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The Explanation as to why Soldier Picked TPF


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Well if you max out your military to make my drop easier then we'll do it.

Sorry magic, I moved onto bigger fish. Im going after Slayer now, hes been asking for it throughout this whole thread. However, if you sell enough infra I can take you on as well for funsies.

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Sorry magic, I moved onto bigger fish. Im going after Slayer now, hes been asking for it throughout this whole thread. However, if you sell enough infra I can take you on as well for funsies.

Well I hope I take a beating in the first round and you hold up so I can declare on you sometime in this war. It's not business it's just personal. ^_^

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Well I hope I take a beating in the first round and you hold up so I can declare on you sometime in this war. It's not business it's just personal. ^_^

I hope you take a beating too. How about that.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Whenever TPF or any other alliance on that side shows any type of class or mercy, it is always a cheap PR stunt to help their struggling image. For everything they do right, there is so much more that they do wrong.

You of all people should know better RV.

Doesn't surprise me much. Mhawk and TPF are good peoples.

OUT...brown mennace. :P

TPF has some karma that can't be escaped with a few government changes.

Soldier, as far as I know, hasn't done anything except support their ally on the forums. TPF doesn't deserve them as an ally, and I feel sad that Soldier has chosen to be one to them. I do still question whether TPF truly valued Soldier's existence (as implied in the OP) or if it was simply an opportunistic ploy to both stick it to RoK and gain points with Soldier's membership.

A few government changes...hmmm, New Leader, New Structure (magistrates, 4 out of 5 in TPF for less than 6 months) Slayer: Retired, TBB: Retired, OBM: Retired, Me: Retired....I would say more than a "few".

Yes, we do value soldiers existence. In the beginning it was due mostly to Youwish and his involvement, he's a hometown boy ya know. As we got to know more of the members, theAut in particular, we grew to respect and value them as potential allies. When they needed a helping hand, we were glad to extend one.

TPF has no desire to stick it to ROK, especially now that all the handsome ones have bolted. :o

If by helping out Soldier when they needed it, we garnered points with their members, good for us. Points with future allies...go figure.

.....this was of course was all before majicninja came on board. <_<

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Everyone is intiled to their opinion, TPF has been very kind to soldier and myself, for that I must thank them. As far as others offenses agginst them, I can understand that too, they have a rocky history and they are not going to roll over for anybody, so i can see where that is a problem to alliances, as far as them protecting us lets just say I hope the parties involved get theirs sooner than later

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You know what stumpy?! Lets do this, I'm time you came down to my level, and fought me. I won't stand for this warmongering on your part anymore.

(Disclaimer: If you plan on doing this, wait til friday, k? RL is kinda punching me in the face still. ) :\

Oh I plan on doing this. I plan on rollin the hard six like 12 times. Its gonna be a two hit knock out: me hitting you and you hitting the floor.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Oh I plan on doing this. I plan on rollin the hard six like 12 times. Its gonna be a two hit knock out: me hitting you and you hitting the floor.

I've got my hard six roller out and ready to go. I'll bring my clarinet, and charm you, you sexy pit viper you. :wub:

P.S. Can we get catering? I'm kinda hungry.

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Now, now Stumpy...you know it would only be appropriate if a member of 64Digits declared on you.

Ill declare on you. I dont even care, lets do this thing. Ill take 64D too. Ill take on all of you. King Kong aint got !@#$ on me.

I've got my hard six roller out and ready to go. I'll bring my clarinet, and charm you, you sexy pit viper you. :wub:

P.S. Can we get catering? I'm kinda hungry.

Indeed... Trashcat Hungers...

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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AUT only said the truth. RoK did want to attack soldier and TPF stood up for us. He coulda kept the names of the alliances out of it but I think everyone already knew anyway.

I'm at a loss as to why this thread exists in the first place if not to take a cheap potshot at RoK and glorify TPF. Honestly, if I wanted to, I could make a thread digging up "mud" on several alliances in an attempt to make them look bad.

However, I don't. It's a plea for attention and an obnoxious one at that.

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i would think that youwish was the primary reason that TheAUT chose TPF over other allies, somehow it was not mentioned in the original post. and i don't buy into the idea that TPF is the only alliance that could help us (remember the aid from Dark Fist). imo, AUT, jack, and TPF pushed soldier to the brink of disbandment, but those who remained a soldier after war were the reasons we are still here. of course AUT did a terrific job to redeem himself.

i'm not commenting on the decision about going with TPF , but i can't agree with those things AUT stated in his post, most importantly, he left out youwish, you can't deny his impact on this

Edited by facetten
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as greenacres, I was nuts. I did what I wanted, I acted however I wanted, I had fun.

as astronaut jones, I'm nuts. I do what I want, I act how I want, I have fun. I'm also in space, which means I'm actually worse than I was as greenacres, because, man, space is DOPE.

You can't change who you are, Misr. I don't know why you even tried.

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i would think that youwish was the primary reason that TheAUT chose TPF over other allies, somehow it was not mentioned in the original post. and i don't buy into the idea that TPF is the only alliance that could help us (remember the aid from Dark Fist). imo, AUT, jack, and TPF pushed soldier to the brink of disbandment, but those who remained a soldier after war were the reasons we are still here. of course AUT did a terrific job to redeem himself.

i'm not commenting on the decision about going with TPF , but i can't agree with those things AUT stated in his post, most importantly, he left out youwish, you can't deny his impact on this

^^ I will agree with this, another person that needs mentioned is yourself, you really helpped hold us together after the war, when most of our leadership jumped ship you held firm to the reins and worked like a true leader.

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i would think that youwish was the primary reason that TheAUT chose TPF over other allies, somehow it was not mentioned in the original post. and i don't buy into the idea that TPF is the only alliance that could help us (remember the aid from Dark Fist). imo, AUT, jack, and TPF pushed soldier to the brink of disbandment, but those who remained a soldier after war were the reasons we are still here. of course AUT did a terrific job to redeem himself.

i'm not commenting on the decision about going with TPF , but i can't agree with those things AUT stated in his post, most importantly, he left out youwish, you can't deny his impact on this

Wouldn't have been the first time that TPF forced one of their protectorates to essentially disband.

Anyone remember Purge?

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i would think that youwish was the primary reason that TheAUT chose TPF over other allies, somehow it was not mentioned in the original post. and i don't buy into the idea that TPF is the only alliance that could help us (remember the aid from Dark Fist). imo, AUT, jack, and TPF pushed soldier to the brink of disbandment, but those who remained a soldier after war were the reasons we are still here. of course AUT did a terrific job to redeem himself.

i'm not commenting on the decision about going with TPF , but i can't agree with those things AUT stated in his post, most importantly, he left out youwish, you can't deny his impact on this

Youwish was the primary reason TPF chose to lend a hand, as I said earlier:

Yes, we do value soldiers existence. In the beginning it was due mostly to Youwish and his involvement, he's a hometown boy ya know. As we got to know more of the members, theAut in particular, we grew to respect and value them as potential allies. When they needed a helping hand, we were glad to extend one.
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Purge killed themselves...and you know that story better than most.

And now sponge knows the whole story.

Purge didn't kill themselves though, they wanted to merge with an alliance that was filled with their friends, you didn't like it, so you stepped in. The aftermath, well, sponge has those logs now, they were funny, I just had to share :)

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