad-hominem arguments... and still no answer to the question originally responded to.

and obviously i DO have to define the term "non-sequitor"

it means a response or statement in a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual flow of conversation, or an answer to a question that actually is the answer to some other question that has not been asked... usually to avoid answering the question but still wanting to trash talk about something in general.

as for the "noob" comment... just bacause i have a new nation as of last fall, and dont choose to spend much time conversing with you mental giants here on forums doesnt mean i dont read them and certainly doesnt mean ive never been here before.

ive been on this game in one form or another since just after GWI... not that it matters, since, as those few of you who have no other response to what ive said have so well pointed out for me, being somewhere for longer than someone else CERTAINLY doesnt magically make you any less apt to speak from the wrong orifice most of the time.

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