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The Explanation as to why Soldier Picked TPF


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To coin an overused and clichéd phrase, "an eye for an eye and everyone goes blind".

So, just for the record, once an alliance has paid it's "comeuppance", it's clean-slate and home free in the eyes of .. who? Vox? The whole world?

I love watching you guys try and wriggle your way out of what's coming to you. What goes around comes around, and if you weren't about to be on the bottom of it you'd be more than happy to spout it off.

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That's really not the point but skate over it as you wish. It's typical of you already and I knew this is what you would post.

I will admit I appreciated that gesture.

Still, TPF has much left to do. I doubt TPF cares for my respect anyway.

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Do tell me, what is Echelon's crime?

As far as I'm concerned everybody who's cast their lot with the Continuum and One Vision are all guilty in some fashion, either for hiding behind the excuse of "supporting allies" in their aggression and deceit or actively engaging in it themselves.

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You mean all TPF needs to do is turn it's back on Q and you'll fall in love with them? I don't think it works that way.

Not at all. That would help, but TPF obviously have a few treaties that with people who I dislike and have done things that I dislike.

Edited by MegaAros
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I love watching you guys try and wriggle your way out of what's coming to you. What goes around comes around, and if you weren't about to be on the bottom of it you'd be more than happy to spout it off.

If folks want to start a war over things of the past, we're ready and willing any time.

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Not at all. That would help, but TPF obviously have a few treaties that with people who I dislike and have done things that I dislike.

So it's personal then eh? So you really only hate TPF because of the company they keep eh? As far as things they have done that you dislike they're can't be many.

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KM wasn't on GOD's list for being a nazi anyway though.

I believe KM was on GOD's PZI list for ordering the ZI of Xiphosis. That aside, TPF does not use PZI, and as far as I've been a member we haven't used PZI against anyone. The official policy may seem ambiguous, but a lot of gov members in TPF, myself included, feel very strongly against PZI.

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As far as I'm concerned everybody who's cast their lot with the Continuum and One Vision are all guilty in some fashion, either for hiding behind the excuse of "supporting allies" in their aggression and deceit or actively engaging in it themselves.

Ah. Guilt by association. I'd attempt a retort, but I see it would be lost on you.

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So it's personal then eh? So you really only hate TPF because of the company they keep eh? As far as things they have done that you dislike they're can't be many.

Why do you not understand this?

Yes, it is subjective. Everything in CN is.

EDIT: Obviously I disagree with the actions of TPF too. But that is up to me

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