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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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OOC: Except that 1) Martens is in 1980, and 2) The United States continues to this day to use 15kt nuclear artillery, as seen in the W23 weapon, a weapon which is a bit larger than the weapon described by martens. It is 404mm, designed for use on US Battleships.

OOC: Even if it is 15 KT, as I explained, your army is virtually destroyed.

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OOC: And I of course agree with Shadowsage and Pacifism. If you do not agree, Merger, I suggest you go invade another territory for I would not recognize the RP.

OOC: And I reinforce what Shadow and Pacifism said.

Your army is gone, Merger. 15 kt yield still are 15,000 metric tons of TNT.

15,000,000 kilograms, 15 million kilograms.

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OOC: Detonating in the middle of a major city, a 25 kiloton nuclear bomb killed 75, 000 people, this is a fraction of that. Never did Gebiv RP developing larger artillery than the weapons currently in play. Just as part of a standard formation, there is nothing to suggest he's that compact.

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: And I reinforce what Shadow and Pacifism said.

Your army is gone, Merger. 15 kt yield still are 15,000 metric tons of TNT.

15,000,000 kilograms, 15 million kilograms.


Indeed, it's almost inconceivable that many people survived. Even if we ignore the explosion itself and all the heat that goes with it, the proximity of the radiation is enough to make everyone in the area fatally ill.

Edited by Brian Reimer
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OOC: Detonating in the middle of a major city, a 25 kiloton nuclear bomb killed 75, 000 people, this is a fraction of that. Never did Gebiv RP developing larger artillery than the weapons currently in play. Just as part of a standard formation, there is nothing to suggest he's that compact.

OOC: Because the city back then didn't actually have much more inhabitants, Triyun!

That's why not more people died.

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With 20,000 men dead immediately with the nuclear explosion, and an extra 40,000 suffering wounds, the armies marched onwards drearily, 100,000 strong, towards their destinations of Torino and Genova. Fifty thousand at each, accompanied by 700 tanks and armored vehicles. They would rest there, in very loose formation to prevent further casualties. The Gebvian army was in the East, losing battle after battle to the Germans and the Soviets. The men did feel safe in their cities.

The forty thousand that had suffered from the blast were to be immediately pulled out, and sent home for proper treatment. They would be given an honorable discharge from the army, as they attempted to cope with their newfound wounds and suffering. They would receive total healthcare for the rest of their lives from the Ministry of Defense. Their treatment would be expedited in hospitals across the nation so as to allow the least suffering possible.

The Southern Army, now weakened both morally and physically, would remain in their encampments for two days longer, defending them as necessary. They would retain air support from Genéve, as well as offshore support from the Dutch Navy. There was little doubt that they would be able to hold the two cities for two days. In two days' time, the Replacement Army was to arrive in Torino and Genova. The Replacement Army was 150,000 fresh troops from the homeland, which would be used to directly invade Italy. They would use smarter tactics, however, to avoid nuclear weapons as much as possible. They would march in a looser formation than the Southern Army, and they had all been equipped with radiation suits to allow for combat in the irradiated areas of Italy. They had been equipped with Geiger counters as well, to further avoid being irradiated, and uh, ghoulification. (ooc: lol fallout 3) This army would be significantly more well-equipped, with both the Southern Army's SAM systems as well as fresh SAM systems brought with them. They would also be bringing with them a new weapon to fight against the Gebivian Artillery, mobile laser systems. These, like most of the Dutch equipment, were purchased from the UFE. They also would be employing more air-based laser systems, flown on large jets in the sky to combat artillery and ICBMs. They would not be nuked again.

In the West, the Western Army was pushing the Iberian Line back. They had captured Montpelier, and had the Iberian army on the retreat. The Western Army was to chase them to the Iberian border, where they were to stop and ensure border security. The reason for the Iberian retreat was, it was surmised, the Franco-Imperial invasion of Iberia from the Gibraltar area. Iberia would be more concerned with its own borders, it was assumed, than with ensuring an ally is secure.

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OOC: Adding in the APCs, AAVs, tanks and fighters until I get nuked again, since i was whitewashed.


The APC's and tanks made a moderate pace towards the Slovene border. The AAV's went along in front, their .50 cal turrets scanning the land before them. Helicopters floated over the columns as they neared Slovenia. The battle was close, the difficulty unsure. Most of the Gebivian Army was hurting. 95,000 en rode in this army, another 35,000 dug in on the border with the RA rotectorate, bolstered with artillery, AA guns and machine gun nest, spread out enough to where a nuke wouldn't have a devastating effect on the line, although they were close enough to effectively repel anything the Gebivians were capable of throwing back.

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OOC: Because the city back then didn't actually have much more inhabitants, Triyun!

That's why not more people died.

OOC: Actually at the time of the bombing there were about 255,000 people living there.

EDIT: For Horishima

The release at 08:15 (Hiroshima time) was uneventful, and the gravity bomb known as "Little Boy", a gun-type fission weapon with 60 kg (130 pounds) of uranium-235, took fifty-seven seconds to fall from the aircraft to the predetermined detonation height about six hundred meters (1,900 ft) above the city. Due to crosswind, it missed the aiming point, the Aioi Bridge, by almost eight hundred feet and detonated directly over Shima Surgical Clinic.[20] It created a blast equivalent to about 13 kilotons of TNT. (The U-235 weapon was considered very inefficient, with only 1.38% of its material fissioning.)[21] The radius of total destruction was about one mile (1.6 km), with resulting fires across 11.4 km² (4.4 square miles).[22] Infrastructure damage was estimated at ninety percent of Hiroshima's buildings being either damaged or completely destroyed.

It killed about 80,000 of them directly. By the end of the year the toll had risen to between 90 to 140 thousand by radiation etc.

If you look here, you'll see that despite the difference in yeild, the explosion wasn't significantly larger.


Don't get me wrong, nuclear warheads are powerful - really powerful, but they're not THAT powerful (unless you start using rediculously large ones)

Edited by Shan Revan
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OOC: Actually at the time of the bombing there were about 255,000 people living there.

EDIT: For Horishima

OOC: And Triyun got his numbers wrong.

The Little boy bomb in Hiroshima killed 70,000-80,000 people in the initial blast and was only 14-18 kilotons.

For Fat Man in Nagasaki, "casualty estimates for immediate deaths range from 40,000 to 75,000." at 21 kilotons, but a lot less densely populated.

In the end, it all depends on how dense merger had his men operating. Also, both were significantly lower in yield than 25 kilotons.

Edit: Also, most of the destruction doesn't come from the fireball. It's the shockwave, other heat, radiation and all these shenanigans that make the bombs so deadly.

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: And Triyun got his numbers wrong.

The Little boy bomb in Hiroshima killed 70,000-80,000 people in the initial blast and was only 14-18 kilotons.

For Fat Man in Nagasaki, "casualty estimates for immediate deaths range from 40,000 to 75,000." at 21 kilotons, but a lot less densely populated.

In the end, it all depends on how dense merger had his men operating. Also, both were significantly lower in yield than 25 kilotons.

Edit: Also, most of the destruction doesn't come from the fireball. It's the shockwave, other heat, radiation and all these shenanigans that make the bombs so deadly.

OOC: Neither was 1.5 kilotons which is the size of the artillery shell.

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The Soviet Army arrayed itself across the border and swept out of Croatia. They came from Zagreb, Cabar, Samobor, Krapina, and everywhere in between it seemed. Mobile Artillery went first, raining down upon the earth before the Soviet advance.

the F-60's swarmed overhead, lobbing missiles down onto any enemy emplacements that were found, and any places that could harbor resistance.

Once the lanes were opened, the Juggernaut tanks led the way, followed by APCs and AAVs and eventually the unmechanized soldiers, although they stayed spread out so as to avoid any more nuclear rounds.

The day was dim over Ljubljana. The F-60's escorted Tupolevs high above the city as they dropped bomb after bomb on the city, crushing buildings and infrastructure.

The navy in the Black Sea fired another round of anti-satellite missiles. Although their payload was small, they were very accurate and able to pinpoint targets of high interest, namely industrial sites in and around the city.

The ground troops would advance at a moderate pace, not advancing until the way was clear of all artillery. Helicopters did well to support these efforts, hunting down artillery emplacements and rooting them up.

The Soviets waited for a counter offensive, but did not know if the enemy was capable of mustering one or not.

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As the Soviet and German Forces converged on Slovenia, they actually finally came across some resistance. Resistance was in the form of a number of seemingly somewhat improvised Superheavy Tanks, and as usual, militia. Their numbers were not good, but they did advance and drew gratuitous amounts of enemy fire.

One of the superheavy tanks resembled a modern version of a KV-2, it had a 210mm cannon which was more suitable for a Howitzer than a tank, its role was to shoot massive rounds against soft targets. The rest of the tanks had dual guns of 120mm High Velocity.

In any case, the tanks and the little militia that had backed them were not ment to "win". Their job was to put up an appearance, and to make the enemy fight them. They would fight bravely and likely inflict decent casualties, but they were far too outnumbered to change the tide of war...

Artillery-based Nukes were proved to be too lenient on the enemy, as they were too small. Something different was used, and this time a missile headed directly towards the German and Soviet forces at Slovenia, carrying a much, much higher yield round. It was not an ICBM for it was only designed to function within Gebiv's vicinity, where it would not be affected by SDI's. It landed right within the range of both enemy formations, and so this nuke which dwarfed the already mighty ones used by Gebiv before, was detonated to lethal effect, this time the radiation would be so great it'd no doubt spread into the neighbor countries, not just Gebiv itself.

Fresh out of the factory, another similar missile was used, however it had to be noted that both missiles came from seemingly different places. The second missile targetted the dutch troops, but it was slightly different - more like a cluster bomb. Instead of doing one massive blast like the other rocket, the power of the warhead was divided into four, into four smaller warheads, in order to spread the damage more efficiently. However any victories would be short lived, as the 100k Reinforcement Troops would arrive within the hour.

"Alright Herr Mannelig, we're preparing the next round. We might want to mobilize our reserves in order to forestall further advance. They are as crazy as we are..."

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OOC: Martens how are you bringing in 100k troops, I sent a ton of fuel air explosive bombs and 3 nukes at you, plus isn't 100k like the size of your army, bringing more in of that size is ridiculous.

OOC: He said it was militia, so it's probably civilians...as he said, it's not meant to 'win.'

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: First Triyun's nuke rolls if no one got around to it.

5, 71, 66. Two hits.

Second, on the measure of Martens's force, I'd like to know where you got the resources for a force as large as that considering your wanton destruction of "the core of the Gebivian Army" in a different post. If a valid answer can't be given, the GMs have decided to bump it down to 10k.

Edited by hawk_11
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OOC: I was pretty sure we weren't doing civilian fighting forces anymore though.
OOC: That was my understanding as well...

OOC: My understanding was that it was allowed, but only equal to your IG citizen count...which would still make the 100 thousand a bit high, now that I've checked his IG stats.

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**Operation Decimation**

"..They just keep coming.."

"We need to finish this war quick"

"Agreed, launch the next set of missiles"

From 5 missile silos launched five ICBMs, their targets were the cities of Naples and Martenshaven. Two missiles was headed towards Naples; while, the others were pointed directly at the cities of Martenshaven. Each warhead was 20MT. Their job was simple..wipe out anything in their path.

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**Operation Decimation**

"..They just keep coming.."

"We need to finish this war quick"

"Agreed, launch the next set of missiles"

From 5 missile silos launched five ICBMs, their targets were the cities of Naples and Martenshaven. Two missiles was headed towards Naples; while, the others were pointed directly at the cities of Martenshaven. Each warhead was 20MT. Their job was simple..wipe out anything in their path.

OOC: Quick question, didn't you get EMPed? Because that would usually disable the missiles, unless there is some other defense in place, which there may well be, but I have yet seen...

Not to nag or anything

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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