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Well, if everyone hadn't been ignoring the RP, Niko had been a bit more enthusiastic, and I was using a computer instead of a Blackjack, things would have been RPed a bit more.

But things weren't really helping.

If it helps to know, think on this...I rarely, if ever, ignore an RP. I almost ALWAYS read every thread, though occasionally I simply skim over a few if I'm rushed for time.

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I barely read any RP's, which is why I havn't attempted to become part of them. I'm more of a gamer and a "innovator" with ideas (i.e. making a far more realistic steam-punk for Iowk, and applying that same idea to Iowkun in Aegis), rather than a good english typer or just a standard RP'er.

EDIT: If I had the time to though, I would read more RP's.

Edited by JerreyRough
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If it helps to know, think on this...I rarely, if ever, ignore an RP. I almost ALWAYS read every thread, though occasionally I simply skim over a few if I'm rushed for time.

It's true. This guy has been in and out of my threads than the rest of you combined across all of them. I counted.

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Ok this is me asking the CNRP community permission to develop a walker. I know people said no to them but the ones I will be developing and producing will be small in number and will actually be used in the Police Force. Below is the image for the Walkers I wish to use. I hope you will allow me to have them as they won't actually effect any other nation 95% of the time, the arn't super powerful and can easily be killed by modern weapons and as said they are for police work. Your opinions are valued thank you.


Edited by King Kevz
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Really the only problem I have with it is the minigun. I assume that's not going to be on there?

Well yes it was considering that is its only weapon. The idea behind the walker is that it repsonds to problems when officers are pinned down by heavy fire.

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I dont care so long as its police only. And not say your police going to war...

Nope the police won't go to war they would fight in the defense of any attacked city but they would be an annoyance at best due to their lack of military training.

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Nope the police won't go to war they would fight in the defense of any attacked city but they would be an annoyance at best due to their lack of military training.

Also, they would have all the weaknesses that natuarally come with any walker, making them little use on a battlefield anyway. :D

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Also, they would have all the weaknesses that natuarally come with any walker, making them little use on a battlefield anyway. :D

Shoot the legs and you're done. Especially if it's 2-legged walkers. 4 or 6 legs would be better, but 2 look more imposing.

Anyways, I don't really care as long as they don't fight a military.

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If it ain't for military, then I have no problem if you use it. Just remember that it would cost plently of money to make it, not to mention research (the gyros, the stablizers, etc.).

And if they are pinned down by heavy fire, then wouldn't the heavy fire break the glass of the walker and kill the police officer? May as well remote-control it.

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You know, as soon as you take one foot of the ground, it will fall over?

That is so silly LVN, why would it automatically fall over? We have a leg on each side of our body, not under our center of gravity... Obviously the walker would walk when it lifted a leg, giving it the momentum to stay upright.

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That is so silly LVN, why would it automatically fall over? We have a leg on each side of our body, not under our center of gravity... Obviously the walker would walk when it lifted a leg, giving it the momentum to stay upright.

Well it would require a lot of technology to develop systems that are capable of actually maintaining a walker as a human body would. Possible but very expensive and advanced. I'd say 1990s and with the new scale Modern Nations could pull it off

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Well it would require a lot of technology to develop systems that are capable of actually maintaining a walker as a human body would. Possible but very expensive and advanced. I'd say 1990s and with the new scale Modern Nations could pull it off

What tech level is Kevz at, anyway?

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I agree with LVN. No mechs. No exceptions.

Frankly that rule has never made sense, I can understand space based weapons and even lasers(while the basics for them exist) but Mechs do not give a considerable advantage rather a disadvantage as they are sensitive. With the new scale what you use doesn't matter anyway so you could have a tank of a few squared miles but with lower tech it would still lose. The rule is obsolete and limits RP.

What tech level is Kevz at, anyway?

522 so modern

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The rule was originally set in place to stop the super-mechs (i.e. Gundam, Mechwarrior, etc.) from existing in CNRP. Those mechs are either impossible or too costly to make (and too long to research), so they are out of the picture. The mechs we are left with are, as Centurius said, very sensitive. Some may possibly be effective, but the cost of it would make it far better cost-wise to just make some tanks or hire more soilders. Just take a few soilders with rocket/missile/gernade launchers, and they can stop the walker.

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Frankly that rule has never made sense, I can understand space based weapons and even lasers(while the basics for them exist) but Mechs do not give a considerable advantage rather a disadvantage as they are sensitive. With the new scale what you use doesn't matter anyway so you could have a tank of a few squared miles but with lower tech it would still lose. The rule is obsolete and limits RP.

522 so modern

Also, mechs have been built by people before, they just are not in use by any nations for military

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