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You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.

Is that check mate then? I hereby announce myself victorious over magicpirate in the name of the Grinch, may he rest in peace.

EDIT: That is me going to bed. If anyone wants to carry any further discussion of anything Ive said in this topic, please dont. Thank you.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.

If it wasn't in this thread, Vox would have made another one, so it doesn't really matter.

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You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.

Are you seriously calling out the mods now on this? Walford H. Christ help this man.

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The circumstances under which shaneprince left the Imperial Green Village are relevant to the circumstances under which he was given protection by VE, yes. Beyond that,

YES, it is relevant to me. We've been at war with them for what? 7 months? We have been saying for just as long that they are nothing but puppets of the NPO and they have confirmed it at every opportunity throughout this little dance. Do I want them to look bad? Of course I want them to look bad! They are bad! Very bad! Difficult concept here, I know.

The slight against me is hilarious. Regardless of the mask I have worn I have always been a man of publicity. If it was not the IGV in the past it was someone else. Right now, it's IGV, and for damn good reason.

Well alright then. You pressed the issue for your own ego and agenda. You said it better than I was but hey it seems you know the score. Good for you.

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Are you seriously calling out the mods now on this? Walford H. Christ help this man.

No I'm not calling out anyone. I realize the rules have changed I just didn't know to what degree. If this kind of tangent is allowed now that's cool with me. I actually prefer it. I still believe everyone is reaching.

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EDIT: That is me going to bed. If anyone wants to carry any further discussion of anything Ive said in this topic, please dont. Thank you.

An honorable decision Stumpy...you're like the white knight of this fine planet, if I do say so myself!

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No I'm not calling out anyone. I realize the rules have changed I just didn't know to what degree. If this kind of tangent is allowed now that's cool with me. I actually prefer it. I still believe everyone is reaching.

The only rule that's changed is author's rights but that still doesn't even come close to defending your point about this not being on topic, as that's all it's been.

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You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.



I am discussing the cause of this thread.

I am discussing the circumstances in which shaneprice, a respected Triumvir of the GGA, was faced with the choice of resigning or being expelled from his alliance for his freethought.

Explain to me how that is deviating from the subject of this thread, please.

There was a time when people like you on these boards weren't allowed to post but I guess time has passed. But unlike you I won't stand idly by. I will attack your idiocy at every turn. I will fight your misplaced sense of self-righteousness, your pathetic attempts at crusading against the naysayers. Come off your high horse and see the real world with the rest of us. It isn't pretty, but my dear magicninja, life isn't pretty.

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That will be enough. If you feel a person or the thread is out of the bounds of the rules then report them. There is no need to discuss off-topic posting and the like here. So long as there is a clear progression of relevance from the original issue to the issue being discussed then it is our view that a thread may stay open. On that note, you may all continue talking about something that isn't whether discussion thus far is relevant to the original topic.

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MagicNinja, you aren't convincing anyone, you aren't even convincing yourself at this point. Your prolonged existence in this thread with the same garble you've been spewing since you arrived is only going to make you look more and more stupid.

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The only rule that's changed is author's rights but that still doesn't even come close to defending your point about this not being on topic, as that's all it's been.

Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else.

If this topic really is about GGA and what is wrong with them and not VE and their decisions, the whole issue has still been blown way out of proportion by those who hate GGA. I still don't think it was a big enough issue to spew 55 pages before I even got here.

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You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.

It's hardly far off at all. When a former GGA triumvir is expelled from the GGA and offered protection for that reason, I'd say that discussions regarding his expulsion and him are pretty relevant to the topic of his protection. The logic, to me, seems pretty obvious. Just because it wasn't mentioned in the OP doesn't mean that it's not relevant to the OP.

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That will be enough. If you feel a person or the thread is out of the bounds of the rules then report them. There is no need to discuss off-topic posting and the like here. So long as there is a clear progression of relevance from the original issue to the issue being discussed then it is our view that a thread may stay open. On that note, you may all continue talking about something that isn't whether discussion thus far is relevant to the original topic.

Understood. I'll be on my way.

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Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else.

If this topic really is about GGA and what is wrong with them and not VE and their decisions, the whole issue has still been blown way out of proportion by those who hate GGA. I still don't think it was a big enough issue to spew 55 pages before I even got here.

It's not the people who hate GGA that are reviving this thread, it's GGA and people like you.

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Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else.

If this topic really is about GGA and what is wrong with them and not VE and their decisions, the whole issue has still been blown way out of proportion by those who hate GGA. I still don't think it was a big enough issue to spew 55 pages before I even got here.

Obviously it was if it got here in the first place. Hell, even GGA were posting for pages among pages.

This isn't one or two people posting, it's everybody and their mother. Once you realize that every Alliance Announcement thread that reaches this length follows these same guidelines, the rest of CN will thank you.

Edited by Mixoux
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Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else.
I notice you have this inexplicable tendency to get all emo and defeatist when you lose an argument rather than just shut up or concede. Then you mope around for a few pages and pine for sympathy. Given what you were complaining about a couple pages back maybe you should preserve your dignity and hold those lips together.

So what?? It's about an ex-GGA triumvir who was very recently chased from his position and the alliance. It's bloody relevant.

How... prophetic.

Edit : In regards to the rest of that post, WC said it better than I can.

Edited by Aurion
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Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else.

If this topic really is about GGA and what is wrong with them and not VE and their decisions, the whole issue has still been blown way out of proportion by those who hate GGA. I still don't think it was a big enough issue to spew 55 pages before I even got here.

They dislike GGA so much...they praised them a couple days ago and one was even willing to treaty them? :blink:

It's almost like you tried arguing this before <_<

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It's not the people who hate GGA that are reviving this thread, it's GGA and people like you.

I'm talking the lengths people went through (spying etc) to prove that GGA made a decision based on what it thought was best. Then it was NPO making decisions for GGA. Maybe that's the case. Certainly looks to me that there is some NPO influence on GGA's thought process but again if that is something GGA accepts then oh well. That's their business. Everyone here seems to want to make it their business and tell the GGA membership to scatter and jump ship. Seems a bit overboard for the situation.

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VE: Hai guys we are protecting this dude.

Us: Oh cool.


Us: Lolwut

Vox: lolNice

GGA: UH... we didnt just say that.

Vox: lolScreens.

Us: lol

GGA: lol...wait.

Us: Oh Gawd lol.

MK: lol

Revanche: lol

TOP: ^Wtf


ES: Lol.

GGA: Shut up guys

Valhalla: Yeah, shut up guiz

Us: No.

Valhalla: No u

Us: No u

GGA: No us, u, wut?

Us: lol.


Us: wtf is this thread even about


Us: Oh thanks... lol.

Moo: Not puppets.

Vox: Yeah they are.

Moo: Ohhhhhh !@#$

Us: lol

Everyone: Rawr

Magicpirate: Nonsense, Nonsense, Nonsense.

WC: lolusuk mang.

Doitzel: Why I do declare he does indeed sucketh!

Magicpirate: No u

Us: No u

Repeat last two steps.

Did I miss any part of this thread?

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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I'm talking the lengths people went through (spying etc) to prove that GGA made a decision based on what it thought was best. Then it was NPO making decisions for GGA. Maybe that's the case. Certainly looks to me that there is some NPO influence on GGA's thought process but again if that is something GGA accepts then oh well. That's their business. Everyone here seems to want to make it their business and tell the GGA membership to scatter and jump ship. Seems a bit overboard for the situation.

The fact that GGA made it public makes it our business.

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I'm talking the lengths people went through (spying etc) to prove that GGA made a decision based on what it thought was best. Then it was NPO making decisions for GGA. Maybe that's the case. Certainly looks to me that there is some NPO influence on GGA's thought process but again if that is something GGA accepts then oh well. That's their business. Everyone here seems to want to make it their business and tell the GGA membership to scatter and jump ship. Seems a bit overboard for the situation.

New information has come up in the span of this discussion that relates directly to the original statement. And GGA has a large amount of score and is a well known alliance and a well hated alliance. Of course it will be talked about

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