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Doesn't Japan need to import those silly pesky things like.. oil and gasoline?

I'll use the 2004 statistics:

Japan imported $ 225.4 billion worth of lumber, metals, oil and gas, out of $ 455.35 billion worth of imports.

Exports were worth $ 565.75 billion

Total GDP was $ 4.755 trillion.

See how even if Japan didn't export or import (assuming it can replace the resources with domestic stuff), it can still have a GDP per captial of over $30,000?

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I'll use the 2004 statistics:

Japan imported $ 225.4 billion worth of lumber, metals, oil and gas, out of $ 455.35 billion worth of imports.

Exports were worth $ 565.75 billion

Total GDP was $ 4.755 trillion.

See how even if Japan didn't export or import (assuming it can replace the resources with domestic stuff), it can still have a GDP per captial of over $30,000?

Except if you don't have oil or gas you have.. no oil or gas.

If you don't import it, you'll be steamrolled faster than LVN was against Nordland.

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Except if you don't have oil or gas you have.. no oil or gas.

New Guinea has gas and oil. Hence why unlike what LVN thinks, DKT isn't a North Korean/Burma/Albania nightmare.

Of course, free trade would make people richer, but nevertheless, a closed economy doesn't automatically equal dire proverty, depending on who you're dealing with.

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Ah the golden age of REPO, Vent quit after seven whole minutes.

Good times :awesome:

The Golden age of the godmod, cheating and lack of OOC courtesy. Not good times. But lets concentrate on the now.

I'll use the 2004 statistics:

Japan imported $ 225.4 billion worth of lumber, metals, oil and gas, out of $ 455.35 billion worth of imports.

Exports were worth $ 565.75 billion

Total GDP was $ 4.755 trillion.

See how even if Japan didn't export or import (assuming it can replace the resources with domestic stuff), it can still have a GDP per captial of over $30,000?

GDP =/= cash in hand.

First of all, your tax rate must be huge, so you can pay for all your military purchases. Now don't go godmodding and say that they were free or the Sumeragi paid for them, she doesn't have $50 billion dollars (and if she does, thats godmodding).

Second, if you are paying straight with gold, how are you paying the workers? Poorly. And since little other industry you have has been bombed to hell and back (no less than three times) I would say any amount of built up money in the coffers is GONE.

Finally, since you have a closed economy, the only way to increase the amount of wealth in a nation is to make more, (the gold) which is all going out anyway! And since for pretty much everyone everywhere money in = money out (personally, and over all for a nation) when there is no money coming in from overseas, no matter how much your people earn, they would be paying it away very fast.

Closed economies automatically equal poverty. Throw in three devastating wars, getting nuked and sending all money generated in the country over seas, and a DPRK situation is totally logical.

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First of all, your tax rate must be huge, so you can pay for all your military purchases. Now don't go godmodding and say that they were free or the Sumeragi paid for them, she doesn't have $50 billion dollars (and if she does, thats godmodding)

I'll tell you the budget during the trial. You'll be surprised ;)

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The Golden age of the godmod, cheating and lack of OOC courtesy. Not good times. But lets concentrate on the now.

Funny for you to say, considering you refused to fight seven minutes after the declaration, quit, and then decided to stick around so you can whine and cry about your magical, inconsistent super defenses being able to take on legions of navy, planes and soldiers.

By the way, as far as OOC courtesy, if you had given it, you would have received it, and even in the face of getting none, none of us ever did anything about you forming a new nation, did we? :P

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Funny for you to say, considering you refused to fight seven minutes after the declaration, quit, and then decided to stick around so you can whine and cry about your magical, inconsistent super defenses being able to take on legions of navy, planes and soldiers.

By the way, as far as OOC courtesy, if you had given it, you would have received it, and even in the face of getting none, none of us ever did anything about you forming a new nation, did we? :P

FFS. The first post was the start of the godmods, the second was even worse. Oh, btw, my Defenses had been RP'd, and the state of mind of my citizens had been too.

OOC courtesy starts with a PM saying I'm invading you.

Don't reply to this here, PM me.

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