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A Mushroom Kingdom Declaration of War


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I'd like to say something,the MK has sentenced us to destruction for something that did no harm,and they got help from their alliances,whos more at fault?

Those who attack us for something that did no harm with fellow alliances,or us? It failed,we aplogize for it,yet they do not forgive and move on for a harmless

fault. We are being torn apart by resignation,and are being assaulted from outside.

EDIT: Both the Federation of Buccaneers and LOST have declared war on us,don't believe me,check wars for United Blue Directorate. We are also being assaulted

on our forums. We are fighting alone against 3 alliances.

Answering the items I've bolded

1) Spying is a valid CB

2) You are more at fault

3) They've given you lenient terms; be thankful

4) The bulk of your nations are too small for them to attack

Overall, I would quit with these kind of posts. It could have been much, much worse. Good luck in rebuilding.

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The reason there has been no requests for proof or claims that UBD didn't do it is because it seems clear from discussions with Mushroom Kingdom and the 3 members involved that this spying activity did occur. As pointed out earlier the whole of UBD, under CN precedence, is culpable for the actions of mdnss69, bahman and slybomber. I am sure that I can reflect the feelings of betrayal that the whole of the UBD members feel toward these members especially those that were elected and appointed in good faith.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs for UBD I have initiated official talks with MK regarding this limited war and the aftermath. MK has been most agreeable in these discussions and I hope that we can eventually come to a positive conclusion.

I would also like to apologise on behalf of the United Blue Directorate for the appalling actions of a minority of our government members, I hope that our current treaty partners and friends recognise that these spying activities were not ordered by those remaining in the UBD government and those who are not listed above were not aware of such activities until notified by MK. The UBD prides itself on the integrity of its members and I would hope that we can continue relations with our friends untainted; the true spirit of our alliance lives on in our remaining members.

I will not bore you with qualifications regarding the DoW on UBD by MK until a later date when we can take a scholarly view of this event. For now I and the rest of UBD government will occupy ourselves with the defending of our alliance, the maintenance of our treaties and friendships and the rebuilding of our nations.

If anyone has any concerns or questions regarding the UBD at this time please find me on our IRC channel #UBD or contact me through the UBD forums.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

United Blue Directorate

Corran Dralling, I suggest you speak with the person I quoted above. He seems to know what he is doing. If you share your grievances with him, I'm sure he will bring them to MK, if warranted, or explain to you why there are not.

I am not in a position to do either.

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Please consider taking this up in private with the rest of your gov. You're not doing yourself any favors here.

Multiple people have tried to explain, pretty nicely from what I've seen, what's going on and why.

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Corran I do sympathise with yourself, but unfortunately a government is resonsible for alliance affairs and when a government spies, the alliance has spied. Keep morale up though man. You have some tough times coming up but you will easily get through, right now you are seeing all the nations that won't fight for their brothers running away, keep strong keep loyal, MK have been lenient and you should be gracious of that my friend.

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I just thought I should point out some facts that have been omitted from this announcement.

I don't know if you're trying to lie to get people to feel sorry for your alliance, or if you really are interpreting the situation that way but from what I can tell, the vast majority of people here feel otherwise.

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I just thought I should defend my alliance when everyone else hates us for a minor transgression. But I accept all points,blame no one,and that is all.

It has become clear from these threads that very few people, if anyone at all, hates your alliance. Also, why do you continue to lie in your posts? First you said you were pointing out facts when you didn't. Now you say you accept all points and don't blame anyone, when you truly do... so what's the deal?

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I just thought I should defend my alliance when everyone else hates us for a minor transgression. But I accept all points,blame no one,and that is all.

You don't hate a dog for pissing on your floor 1 time. You flick it on the nose and move on.

Noone really hates you, everyone is just disappointed.

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I don't think most alliances feel any differently about you now than they did 2 days ago. I haven't seen any evidence of anyone hating you. Your allies aren't dropping you. Better than I can say for some allies.

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Ok,I don't I am neutral in my point,I believe MK has all right to attack us,just stating facts. And I don't lie,name one lie I have said please. And no one

has once questioned MKs announcement.

I could name two in this post. Lie may be a strong word, I'm willing to give you misspoke, as I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that English is not your first language.

That said, we have mutual allies, so I will take my leave.

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Ok,well take a look into mdnss69s aplogy. And we did no harm,didn't even try to steal anything. Where I doubt anyone else would have,and what of various people saying,Justice has prevailed,well done MK,you all sound as though MK is the world courts. And now everyone is thinking of starting one week wars,and

is anyone going to question MKs use of other alliances.

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I could name two in this post. Lie may be a strong word, I'm willing to give you misspoke, as I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that English is not your first language.

Was about to post that...

SPACE OUT THE COMMA'S! It bugs me...

But as I said in your OWrp thread, at least you apologize for someone else, that takes some swallowing of pride and it's nice to see. Some browny points for that.

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Yet you people act as though he tried to take over a alliance.

Spying is considered a big deal, regardless of what was spied upon and/or stolen. To answer your earlier comment about other alliances, I think Archon already referenced that. A lot of your nations are out of range for the average MK member, so one (more maybe?) of MK's allies is helping out.

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