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He Said Wha?!

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You’re watching channel Vox! Your home channel for news, sports, very handsome men, and childish bickering! Stay tuned for our newest installment “He Said Wha!?”


Welcome to “He Said Wha?!” I’m your host with the most, spies that is, MegaAros!

Tonight, our wonderful contestants, (that’s right, you all at home!) will be playing for our greatest prize yet!

That’s right


ONE MILLION DOLLARS (for the first winner that is)

But before we get started, let’s find out a little bit more about our contestants.

Why hello there _________? So, what are you employed as? Oh? Why that’s got to (joke about employment goes here, crowd laughs, despite never having said job)! But perhaps, you’ll be a (job here) no more! What do you plan to do with your winnings? Oh? You’re a terrible person. That’s horrible. Whatever, let’s just go.

Now, the rules of the game!

Contestants will write down their answer choices thusly:





Trying to correlate the quote number with the person. The answer is written below each quote, but don’t worry! Our sophisticated technology allows for answers to be hidden until the contestant has locked in (read: posted) his answers.

Choices are:







Anu Drake


Lenny N Karl


Without further delay, let us begin!

Number 1!

Perhaps lock down the thread and then tC can create a "response" thread and have it locked as well

Don't even give the Vox buggars a chance to mouthoff

Oh? Would you look at that? Somebody doesn’t like it when we voice our opinions. Can’t blame em’, the truth does hurt.

Who would say such a thing, why, none other than:

Lenny N Karl!

Betcha didn’t see that one coming!


Number 2!


So George, thats a no to the charge of leaving? ;)

I wish there was a way to choke the life out of Vox, Blackstone, etc.

Well, that was hilariously timed, wouldn’t you say? I guess George didn’t see quite eye-to-eye here. And yet, another person wants us gone. Who could it be?

Why it’s


Surprising again? I’d say so.


Number 3!

We're not saying that they are wrong because Vox likes them. But Vox was established to take on NPO and tC. The fact that they have hailed the codex is a good indication that it is being perceived as anti-tC.

You don't have to be a genius to read the subtext of those ten commandments and see that many are direct refutations of actions taken by all of us in the past year.

*Laughter sign lights up*

Yes, that’s right folks. If Vox thinks you’ve done something right, you’ve done it all wrong! Same on you TPF, IRON, and NPO for weakening your EZI/PZI policies. How could you?! Now, I know, what you’re going to say. “MegaAros, that first sentence says it isn’t wrong if Vox agrees with an action!” Let’s face it. The rest of it refutes that claim. Ah well.

This one comes from:

Anu Drake!

Man, those


guys sure are mean. I took a trip there once. Instead of “Welcome,” the sign said “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” or maybe that was Hell, I don’t remember. I’m sorry, that was a terrible joke, moving on!


Number 4!

This may sound basic, maybe even juvenile, but perhaps it would be best if everyone's leader went on record saying they have zero intention to leave the continuum or form a bloc which rivals continuum power.

*Cue automated laughter*

Oh goodness! Resorting to making little useless promises in order to keep the bloc afloat? Well, you gotta try something.

This quote comes from, you may have guessed it, you may have not:



Number 5!

When the Gramlins joined the Continuum, there was no obvious counterbalance to it from my observation. Where were your issues with global hegemony then?

Also, how about notifying us when a poll like that starts? That gives us absolutely no chance at redress or at rectifying the problem. When Council starts deliberating on something that could affect one of you, we notify ahead of time as much as we can before the deliberation starts. Not to mention, why wouldn't you tell us that your membership was unhappy before? Why would you all hide that? I strongly doubt this discontent with the Continuum is recent.

No, instead of that, you just quit. Up and quit. That's a bad deal and you know it.

Or...heh...maybe this was about PR. And maybe a few of you had your feelings hurt by the Vox trolls, hmmm? Well, congratulations, now you've got Vox Populi's support.

Brilliant political decision.

Ouch. I remember Gramlins leaving on good terms. Guess I was wrong.

On the other hand, Vox finally gets the credit we deserve. Our trolls are deadly, ladies and gentlemen. Our debate team breaks blocs, for we are from the school of hard knocks. Messin’ with people and whatnot.

Everybody who’s left Q, left because of us.

And who said this bold statement? Why, none other than:



Number 6!

$%&@ that. Too late because I'm boiling.

The feeling I get is that you guys are too good to associate with us. So be it. I also agree that now that you no longer need Continuum (after all, NpO, MK, Vox, Hyperion..they all HAIL you now as the saviors of Planet Bob) you will cast us aside and sit on your holy throne of judgement. Excuse me. I already believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I don't think there is room for Saint Syz up there. I also get the feeling that the only reason Syz came back to the Grämlins was to pull you away from tC and your allies who would stand by you through thick or thin. But why the hell should that matter? As Syz also announced in the same thread as your Codex, you have all those nukes and infra levels. You REALLY don't need anyone, do you?

The timing of this decision sucks, and I do not believe it is coincidental. I believe it is totally orchestrated. Slap number one, announce the Codex. Slap number two, withdraw from Continuum. Slap number three, you wait until after the poll has been up for days to tell us of this MONUMENTAL poll.

I would also like to know WHY your members never bothered to seek a solution for what was bothering them.

Ouch. Another one. Jeez, don’t they realize how much these things sting? Words hurt man. Like, really. I don’t remember the last time a stick or a stone hurt me, but words, god damn. Admin, don’t you dare ever put an F-bomb into creation, or we’ll all be doomed.

I would also like to announce that while I do not believe in Jesus, I find Syzism to be in poor taste too. Sorry Syzists, but I’m a Voxian to the end. Plus, I heard you guys eat ONLY meat, and have to have nukes. ;_;

This comes to us from (and if you missed this one, you are terrible, and should stop playing):



Number 7!

We're not afraid of vox's opinion of us, but rather explaining our disdain for how an ally, soon to be former ally choose to conduct their exit.

“Disdain?” I thought Gramlins left on good terms? I guess after those last two quotes, we aren’t so sure, huh? At any rate, for people who sure don’t fear their our opinion, they sure do reference us a lot. That’s cool I guess.

This one comes to us from:



Number 8!

…the rumors are from Vox and they are spreading thim to his members and everywhere they can. And yes, this is definitely Sponge M.O. to put out so much false information that everyone starts to distrust each other and eventually we implode.

Well, we can't let that happen; we are too good of friends and allies for that. Nor do we need to sink to his level. When this kind of crap comes up if we come to each other directly to clear it up we'll be fine.

And yet again, despite the fact that our opinions don’t matter, we show up again! My, how deadly we are. Sometimes, I wake up, look in a mirror, and keel over! Course, my wife says that for other reasons, but what does she know?

And this quote is from? Surely enough:




The fact of the matter is, we've had some communication breakdowns in the midst of Vox and Blackstone spreading rumors which led to paranoia (and I'm a member of the tinfoil hat club). I don't think it's too late to repair those relationships.

This should be easy. Who else would post something like this? Why a person who totally regards us as powerless, that’s who! And who would that be?

That’s right, it’s:



Number 10! FINALLY

Yea I like Vox

Whoa! Wait?! What?!


The answer is:


Check the screenshot folks!


That's it for the show ladies and gentlemen (mostly just gentlemen, or rather men, or something. I'm not sure sure I'd refer to any of you barbarians as "gentle")

Next up is


tl;dr: :awesome:

EDIT: No, this isn't meant to replace TWiP, Schatt just has no internet. Also, yes, these quotes are old. It's not supposed to replace TWiP.

Good day.

Edited by MegaAros
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