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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343165573' post='3014487']
The only influence you have Zoot is your allies. Don't forget that eh?

Thats why I have a continent. Isaac, come up with something clever/witty/remotely trolly, or just dont post at all.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343165573' post='3014487']
The only influence you have Zoot is your allies. Don't forget that eh?

Oh and if you really want to test that, lets plan another war? No holds barred. 1v1.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343166804' post='3014501']
Oh and if you really want to test that, lets plan another war? No holds barred. 1v1.

You have a continent through rerolls. You really think you earned it through some great feat? I am not saying you dont have a powerful nation in the game, I am just saying you are getting a bit big for your britches. To the one on one, I am quite busy with RL at the time. So to keep my sanity (or the bit thats left) no I will have to decline for right now. Perhaps when I have more time.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343167298' post='3014507']
You have a continent through rerolls. You really think you earned it through some great feat? I am not saying you dont have a powerful nation in the game, I am just saying you are getting a bit big for your britches. To the one on one, I am quite busy with RL at the time. So to keep my sanity (or the bit thats left) no I will have to decline for right now. Perhaps when I have more time.

Getting big for my breaches? No Isaac, I'm acting my own size for once. I also figured you might decline the one on one, unfortunate aswell. Very unforunate. Simply prooved my point about you on IRC.


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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343167480' post='3014509']
Getting big for my breaches? No Isaac, I'm acting my own size for once. I also figured you might decline the one on one, unfortunate aswell. Very unforunate. Simply prooved my point about you on IRC.


Talking about a man where hes not present to defend him self, very big of you.

You are acting your own size, your allies make you a relevant nation.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343168081' post='3014516']
Talking about a man where hes not present to defend him self, very big of you.

You are acting your own size, your allies make you a relevant nation.

Same I cant say the same for you pal. You leaned on NADU so much before it fell apart and set sail down the river fail in the failboat. My map size makes me relevant, maybe not important, but relevant, not my allies, as it happens every war i have had or nearly been in apart from the most recent one with Lynneth, I havn't used my allies once. That and its your fault your drawing attention to yourself on IRC by posting retarded, ill thought comments, trying to pick a fight using your un-witty comments and failed trolling.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343168643' post='3014525']
Same I cant say the same for you pal. You leaned on NADU so much before it fell apart and set sail down the river fail in the failboat. My map size makes me relevant, maybe not important, but relevant, not my allies, as it happens every war i have had or nearly been in apart from the most recent one with Lynneth, I havn't used my allies once. That and its your fault your drawing attention to yourself on IRC by posting retarded, ill thought comments, trying to pick a fight using your un-witty comments and failed trolling.

Im not trolling, trolls are sad people that likely get bullied in RL. I am simply saying that you are relevant because of your allies. And please your big orange blob isnt stopping anyone from invading you thats a pretty funny idea though.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343169105' post='3014535']
Im not trolling, trolls are sad people that likely get bullied in RL. I am simply saying that you are relevant because of your allies. And please your big orange blob isnt stopping anyone from invading you thats a pretty funny idea though.


I have been saying I am too big for weeks, I am well aware how vunerable I am. Thats why I keep trying to get people to re-roll in SA, if you ever did any reading on IRC instead of mindless droning, you would have noticed.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343169346' post='3014541']

I have been saying I am too big for weeks, I am well aware how vunerable I am. Thats why I keep trying to get people to re-roll in SA, if you ever did any reading on IRC instead of mindless droning, you would have noticed.

Click on #cnrp and see if I am actually there... As Kankous said IRC is not to be taken seriously.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343169453' post='3014544']
Click on #cnrp and see if I am actually there... As Kankous said IRC is not to be taken seriously.

You aint been banned for nine weeks straight.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343169613' post='3014550']
You aint been banned for nine weeks straight.

No I havnt, and your point being?

If you are saying I deserved the ban that is laughable because I was banned for having a discussion with Yawoo in which we disagreed on whether the NCAA probations on the Nittany Lions were excessive or not.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343169809' post='3014556']
I can see this going right over your head or your being deliberately silly. Nevermind. Not going to waste anymore time with you, unless of course you accept my 1 on 1 challenge.
oh yes "I don't want to talk to you unless we are going to fight" thats very civilized of you.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343169453' post='3014544']
Click on #cnrp and see if I am actually there... As Kankous said IRC is not to be taken seriously.

Ain't you the one who complained about your ally Aiden talking smack about you in IRC on this here very thread? Oh right, you were the one who did that. And you are the one who blew kittens over being banned from #cnrp.

So Irc isn't very serious for you is it?

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1343175195' post='3014598']
Ain't you the one who complained about your ally Aiden talking smack about you in IRC on this here very thread? Oh right, you were the one who did that. And you are the one who blew kittens over being banned from #cnrp.

So Irc isn't very serious for you is it?
I dont like kittens its a seperate topic :smug:

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You know, I don't mind losing a war, but when a war is started in the worst possible rule bending way that even one of the proponents admits it was a practical scam or there are deliberate rigging to stack the deck and adding in impossible weapons (which are given the go based on "it's fiction"), I would have to say I hold a grudge.

Sorry, but with the wars I won (both times against Malatose) either being ignored or wiped in a most challenged ruling, I have to say I'm being very decent with what I think.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343198629' post='3014937']
You know, I don't mind losing a war, but when a war is started in the worst possible rule bending way that even one of the proponents admits it was a practical scam or there are deliberate rigging to stack the deck and adding in impossible weapons (which are given the go based on "it's fiction"), I would have to say I hold a grudge.

Sorry, but with the wars I won (both times against Malatose) either being ignored or wiped in a most challenged ruling, I have to say I'm being very decent with what I think.

Honestly, I'm curious Kankou, what do you want? I don't even think 'hyper-realism' would make you stop talking about those wars. In addition, which 'two' wars are you talking about? Cause I'll give you the one that he wiped, but is the other one the Scandinavian thing you did? I don't know, but I think I can speak for (most) of the community in saying. Shut up.

You haven't stopped talking about Malatose (certain people, certain trouble-makers, certain !@#$%bags) for probably about a year now and you're starting to sound like a broken record. We get it, you're pissed cause Malatose acted like a !@#$% to you and made up fictional weapons and did all kind of other stuff that ruined the RP. You can also expand that list to whoever else has wronged you in the near and distant past, but that list probably changes daily so I'll stick with someone I know you hate. I'm sure you've done the same thing to attackers before because every single war you're in is just OOC, I'd wager half of these 'we need to cut back on OOC in war' arguments are because of people having to fight you and it becomes an immediate !@#$ fest. I will applaud you there, when people want to fight you it at least means you're doing something and contributing to the community. The problem stems from having to listen to that war for the next year in every OOC thread, in every rule poll thread, and throughout the GM Thread.

I mean even if you've won every single war you've ever been in, wiping or actual victory, just win them. People ragequit, ok, celebrate, but do it with some grace. That's what you don't have at all, you have no grace when you win and no dignity when you lose. You just !@#$%*.

I really wish I didn't have to single anyone out, but this is just getting ridiculous and before anyone comes to say, you're just singling Kankou out, I think the entire system needs to go into overhaul. We have too many damn rules. All this interaction stuff, you guys are feeding yourself !@#$%^&* because the only time people ever interact outside of war, is almost never, diplomacy threads of serving continental breakfasts don't count.

Furthermore, and at the risk of sounding like an Old Maid, you people are spoiled. These rules are spoiling the game. Justinian took an attack from seven nations in 2009 and he didn't cry, !@#$%* or moan about it, he took it and he fought for as long as he could. There was no pre-plan, there was no play nice. When I betrayed Malatose in '09, there was not pre-planning and Malatose !@#$%*ed and moaned by nuking my ass and then I watched his little empire break apart. Even when people started joining in the later part of '09 and '10, there was still some risk involved and some mystery to !@#$. Nothing has changed about OOC !@#$%*ing, its the amount of OOC !@#$%*ing and how fast people forgot about it. Now, its a martyr-cause. Mael won't forget this Antarctica thing for another two months and Kankou is still !@#$%*ing about wars that happened months and months ago. You aren't championing anything, cause deep down I don't think anyone wants revenge anymore. They just want their time in IRC on OOC to show how right they are. Well $%&@ you.

I'm not speaking for everyone in CNRP, but I know that I'm speaking for more than those certain-people, who just want this eternal !@#$%*ing in every single thread to end. Every rule thread its the same people who !@#$%* over and over, plus Mael now because someone 'broke his toys'. I'm also not limiting myself to what people consider the sides now, I've !@#$%*ed out Triyun so many times about OOC that I can't count, because arguing on the OOC ground is pointless. The GMs have their job for a reason, PM them, take problems to them respectfully and go from there.

For all I care, make Kankou, Mael, and Issac or whoever can be GMs for a month, they talk like they have all the solutions so I'm curious what they have to offer.

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