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New France News Thread

Le Corbusir

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First Elections!

Countless French Americans line outside of polling stations throught the new nation. Every citizen at least 18 years of age has been given this oportunity to influence the first election of the nation and it looked as though everyone who can vote, will vote. The candidates are as follows:


Fiacre Laroche- Strongly influenced by Carthagninian Fascism, Laroche seeks "peaceful coup" in form of democratic election into office. His form of fascism, he claims, is a healthier, and less invasive, but will take strong command in leading the nation to prosperity and strength. He plans to model the nation closely after Fascist Carthage.


Alderic Beaumont- Former star soccer player, Beaumont also promises to strengthen the nation and lead it on a prosperous path through Democracy. Emphasising the importance of the arts, education, and sports, he believes in the power of the people, their values, and freedoms.


Édouard Pomeroy- Leader of the unofficial French American Communist Union, Pomery seeks a religionless, classless nation. Abolishing private property, and installing a system of public ownership over the nation. He promises to provide defence, equality, and strength to the new nation through Communism. His views fall closely in line with most Marxist beliefs.

Edited by Le Corbusir
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The Imperial Alliance would be in favor of either Laroche or Pomeroy. Being a manager state, we take no issue with more authoritarian approaches but also respect Marxist ideological stances and policies.

Edited by iamthey
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Pomeroy and Beaumont Take Lead

As first votes are counted, Baeumont took a quick lead but Pomeroy and Laroche, for a time at least, both surpassed Beaumont. The election seems to be a wildcard at this point, with Pomeroy and Baemont now tied for first, and Laroche not far behind. Rallies for each candidate are held across the country, as the nation excitedly awaits the final results. One man noted, "This is better than the soccer championships!"

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So you have a fascist, a ultra-liberal and a Marxist. No room for moderates it seems but who are we to judge the political leanings of a people? We support Alderic Beaumont, as his views most closely reflect that of our current government.

Indeed, this candidate seems to be the best choice for the people of New France. Though ultimately, the choice IS up to them...

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Election Turns Again!

It has now been confirmed that Baeumont has taken a progressive lead so far, with Pomeroy in second, and Laroche still close behind. As the voting completes and the election winds down we can only wait and see who will lead our nation, and only guess on to what path.

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President Elected!!!


Today the nation celebrates the rule of its first President since the nations official declaration of existance afew days ago. Alderic Beaumont is now the new President of New France. Pomeroy uses his suport now to create the Communist Party of New France while Laroche has done the same by creating the Fascist Party of New France. But it is Beaumont's Democratic Party that now controls most of the government. Mass celebrations take place as Baeumont is inaugurated into office.

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Arms Build-up

As President Beaumont struggles to unite the various forces of the nation under the new democracy, Generals have been placing heavy pressure on the President to increase military spending and recrutment. Their argument is that the military is simply too small, and in its current state leaves the nation vulnerable to aggressive neighbors. It seems as though every few days a new budget is considered, each larger than the last, and all towards the military. While arms production has soared, recrutement has barely gotten moving. There simply are not enough people within the nation who are willing to join the military. Its benefits are overshadowed by those of other jobs in New France, and the nation is still split over the close elections. Many do not support the new government, while those who do are annxiosly joining in on the oportunities of Democracy. General François Reynolds stated, "We have more tanks than men to drive them."


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Carthage extends an invitation to President Beaumont to attend a meeting regarding the current New France defence crisis with Fascist Carthage military officials and President Cutlass. The talks are proposed in the hopes of striking a deal to purchase military equipment from New France, aid President Beaumont in tapping into the strong Fascist base in New France, and perhaps reach a trade deal between the nations. The meeting would take place in the Carthaginian capital, Casablanca.

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