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Dilber.. I think maybe they were very quiet planes.

And on the other hand.. If they really want to insist that they stole 2 million pounds of gold out of occupied territory I'd let them. You fellows surely can go take it back.

Sounds like quite the nice little justification to take out Margrave and what is left of Sumerqai's people.

This time boys.. Don't be so gentle... Obviously these Kyostians or whatever they are called are thieves and war criminals of the worst sort. Kill them all and let god sort them out.

Edited by Firestorm
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Are you saying you think even a nation like that has ZERO dissenters? NO ONE disagreed with the course the governent took?EVER?!! That just flies in the face of all logic. There are plenty of contrarian people out there, would go against something just because everyone else is for it. Teenagers for example. ;) I'm really not trying to get into this debate but your opponents seem much more reasonable on this particular point. There is not a society on this planet that couldn't scrounge up a dozen malcontents without even trying.

I wouldn't mind if someone within the Pacific Area RPed the dissenters. However, LVN's logic of my people just hopping onto a plan to Rockport, a place that is barely known by any KT people outside of the foreign ministry, is also illogical at best.

Just think: Would an American hop on a plane to Turkmenistan/Bhutan while being a refugee in Mexico after a nuclear war destroyed the United States? Obviously, that would happen once in a billion.

I wonder where all that Nazi gold went.....

You'll see ;)

In this case, on IRC, she listed it as being over 1,000 tonnes of gold.

That was the national reserve gold which was moved to Shilla. The treasure that Margrave has was the Sumeragi's personal stuff which was in Nordland, which could fit in one container.

Sumeragi should be 100% bankrupt after "buying" thousands of Nordland weapons and then somehow having the resources to move, support, and feed her people for months.

I've already calculated the total amount of cash needed to maintain my "huge" military while buying all those weapons. It'll be shown when the trial continues (if ever).

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Can we have a GM that's actually neutral? or possibly not on the Map? quite possibly community endorsed?

no offense to sargun or mercy, but I'd rather have someone as a GM that doesn't have that large of a stake in IC events. Like Botha, I'd totally vote for him as a GM

I'm going to re-post this since the Mods seem to be ignoring it, even though it's probably the best idea to come to CNRP in quite some time

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Hey just curious...in the history of CNRP was a Papacy ever created by a nation to govern the Roman Catholic Church. I've seen a few people that employ bishops and such. I have an RP idea that would involve maybe setting one up if there isn't one right now. It wouldn't function as another country or another and I'd need help with other nations that are "Catholic" in respects to their national religion in setting it up. Just wondering if its allowed or if its been done before and is still current.

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Hey just curious...in the history of CNRP was a Papacy ever created by a nation to govern the Roman Catholic Church. I've seen a few people that employ bishops and such. I have an RP idea that would involve maybe setting one up if there isn't one right now. It wouldn't function as another country or another and I'd need help with other nations that are "Catholic" in respects to their national religion in setting it up. Just wondering if its allowed or if its been done before and is still current.

Rebel Virginia has a pope recognized by most nations.

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I wouldn't mind if someone within the Pacific Area RPed the dissenters. However, LVN's logic of my people just hopping onto a plan to Rockport, a place that is barely known by any KT people outside of the foreign ministry, is also illogical at best.

Hmm. PM me about what exactly you think would be reasonable and where, an I might do it.

Just think: Would an American hop on a plane to Turkmenistan/Bhutan while being a refugee in Mexico after a nuclear war destroyed the United States? Obviously, that would happen once in a billion.

Actually, guys, I'm inclined to agree with Sumer on this one. it would be like a hypothetical situation where the US was destroyed by a third party during the cold war, and any of their citizens fleeing to Red China.

The most notable exception would be Tahoe. :P But yes, most recognize the Rebel Virginian, Pope Bubba, as Pope. Though I admit, Bubba is a horrible name for a Pope, but it fits RV's RP'ing style exceedingly well.


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Actually, guys, I'm inclined to agree with Sumer on this one. it would be like a hypothetical situation where the US was destroyed by a third party during the cold war, and any of their citizens fleeing to Red China.

Well, the United States does have a population of 300 million. While it wouldn't get a lot of people going to China, granted a few would. I am more than certain that there were a handful of communist sympathizers during the Cold War. Now granted most of the population would be going to Canada, Western Europe, or maybe a few other countries in the Americas, a few would have gone to the USSR, Cuba, or China.

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Actually, guys, I'm inclined to agree with Sumer on this one. it would be like a hypothetical situation where the US was destroyed by a third party during the cold war, and any of their citizens fleeing to Red China.

There were plenty of Chinese collaborators with the Japanese government during World War II. Japan's invasion of China then was as brutal as they come, $%&@ of Nanjing and all....

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Hey just curious...in the history of CNRP was a Papacy ever created by a nation to govern the Roman Catholic Church. I've seen a few people that employ bishops and such. I have an RP idea that would involve maybe setting one up if there isn't one right now. It wouldn't function as another country or another and I'd need help with other nations that are "Catholic" in respects to their national religion in setting it up. Just wondering if its allowed or if its been done before and is still current.

No, there never has been. The two most powerful Catholic countries, Tahoe and Viniland, (no offense RV :P) have an agreement not to recognize a Pope and instead treat him as a non-entity in RP, removed from the world and safe in the Vatican City away from politics.

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Well, the United States does have a population of 300 million. While it wouldn't get a lot of people going to China, granted a few would. I am more than certain that there were a handful of communist sympathizers during the Cold War. Now granted most of the population would be going to Canada, Western Europe, or maybe a few other countries in the Americas, a few would have gone to the USSR, Cuba, or China.

I'm inclined to think the few communist sympathizers would have gone to the USSR, not China. that's why I used China in the comparison, not the USSR, specifically.

There were plenty of Chinese collaborators with the Japanese government during World War II. Japan's invasion of China then was as brutal as they come, $%&@ of Nanjing and all....

I was talking about the US and DKT here, not China and Imperial Japan. The US feared the Soviets more than was rational, and the Chinese fearted the Japanese less than was rational, for some reason.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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There were plenty of Chinese collaborators with the Japanese government during World War II. Japan's invasion of China then was as brutal as they come, $%&@ of Nanjing and all....

I don't think the Warlord period reflects the internal politics of KT in any way. We don't have some mercenaries nor major ideological clashes. Also, you have to admit that what happened in Nanking only surfaced decades after the war. Before that, the Naking Incident applied to the Kuomintang did during the Northern Expedition.

I'm not denying what happened, but one should know that it wasn't a widely-known issue, even among the Chinese at the time of the war.

Now, to finalize the "gold" issue:

1. The "gold" in Shilla: The national reserve of KT was moved to the "friendly" nation of Shilla during the mass evacuations before the invasion of New Guinea began. It was worth about $330 billion (the yearly national budget) in bullions.

2. The treaure that Margrave received: What one seems to have forgotten is that the moving of the containers happened DURING the war, where Margrave pretty much had free run in his mission base as long as he checked in the refugees with Triyun. In short, unlike what some people want to have, there were no customs or checks.

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Sumeragi, I was going to say somthing before, but I forgot...

Remember when you told me your land had NO natural resources left? Well people told me thats impossible, and as for the nuclear waste, or fallout or w/e, how long ago was that?

And does anyone have the power to clean it up? :lol:

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Sumeragi, I was going to say somthing before, but I forgot...

Remember when you told me your land had NO natural resources left?

I was exxaterating :P Of course there's minerals, it's just that it'll take you a long time to get at them, now that there is zero infra.

And remember, even in RL New Guinea is the worst place infra-wise in the world.

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I was exxaterating :P Of course there's minerals, it's just that it'll take you a long time to get at them, now that there is zero infra.

And remember, even in RL New Guinea is the worst place infra-wise in the world.

I know ^_^

But, I plan to make my infra wayyyy better

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Pretty much this. My issue is her going "I got it out. You can't do a thing. Neeneer Neeneer", and not really roleplaying a thing. As Sargun said it, was over 11 planeloads. That's not going to leak at all?

Well 1000 tonnes is about 40 container loads so about a ships worth of gold etc. A fairly easy thing to move, however, fairly easy to stop too.

I wouldn't mind if someone within the Pacific Area RPed the dissenters. However, LVN's logic of my people just hopping onto a plan to Rockport, a place that is barely known by any KT people outside of the foreign ministry, is also illogical at best.

Just think: Would an American hop on a plane to Turkmenistan/Bhutan while being a refugee in Mexico after a nuclear war destroyed the United States? Obviously, that would happen once in a billion.

Actually, guys, I'm inclined to agree with Sumer on this one. it would be like a hypothetical situation where the US was destroyed by a third party during the cold war, and any of their citizens fleeing to Red China.

Well I am basing it on the fact the people a: don't like DKT, b: don't like nations like DKT, and c: in RL defectors to tend to go to wealthier and more developed nations naturally, with a bonus if they are unlike the nation they are fleeing from.

Hence, a more appropriate example would be, Chinese citizens as refugees in DPRK after a nuke fight with russia/usa (take a pick) and going to New Zealand.

Rockport is more developed, totally ideological opposite, 9i did the political compass and got +5 economics {free market} and -5 social {liberalism}. So, my logic is sound.


On a second note, totally unrelated, I have an IDEA. Admin mentioned that IG tech represents amount of tech as well as advancement.

Hence I would like to say this rule.

For every 400 tech, 10% of your nation (military and civilian) has access to tech of that level, the rest have to use tech at a level equal to RPtechyear - 5. This will set up some difference between the top tech nations, and the bottom, more representative of the true value of tech.

Nations with a legit reason (technocracy, govt flooding money into research, Great university IG wonder etc) can claim an extra 10% use.


IG tech : RP year : % of nation using that level : RP year #2 : % of nation using that level.

0 : 1910 : 0 % : 1905 : 100%

400 : 1993 : 10 % : 1988 : 90%

800 : 2002 : 20 % : 1997 : 80%

1200 : 2007 : 30 % : 2002 : 70%

1600 : 2011 : 40 % : 2006 : 60%

2000 : 2014 : 50 % : 2009 : 50%

2400 : 2016 : 60 % : 2011 : 40%

2800 : 2018 : 70 % : 2013 : 30%

3200 : 2020 : 80 % : 2015 : 20%

3600 : 2022 : 90 % : 2017 : 10%

4000 : 2023 : 100 % : 2018 : 0%


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