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World Conference on Nuclear Affairs

Chancellor Bismarck

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In light of the recent attempt for a nuclear free world, I call this conference together in Confucius to ascertain a reasonable agreement for the non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear weapons.

The main agenda of this conference is to:

-Ascertain a timeline for the disarmament of nuclear weapons;

-Ascertain minimum defense requirements for the defense against nuclear weapons;

-Ascertain different methods of strategic weapons instead of nuclear arsenals;

-Ascertain a "No First Strike" agreement while nuclear weapons are being disarmed, and the feasability of such;

-Determine the benefits of a nuclear free world against a nuclear world;

-Other things that can be brought up by delegates at the Conference.

I invite every nation in the world to this conference, and encourage all to participate. It is to be held in "Confucius' Peace". The Confuciust Armed Forces shall provide all necessary security arrangements, however, if you wish to have bodyguards, you may bring up to five. If you request a fighter escort into Confucianism, contact our Foreign Office. Delegation sizes are limited to ten, and you may bring your own methods of secure communication.


President Pacifism, Confucianism

OOC: You can RP your request to come, your landing, and your arrival at "Confucius' Peace", our foreign building.

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There are more pressing matters right now, like full-scale nuclear warfare in Europe. We can't attend this.

Confucianism understands, and wishes you the best in a swift resolution to nuclear war.

Confucianism recognises the protest of Rebel Virginia, and respects your decision to do so.

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We are not surprised to see Promised Land celebrating the misfortune of our citizens. Even after coming to your aid during your time of need, you still spit on us.

You assume to much. We weremerely commenting on your plight. We would offer aid, but we somehow doubt you would accept it...

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While the Imperium recognizes the noble cause this represents, as well as the ideal model of humanity it exemplifies; we cannot honestly sign such a document and remain true to our own philosophical understandings. The world is a cruel and unjust place where the only real source of truth is the ability of one to impose their view upon another. Thus in order to shield ourselves, protect our allies, and prevent the exploitation of the inherent disadvantage this would place upon us, we must adhere to strict realism, and acknowledge the need for our own nuclear weapons by rejecting the premise this conference functions upon. However, we do wish you luck in your mission.

Edited by iamthey
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Taeunas already refuses to build such weapons (because we refuse to be world ending lunatics like a few of the rest of you that shall remain nameless) but will send a represenative to offer any insight we can.

We are also not surprised to see that Rebel Virginia is protesting this. We think that if someone was standing on a corner handing out free doses of common sense, they would protest that as well.

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Well then, you assume too much. Would you still offer us aid?


Of course, we will not interfere publicly, but we can officially send a ship as part of a "humanitarian effort." On it will be weapons and supplies for your military. It should be there within two days.

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Neo Olympia issues the following statement to the conference.

-Ascertain a timeline for the disarmament of nuclear weapons;

Disarmament is not a realistic option since many nuclear nations will not give up their arsenals, so moderation of their offensive use is the only realistic option.

-Ascertain minimum defence requirements for the defence against nuclear weapons;

A treaty with a joint agreement to declare war on the first person who uses a nuclear first strike.

The sharing of the coverage area of SDI by all treaty members so that all nuclear weapons will be destroyed in the launch phase and eliminate the threat that they pose to neutral nations in any future conflict.

-Ascertain different methods of strategic weapons instead of nuclear arsenals;

The following methods while extremely destructive do not have the long term global consequences of nuclear weapons.

1 Fuel-Air explosives, These cause massive explosions that cause strategic level damage to cities. And most importantly these weapons have a contained area of effect and do not effect areas beyond the target as severely as a nuclear blast.

2 Exo Atmospheric Nuclear Blasts for EMP pulse effects, This will eliminate the fallout problem that the entire world suffers every time someone uses a nuke.

3 Use of coalitions of conventional forces to outnumber the rival, If you wish to invade someone it is a well known doctrine to have overwhelming forces overwhelm your rivals, This has several advantages over the use of nuclear weapons the greatest of which is that the invader gets land that is not poisoned and useless.

I am sure that even the representative from Rebel Virginia will recognise that having more land and resources after a war is better than having less, and nuclear weapons destroy resources that could be put to use and render land uninhabitable.

-Ascertain a "No First Strike" agreement while nuclear weapons are being disarmed, and the feasibility of such;

Disarmament is not a realistic option since many nuclear nations will not give up their arsenals,

But if several nations agree to jointly declare on anyone using a nuclear first strike then that will make the use of a first strike an act of suicide.

-Determine the benefits of a nuclear free world against a nuclear world;

Continued survival of the human race.

A clean environment, This has benefits that are too numerous to mention.

More usable living areas, nuclear glass deserts are not very usable for any nation.

-Other things that can be brought up by delegates at the Conference.

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The Marscurian delegate stands up,

I wish to add a non-spread clause, so that no new nations shall gain nuclear weapons, whether they are for a deterent or actual use.

We should also address nuclear power for peaceful electricity and transportation (subs, aircraft carriers) purposes.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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The Marscurian delegate stands up,

I wish to add a non-spread clause, so that no new nations shall gain nuclear weapons, whether they are for a deterent or actual use.

We should also address nuclear power for peaceful electricity and transportation (subs, aircraft carriers) purposes.

In the fullness of time we will obtain nuclear weapons for use as a deterrent,

But I pledge on my oath to never to be the first to use these weapons in any war we might ever be involved in, any time in the future.

We will only ever use them as a deterrent as per our previous proposal and we will not use them as an offensive weapon ever.

And stopping new nations from obtaining them will make them easy targets for those nations that already have them. So I wish to propose a "no first strike" clause instead of a non-spread clause.

Nuclear weapons damage everyone, not just their targets. So when one is used the person who uses them hurts not just their enemies, but their allies, neutral nations and most importantly themselves.

So their use should be closely regulated by everyone since their use effects everyone.

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The Confucianist Delegation looks on Neo Olympia's proposal with favor. We agree that, while it may not be feasible to disarm all nuclear weapons, we can moderate their use. A "No First Strike" policy is a good step forward, guaranteeing that nuclear weapons are used only for deterrence and defense.

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