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An attack upon IRON

Finster Baby

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Whether or not their actions have angered you and your friends is irrelevant. Your website was hacked because you have decided to keep a bunch of new players down from the beginning of their CN career as they doubtless are fighting back in the only way they can. Arguably so, at least. My point is that legal action is not an option.

FYI...I am not friends with anyone in IRON currently and it wasn't my forum hacked. If you wanna fight back, fight back IG, Not OOC.

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He's an idiot don't try to reason with him, he's probably a lawbreaker himself which is why he keeps saying that. He knows nothing and therefore is nothing. He meaning Tom just to clarify.

You came off a tad hostile there, DracosLover. I am glad though that you have taken your own advice to James Wilson for I see not an ounce of reason in your post.

Good day.

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Now folks, lets keep our composure. Name calling just make's Admin's angel's angry and then we all know what happen's when they get angry. Fact is, someone is getting pissed over a game. Taking action defined by law as illegal is not something you do over a GAME.

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Now folks, lets keep our composure. Name calling just make's Admin's angel's angry and then we all know what happen's when they get angry. Fact is, someone is getting pissed over a game. Taking action defined by law as illegal is not something you do over a GAME.

Alright James I'll refrain from further name calling because you asked.

And I'm not actually pissed about the game portion, other then the fact it serperated me from my beloved Spam, that's not my problem, just the fact that a law was broken is.

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Can't the same be said for the bespectacled teenagers with far too much free time who sit around in their parents' darkened basements chortling to themselves in between sips of prune juice as they derive some odd sense of self-worth from keeping their enemies in an browser game in a perpetual, hopeless state of war while dismissing their victims' complaints about being kept out of the game with the excuse that they are still technically playing the game, only that they are constantly being attacked... in the game.

See what I did there? I'm not saying I support DoS attacks, I'm not saying I even have any particular sympathy for the Jarheads or DevilDogs or whatever they are. What I am saying is that we live in a world where an eye goes for an eye. If you hit someone you should at the very least not act so surprised when they return the favor.

IRON, I am sorry about what happened to your website but good luck trying trying to sue anyone over the internet. It just never works out.

Now now now, I just happen to reside up stairs. I'm far to lazy to move stuff downstairs into the basement.

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Now folks, lets keep our composure. Name calling just make's Admin's angel's angry and then we all know what happen's when they get angry. Fact is, someone is getting pissed over a game. Taking action defined by law as illegal is not something you do over a GAME.

I wasn't aware that the internet had a charter with clearly defined laws. Point me to that will you? Even if it did, my point was that no matter if the actions taken against the IRON forums were right or wrong or legal or illegal does not matter because it is difficult to enforce laws over the internet.

I don't understand why I am drawing all this hostility from you people when I am not saying that the Jarheads or whoever it was that hacked you did the right thing. They didn't. It is obnoxious, definitely. Fruitless? Perhaps. Unexpected? Not really. Immature? Definitely. All that my point boils down to is that it makes IRON look silly threatening their assailants with e-law because the unfortunate attack on your website simply isn't an important enough issue in real life for repercussions to be able to be made against the hackers in question.

Tom your an idiot what do you not understand about that? Do I have to say it more slowly for you to understand?

I was about to bite my tongue when I realized that I was already tasting blood in my mouth. Wait, that's not blood; it's irony.

Now now now, I just happen to reside up stairs. I'm far to lazy to move stuff downstairs into the basement.

I'd like to point out to you that I wasn't actually attacking any players as being "bespectacled basement dwellers" as my post would imply. I was, in fact, parodying the user to whose post I was replying to point out that:

1. We are ALL bespectacled nerds in one way or another if we are here and that

2. Perhaps we should look at the causes behind this attack. For there to be a peace and for these lawless actions not to take place we must resolve the problem that is causing them to occur, right?

Edited by Tom Litler
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The reason your drawing hostility is probably because your stating that the legal restitution won't happen. And it's not IRON (which if you'd pay attention has already been said a thousand times) that is going to send these guys to jail, it's the guys who own and host our forums (non-IRON memebers). duh

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Speculation can lead to people getting more annoyed at a group than they have to be. Example: people blaming /b/ for stealing the source code.

Yes, everyone had a right to want to murder /b/ and then kick their corpse until it turned into dust, but they didn't have to blame the stolen source code on them. It was stolen 2 months before it was leaked.

Considering they are at war with several alliances already I don't see what more harm can come to them by one post. Obviously a similar past incident has colored your view of this matter but one would have to be very naive to completly ignore the timing of the second attack.

Just becuase they may be on the "suspect list" it does not mean they have or will be "charged" with anything.

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I wasn't aware that the internet had a charter with clearly defined laws. Point me to that will you? Even if it did, my point was that no matter if the actions taken against the IRON forums were right or wrong or legal or illegal does not matter because it is difficult to enforce laws over the internet.

I don't understand why I am drawing all this hostility from you people when I am not saying that the Jarheads or whoever it was that hacked you did the right thing. They didn't. It is obnoxious, definitely. Fruitless? Perhaps. Unexpected? Not really. Immature? Definitely. All that my point boils down to is that it makes IRON look silly threatening their assailants with e-law because the unfortunate attack on your website simply isn't an important enough issue in real life for repercussions to be able to be made against the hackers in question.

First off, Mr. Litler, if I was being Hostile, you'd know it <_<. Second off, It is considered a crime in the US. Now if you don't live in the US I can understand the fact that you don't understand that. Now, if this attack is on the host as a whole or IRON's forums the host site should have the right whether they want to seek charges or not. If they do, they go to the FBI who have specialized operatives who are trained to catch hackers and those who like to mess with people's forums. I'll go back to what I was saying before you decided to try to prove my point wrong: This is a game. If you get so upset over a game that you decide to break the law, please seek help immediately.

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First off, Mr. Litler, if I was being Hostile, you'd know it <_<. Second off, It is considered a crime in the US. Now if you don't live in the US I can understand the fact that you don't understand that. Now, if this attack is on the host as a whole or IRON's forums the host site should have the right whether they want to seek charges or not. If they do, they go to the FBI who have specialized operatives who are trained to catch hackers and those who like to mess with people's forums. I'll go back to what I was saying before you decided to try to prove my point wrong: This is a game. If you get so upset over a game that you decide to break the law, please seek help immediately.

Nicely put James, very nice :)

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The reason your drawing hostility is probably because your stating that the legal restitution won't happen. And it's not IRON (which if you'd pay attention has already been said a thousand times) that is going to send these guys to jail, it's the guys who own and host our forums (non-IRON memebers). duh

I didn't say that I expected you personally to go and arrest them. I am saying that they will, in all likelihood, not be arrested. In which state do you reside? What are the laws concerning the internet like over there? What if the hacker is on the other side of the globe?

Do you see my point yet? If you expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko on a helicopter to capture the evildoer and bring him/her to justice in the good old US of A then you're in for a bit of a disappointment, my friend.

Certainly taking down your forums is no reason to send someone to jail even if we do go by some imaginary internet law and if you really think that someone will be "thrown in jail" for DoSing your alliance's forum then maybe you're taking the game a bit too seriously.

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I didn't say that I expected you personally to go and arrest them. I am saying that they will, in all likelihood, not be arrested. In which state do you reside? What are the laws concerning the internet like over there? What if the hacker is on the other side of the globe?

Do you see my point yet? If you expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko on a helicopter to capture the evildoer and bring him/her to justice in the good old US of A then you're in for a bit of a disappointment, my friend.

Certainly taking down your forums is no reason to send someone to jail even if we do go by some imaginary internet law and if you really think that someone will be "thrown in jail" for DoSing your alliance's forum then maybe you're taking the game a bit too seriously.

The odds of the culprits getting caught and "thrown in jail" are very, very slim but that doesn't mean we shouldn't report the incident (which I'm sure the host knew about) or be upset by the inconvenience.

As far as taking the game too seriously that's a charge that can be brought against just about anyone. Fact is we do not know the motivations of the culprits. They could have done it for fun or out of some deep seeded anger, which may or may not have anything to do with IRON or CN. What we do know is that they possibly violated a law and knowingly took a risk, albeit a very minor one, to attack our host.

Edited by Authur
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I didn't say that I expected you personally to go and arrest them. I am saying that they will, in all likelihood, not be arrested. In which state do you reside? What are the laws concerning the internet like over there? What if the hacker is on the other side of the globe?

Do you see my point yet? If you expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko on a helicopter to capture the evildoer and bring him/her to justice in the good old US of A then you're in for a bit of a disappointment, my friend.

Certainly taking down your forums is no reason to send someone to jail even if we do go by some imaginary internet law and if you really think that someone will be "thrown in jail" for DoSing your alliance's forum then maybe you're taking the game a bit too seriously.

I do believe you are missing the point entirely, it doesn't matter that the forum was down for a little while that is just an annoyance and is really quite trivial.

The real point which has been stated many times over in this thread, is that the personal property of the people we are hosting the forums is being disrupted because of some people who are taking the game a little too seriously.

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I didn't say that I expected you personally to go and arrest them. I am saying that they will, in all likelihood, not be arrested. In which state do you reside? What are the laws concerning the internet like over there? What if the hacker is on the other side of the globe?

Do you see my point yet? If you expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko on a helicopter to capture the evildoer and bring him/her to justice in the good old US of A then you're in for a bit of a disappointment, my friend.

Certainly taking down your forums is no reason to send someone to jail even if we do go by some imaginary internet law and if you really think that someone will be "thrown in jail" for DoSing your alliance's forum then maybe you're taking the game a bit too seriously.

Of course I don't expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko that would be silly....I expect them to send me...

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bros - Play nice. And by play nice, I mean stop.
Considering they are at war with several alliances already I don't see what more harm can come to them by one post. Obviously a similar past incident has colored your view of this matter but one would have to be very naive to completly ignore the timing of the second attack.

Just becuase they may be on the "suspect list" it does not mean they have or will be "charged" with anything.

Eh sure. I forget who Koona fingered in the last time NPO got DDoS'd, but I believe the popular candidate for fingering was DevilDogs. And usually with stuff like this, it isn't the first person you suspect. Unless they are idiots, of course :)

sorry archon I love IRON a little too much and I got too involved D:

still <3 me?

Edited by bros2
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I didn't say that I expected you personally to go and arrest them. I am saying that they will, in all likelihood, not be arrested. In which state do you reside? What are the laws concerning the internet like over there? What if the hacker is on the other side of the globe?

Do you see my point yet? If you expect interpol to send James Bond and Boris Grishenko on a helicopter to capture the evildoer and bring him/her to justice in the good old US of A then you're in for a bit of a disappointment, my friend.

Certainly taking down your forums is no reason to send someone to jail even if we do go by some imaginary internet law and if you really think that someone will be "thrown in jail" for DoSing your alliance's forum then maybe you're taking the game a bit too seriously.

For the record no one has been successfully convicted for a DoS attack however people have been arrested and tried by jury. And the mythical code of which you speak is called the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 although granted that would require one of the effected parties or one of the perpetrators to live in the UK.

I am not versed in the american law in regards to a DoS.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Eh sure. I forget who Koona fingered in the last time NPO got DDoS'd, but I believe the popular candidate for fingering was DevilDogs. And usually with stuff like this, it isn't the first person you suspect. Unless they are idiots, of course :)

sorry archon I love IRON a little too much and I got too involved D:

still <3 me?

For all we know someone could be intentionally framing them, however I see nothing wrong in honestly stating our suspicion.

It's ok bros2, there was nothing wrong with your statements.

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The smart thing would be to do it during wartime.

Yep. As opposed to curbstomptime.

I will say that I was rather harsh with IRON. Again, don't get my wrong, I am sorry that you had to go through this. Good luck getting your website back up and running.

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Yep. As opposed to curbstomptime.

I will say that I was rather harsh with IRON. Again, don't get my wrong, I am sorry that you had to go through this. Good luck getting your website back up and running.

Thank you.

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