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Freeing FAN


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Are MHA as untrustworthy as NPO allegedly are when it comes to peace for FAN?

FAN have been told what they need to do for peace but have said that they won't do it until they get peace. Does MHA go out on a limb and trust FAN or does FAN go out on a limb and trust MHA? All I know is only one of these alliances has spies operating in the other alliance, and that doesn't exactly mark them down as trustworthy.

Please allow me to amend part of this statement, from "has spies" to "had spies". It appears that at this moment in time FAN does not have any spies operating in MHA and that while there are other reasons why there has not been a peace agreement between MHA and FAN the current use of FAN spies in MHA is not one of them.

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Something tells me that the NPO won't be able to continue its war against FAN for much longer.

The trick for us afterwords will be prosecuting the Imperial Officers for their crimes and atrocities, and effectively de-Pacificanizing the main membership to get rid of the massive brainwashing. Simply kicking their butts on the battlefield isn't going to break the zealots and true believers, or keep them from trying again.

NPO has two choices:

They can either walk away from this with white peace, or they can face the consequences of their actions when WE bring them to justice in shackles.

We will not risk allowing their malevolence to break free and rampage again against us or anyone else. And for you who would argue that FAN would simply be doing the same thing that we are accusing NPO of perpetrating, the historical record sets that straight very well. We paid for our sins over a year ago, but that was not enough to satiate this monster that is chasing us. It has shown its true evil with us and others, and now it must be destroyed.

Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil. We cannot dare fall into that trap again.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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Please allow me to amend part of this statement, from "has spies" to "had spies". It appears that at this moment in time FAN does not have any spies operating in MHA and that while there are other reasons why there has not been a peace agreement between MHA and FAN the current use of FAN spies in MHA is not one of them.

Seems just like when I decide I am going to take a dislike to an alliance you go and do something like this. Very honourble. ;)

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Maybe we wouldn't be at war with them if they hadn't tried to destroy our alliance.

Uh, who declared war on who again? Who's fixated on destroying whom?

Oh yeah. Now I remember.

Guess we should have followed fire code in our anthill or something, right, Mr. Anteater?

You've got some Kool-aid on your shirt too, dude. Might want to get that drycleaned.

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Predictions for FAN's future:

NPO declares war on a large target sometime within the next 2 days

Approximately 30% of the Red team (including NPO AA) suddenly switches to peace mode in unison and switches AA to FAN

The rest of us destroy each other for a month

The remaining #2 ranked alliance is at 2.5 mil. NS

The remaining #1 ranked alliance is FAN, at 5 mil. NS

FAN offers white peace and rebuilding aid to those who are currently at war with them

Those relationships turn to MDP's over time

A new Bloc name The Militia forms 9 months from now

Everything happens all over again

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Predictions for FAN's future:

I have a better one.

  • All hell breaks out around here within the next 72 hours.
  • FAN stays in peace mode and watches. Eats popcorn. Points fingers and laughs.
  • Somebody who is presently at war with us will be on the losing side and will be forced to decom.
  • 5 days before their terms end we "falsify" some transgressions and proceed to nuke them back to the stone age.

All I got to say to those alliances presently at war with us now is you better not lose the upcoming conflict 'cause if you do you'll find yourself in one hell of an interesting position.

Edited by Bad JuJu
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I have a better one.

  • All hell breaks out around here within the next 72 hours.
  • FAN stays in peace mode and watches. Eats popcorn. Points fingers and laughs.
  • Somebody who is presently at war with us will be on the losing side and will be forced to decom.
  • 5 days before their terms end we "falsify" some transgressions and proceed to nuke them back to the stone age.

All I got to say to those alliances presently at war with us now is you better not lose the upcoming conflict 'cause if you do you'll find yourself in one hell of an interesting position.

Heh heh... What written numeral system does Pacifica use? We need to crank out some of the numbered defendant signs for all the IOs to wear at their war crimes trials.

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You all made the decision to form and join Vox Populi. Don't play like NPO is oppressing you. Accept the responsibility of your actions and act on them one way or another.

NPO can surrender to FAN at anytime. The war will be over. We tried trusting NPO once. That's enough.

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Uh, who declared war on who again? Who's fixated on destroying whom?

Oh yeah. Now I remember.

Guess we should have followed fire code in our anthill or something, right, Mr. Anteater?

You've got some Kool-aid on your shirt too, dude. Might want to get that drycleaned.

awwwww LOL

if that's all you have....

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Who cares about freeing FAN? I don't really have anything against FAN myself as I don't know them well enough but the same self-righteous "activists" who now demand FAN's freedom are those that once complained about FAN's attitude in their political dealings and they will continue to complain once FAN is freed and begins to act the same way they always have.

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You see, the NPO made the mistake of trusting FAN TWICE.

It won't happen again under Moo's watch unless something significant changes.

That's right. You trusted us the first time to set up NAAC with a beautiful back-room diplomatic / war ambush which you signed off on and helped make work.

Then you unwisely trusted us to lay down and die when you manufactured false evidence, played e-lawyer with technicalities of the loophole you deliberately engineered into the truce, and started massacring us.

How silly of us. We should have been obedient slaves and let you properly work out your psychosis by flogging and rending us further, I suppose?

You're either collectively sick in the head, or willing cogs and mouthpieces of an infernal machine churning for a rancorous purpose. Either way your alliance needs to be put down.

I hear the whirlwind in the thorn trees, boy.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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That's right. You trusted us the first time to set up NAAC with a beautiful back-room diplomatic / war ambush which you signed off on and helped make work.

Then you unwisely trusted us to lay down and die when you manufactured false evidence, played e-lawyer with technicalities of the loophole you deliberately engineered into the truce, and started massacring us.

How silly of us. We should have been obedient slaves and let you properly work out your psychosis by flogging and rending us further, I suppose?

You're either collectively sick in the head, or willing cogs and mouthpieces of an infernal machine churning for a rancorous purpose. Either way your alliance needs to be put down.

I hear the whirlwind in the thorn trees, boy.

"needs to be put down"?!


Not from peace mode son.

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You should tell that to your allies in Valhalla.

That's for my leadership, not for me to speak about.

My point stands. FAN can whine on here as much as they want (and God knows they have to include creating their own media corps otherwise known as Vox Populi), but there is a reason they have to remain in peace mode nearly TWO YEARS after getting caught attempting to coup the NPO and then getting caught again going against terms.

Too bad so sad.

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That's for my leadership, not for me to speak about.

My point stands. FAN can whine on here as much as they want (and God knows they have to include creating their own media corps otherwise known as Vox Populi), but there is a reason they have to remain in peace mode nearly TWO YEARS after getting caught attempting to coup the NPO and then getting caught again going against terms.

Too bad so sad.

It's remarkable how you manage to maintain that same arrogant "rank-and-file member of a powerful alliance" attitude on the eve of your potential destruction. All I'm saying is that maybe you should hold off on the posturing lest you look like a fool if FAN outlasts you in the end.

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It's remarkable how you manage to maintain that same arrogant "rank-and-file member of a powerful alliance" attitude on the eve of your potential destruction. All I'm saying is that maybe you should hold off on the posturing lest you look like a fool if FAN outlasts you in the end.

I wonder what Ivan thinks about that.....that is, of course if you are truly a New Sith Order member.

BTW FAN won't outlast me, I'm not going anywhere ZI or no.

Edited by Maximus Augustus
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You see, the NPO made the mistake of trusting FAN TWICE.

It won't happen again under Moo's watch unless something significant changes.

Being on your knees in front of Moo give you a great insight into Moo's moods I'm sure.....

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