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since you are the one with the giant chip on his shoulder and an apparent giant grudge why don't you do something about it.

Because he's a nobody. A complete and total nobody.

After not being able to handle alliance leadership not once, not twice, but thrice he can only now resort to selling out previous allies and making threats. The hope is that if he is at least labeled a traitor, people will still remember him a few weeks from now.

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Just announce him as a ZI target for being a spy and then tell Valhalla that the ball is in their court. C'mon you and Hoo are pissed. Let's see it.

I tried...

[04:37] <SpiderJ[Nemesis]> also, I want us to ZI Hal

[04:38] <SpiderJ[Nemesis]> Bob, Soccerbum... Lets $%&@in ZI him

[04:39] <~Hoo[AWAY]> To be technical, he didn't do anything to Nemesis

[04:39] <~Hoo[AWAY]> RoK needs to man up and do it

[04:39] <~Soccerbum> ^

But only if he is not defended by people you're scared of, right?

Yeah... That's entirely correct. I care too much about my infra. I am certain that we would crush Valhalla easily with our 37 members

I can't speak for SJ but I am at a point where I personally don't care.

Fully agreed

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Yeah... That's entirely correct. I care too much about my infra. I am certain that we would crush Valhalla easily with our 37 members

Well, that was refreshingly honest.

(Yes I realize it was an attempt at sarcasm. Read what you said again ;) )

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Best wishes on your negotiations, since the clause enacted permits renewal and not just outright cancellation. Of course, why this needs announced, well, I'll stop spoiling the suspense and look forward to two friends (presumably) tightening their friendship.

o/ Valhalla

o/ TPF


o/ Boulevards! \o

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Yes, actually.

I'm only afraid of Pansy. And that's not because of his warring skills

If he didn't do anything to Nemesis then what's with all the BS?

He betrayed the trust of a Nemesis triumvir when he was the leader of another alliance. I would say that Hoo is entitled to be a bit angered even if it doesn't concern Nemesis as an alliance

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If he didn't do anything to Nemesis then what's with all the BS?

Hoo is pissed because he appointed Hal to be in the RoK tri when he left and now Hal is trying to be a traitor to the people who trusted him. Hoo's members are pissed because Hoo is pissed.

I think that sums it up.

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Except extorting Valhallan allies is not only pretty low, but a ZIable offense. Your childish threats to release government information from your previous alliance (which holds a MDoAP with your current alliance) is a pretty clear cut case. Honestly, why would you go through and start stockpiling screenshots on your way out if you didn't plan to use them and/or hang them over someone's head?

You were pretty much blacklisted when I let you come to RoK and my reward for gving you a chance is treachery. You're a traitor, a liar, and now a twice over coward ... you should be ashamed of yourself.

Says the man who through his own actions embarrassed close allies, not once, but twice, because you couldn't keep your mouth shut and maintain OPSEC, jeopardizing the Coalition War in the process and nearly getting Ragnarok rolled in December.

Blacklisted? I could of went any number of places but chose Ragnarok because I thought it was a place I could escape melodrama. I earned my way there every step of the way to the top. Funny that I ended up leaving because of melodrama. Why melodrama? Well see...TailsK was a large part of that, so were all the people agonizing over whether to leave or not, or the high government people you promised protectorates to and 10 Rok members as a parting gift (rescinding some of those was so much fun...like minor dental work), but let's be honest, there was this sudden power vacuum that developed right before Christmas....

Fine you left for OOC reasons. I respected those. But don't come in here and piss all over me. You are one of the last people on earth who should be throwing rocks.

With that I leave this topic, because I'm out of bounds. You want me, you know where to find me.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Hoo is pissed because he appointed Hal to be in the RoK tri when he left and now Hal is trying to be a traitor to the people who trusted him. Hoo's members are pissed because Hoo is pissed.

I think that sums it up.

Ahh Hoo is just throwing a hissy fit and the sheeple are with him? Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, That TPF good for them for ending PZI/EZI.

Edited by magicninja
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Ahh Hoo is just throwing a hissy fit and the sheeple are with him? Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, That TPF good for them for ending PZI/EZI.

Sheeple is a hilarious insult to use when your entire alliance is based on doing whatever TPF tells you to do.

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