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Change in CN

f0rg0tt3n 0n3

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So I have been reading some topics like is being against the order wrong and all that. Well it brought up the question in my mind whether it can actually change.

Basically EVERYONE is going to disagree with something. Whether it be the Order or another alliance. Everyone has their right to their different opinion. Yet some opinions are best kept to oneself because if you do let some opinions out you DO end up PHAILing (thats one epic fail). But ya some opinions cant always be said to retain the state of decency and stability that we have at the moment in CN history. Cybernations has been through many little ages in its history. Throughout this history there has been one alliance that basically controls everything and has is influence. Even if it is not the most powerful alliance at the time it is because of sheer influence. Influence is power. This is just like RL to an extent. If you obtain influence you obtain power. It is like Hitler, Napoleon, and so on.

So basically can any of this change? In my opinion no. It is just like the USA's political situation. Throughout the years the 2 party system has become flawed and the checks and balances systems has turned into a system of sheer failure. Yet because of the many years that we have had it we continue in our history because it is all we know. The only way to stop this is to completely and entirely start over meaning elect an ENTIRE assembly or adopt a new system with a whole new staff and what not. This is the same as Planet Bob. What can we do? Basically we are many huge alliances who continue to sign treaties where basically everyone is allied with eachother and noone wants to go to war because they would go to war with everyone along with being on everyones side. They then have to pick which side to be on and that side is always on the side of influence. Who has the greatest influence. The only way to change is to start entirely over. This will not happen. To start over every single nation would have to be on the same page and it would never happen. Even if it did start over the same thing would come back up and in another period of time it would be a problem again. So change cannot be achieved.

Ya just some of my thoughts I decided to post.

Orange Trousers

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In my opinion, I am sick and tired of having 10 of these threads about next GW / new world order / pro-npo / anti-npo start every single day.

In my opinion you should not bring OOC into an IC forum.

OOC: Then allow me :awesome:

IC: It's always funny to see the leaders deny the claims though, only to see it actually happen.

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IC: It's always funny to see the leaders deny the claims though, only to see it actually happen.

I assume you are not referring to me.

IMO, Leaders denying anything is the first sign of whatever it is denying, actually happening. You don't see leaders denying anything when everything is fine.

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I assume you are not referring to me.

IMO, Leaders denying anything is the first sign of whatever it is denying, actually happening. You don't see leaders denying anything when everything is fine.

Oh no, I wasn't referring to you, just the power structure in general.

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Change is possible, and in fact if you look at the forums from even 2 or 3 months ago and today, I think you'll see that change is happening right now. The large number of these threads is an unfortunate consequence of that <_< but governance by fear is less prevalent than it was, and divergent opinion is seen more here than for some time.

There is no single entity which can rule the system (unlike a majority party in a two party system), and therefore each entity must accept the others. The Continuum is not (in my opinion anyway) so tightly bound that it is one entity on the political floor, and internal debate between the member alliances not only makes it onto these boards at times but also shows non-members that they can make their political positions known too.

One man can not bring about a change. But enough men shuffling forward eventually will do so.

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Sure there can be change, just probably not in the short term. The status quo we have is not enforced by military might, like before, but maintained voluntarily by people with an interest in peace and order. It's a shame, I like a volatile atmosphere much better as well. Blasting meatbags can be thoroughly enjoyable (although I realise that we now have a mod who would make similar remarks). But a major change can't occur now for lack of conflict and contradictions.

Edited by Matthijs
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So I have been reading some topics like is being against the order wrong and all that. Well it brought up the question in my mind whether it can actually change.

Basically EVERYONE is going to disagree with something. Whether it be the Order or another alliance. Everyone has their right to their different opinion. Yet some opinions are best kept to oneself because if you do let some opinions out you DO end up PHAILing (thats one epic fail). But ya some opinions cant always be said to retain the state of decency and stability that we have at the moment in CN history. Cybernations has been through many little ages in its history. Throughout this history there has been one alliance that basically controls everything and has is influence. Even if it is not the most powerful alliance at the time it is because of sheer influence. Influence is power. This is just like RL to an extent. If you obtain influence you obtain power. It is like Hitler, Napoleon, and so on.

So basically can any of this change? In my opinion no. It is just like the USA's political situation. Throughout the years the 2 party system has become flawed and the checks and balances systems has turned into a system of sheer failure. Yet because of the many years that we have had it we continue in our history because it is all we know. The only way to stop this is to completely and entirely start over meaning elect an ENTIRE assembly or adopt a new system with a whole new staff and what not. This is the same as Planet Bob. What can we do? Basically we are many huge alliances who continue to sign treaties where basically everyone is allied with eachother and noone wants to go to war because they would go to war with everyone along with being on everyones side. They then have to pick which side to be on and that side is always on the side of influence. Who has the greatest influence. The only way to change is to start entirely over. This will not happen. To start over every single nation would have to be on the same page and it would never happen. Even if it did start over the same thing would come back up and in another period of time it would be a problem again. So change cannot be achieved.

Ya just some of my thoughts I decided to post.

Orange Trousers

I agree with that.. but you never no either...

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In my opinion, I am sick and tired of having 10 of these threads about next GW / new world order / pro-npo / anti-npo start every single day.

In my opinion you should not bring OOC into an IC forum.

I agree. I don't like the NPO but all these threads are getting annoying.

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Change is always possible. Change is always present, in minuscule proportions, the rate of change may be small enough to escape notice as an instantaneous value, however over time the magnitude might be large enough to be noticed by conducting a comparison.

The only thing that matters however [in my opinion] is the direction of the change, is it for the better or for the worse? Of course this question too has no objective answer. Each viewer and assessor would have their own definition of positive and negative brought about by their own position and choice of stance on the politics of Planet Bob.

Great change is almost always in subtle 'easy to not notice' increments.

Whatever a person's wishes and definition of 'positive change', it is always a good idea to first bring about the desired change in one's own self and realize that as long as you change and your change impacts your footprint, your jurisdiction, that which you control/impact. You have contributed to the shift, the change. From each, as per their might. That is how change is brought about. Forced, sudden change is always transient and the system achieves a state of equilibrium and the mechanism may come to rest in a state/position that the architects of the change did not wish for. Multiple repeated, subtle, infinitesimally small corrections and disturbance to equilibrium is what is needed for overall change.

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