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IRL you have two huge constraints on mining uranium. One is the enormous costs of lifting the equipment up into space to go mine it. The second is that the Outer Space Treaty which Japan, US, and most other countries are signatory to says that you cannot claim territory on celestial bodies, and that everything extracted from those bodies must be shared with all mankind. Generally its said in economics, the ability to make profit from a good under a capitalist system of production is the ability to exclude people from that good. The OST prohibits this (how effectively is a matter for debate). Both these factors make buying Uranium on the open Earth market much more sensible.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1331872439' post='2938755']
The point is, Melech, while we don't know for certain it is there, it's [i]possible[/i]. Just like we don't know for certain all the tech we use in CNRP will actually pan out in the future.

Actually we know pretty certain that there is uranium on the moon but not in quantities to be productive.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1331872439' post='2938755']
The point is, Melech, while we don't know for certain it is there, it's [i]possible[/i]. Just like we don't know for certain all the tech we use in CNRP will actually pan out in the future.
And until an AMERICAN satellite or AMERICAN astronauts tell me there is uranium there, no nukes for Lynneth. Also, since Uranium is not one of the moon resources IG, I say that you cannot use it in CNRP.

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1331930638' post='2939007']
I'm going by the theory of the moon having been created in ancient times by a mars sized body impacting Earth. Hence, the Moon has in my mind a similar composition as Earth. Thus, similar resources, from aluminium to zirconium.
Unfortunately for you, the CNRP moon is made of cheese, so you can't mine any uranium from it. You lose, bring back the elevator.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1331945958' post='2939111']Unfortunately for you, the CNRP moon is made of cheese, so you can't mine any uranium from it. You lose, bring back the elevator.[/quote]

Lynneth could always mine the cheese. :awesome:

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1331901724' post='2938859']
Actually we know pretty certain that there is uranium on the moon but not in quantities to be productive.
No, we don't [i]know[/i]. We are only fairly certain; there's no way to actually prove it right now.

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1331917594' post='2938938']
As far as we know, Centurius. We haven't actually mined the moon, so who knows what lies beneath?

[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1331945958' post='2939111']
And until an AMERICAN satellite or AMERICAN astronauts tell me there is uranium there, no nukes for Lynneth. Also, since Uranium is not one of the moon resources IG, I say that you cannot use it in CNRP.

Unfortunately for you, the CNRP moon is made of cheese, so you can't mine any uranium from it. You lose, bring back the elevator.
Hahah, cheese... :v

Until someone lands on the moon and does deep penetration scans, you can't prove that there is none, either. So yes, he can possibly make nukes, though obviously he's not the one who made them this time. Next? B-)

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Moved this discussion out of the GM thread as per a request to do so by Shammy.
[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1331995064' post='2939268']
@Subtle: That's my point exactly. People would rather whine than actually talk to the person and resolve their arguments like adults.
No, you Missed my point. The point is it is so-called 'whiners' that get things done, or at least get discussions started. Without them, I'm saying CNRP would not be CNRP. ;)

As an aside, yes, I can see elements of childishness in both sides here, but I do see at least one side trying to talk. But it has to work both ways.

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Problem with CNRP is the rules, or guidelines, or whatever are too entrenched in the vested interests of all the parties concerned.

It's like Washington DC and all the lobbyists and their PAC Money for special interest groups and that sort of crap.

Personally, they only real solution to me is take a nuke to the so called rules and start over from square one and devise the simplest possible rule set possible that is accessible and understandable by everyone. A rule set that can't be manipulated for its interpretation through the use of obscure jargon and technical language.

Get ride of the current rules... every single so called GM ruling.. most of which were for the purpose of serving the past GMs own interests... IE LVN's tech efficiency as an example.. Do away with them all and scale it back to a very modest set of points and a case by case system.

No convoluted formulas for determining how many cruise missiles.

No bizarre math for determining how big the seats are for your tanks.

Burn it all down baby, because the house we are in is nothing more than a house of vested interests and sin.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1332058842' post='2939576']Personally, they only real solution to me is take a nuke to the so called rules and start over from square one and devise the simplest possible rule set possible that is accessible and understandable by everyone. A rule set that can't be manipulated for its interpretation through the use of obscure jargon and technical language. [/quote]
I would like to do that, but apparently that's the exclusive domain of the GMs. Or is it?

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As a short unrelated notice:

The full name of the Comp[b]agnie[/b] was [i]La Comp[b]agnie[/b] du Commerce et des Colonies Vicidaliénnes[/i], abreviated [b]CCCV[/b].

I keep seeing Comp[b]aigne[/b] and once saw a [b]CCV[/b], so please if you want to curse the Comp[b]agnie[/b], curse them. Not some strange bastardisation of the french language. Thanks.

[b]The i is after the gn, NOT before.

The name had 3 C, followed by a V as abreviation.[/b]

For the current situation, the Compagnie was integrated into the CCCP-VF, [i]Les Compagnies Combinées du Commerce et de la Production Vicidalo-Francaise[/i] (Vicidalo-French Combined Companies for Trade and Production). I think this disaster and lingual atrocity started in the Croatian war, when Triyun, Sarah and TBM referred to it as Compaigne, but then I had greater problems. Now however, I would like you to use the proper spelling.

Now you can continue to argue on the rules.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1332067701' post='2939608']
As a short unrelated notice:

The full name of the Comp[b]agnie[/b] was [i]La Comp[b]agnie[/b] du Commerce et des Colonies Vicidaliénnes[/i], abreviated [b]CCCV[/b].

I keep seeing Comp[b]aigne[/b] and once saw a [b]CCV[/b], so please if you want to curse the Comp[b]agnie[/b], curse them. Not some strange bastardisation of the french language. Thanks.

[b]The i is after the gn, NOT before.

The name had 3 C, followed by a V as abreviation.[/b]

For the current situation, the Compagnie was integrated into the CCCP-VF, [i]Les Compagnies Combinées du Commerce et de la Production Vicidalo-Francaise[/i] (Vicidalo-French Combined Companies for Trade and Production). I think this disaster and lingual atrocity started in the Croatian war, when Triyun, Sarah and TBM referred to it as Compaigne, but then I had greater problems. Now however, I would like you to use the proper spelling.

Now you can continue to argue on the rules.

Walmart it is then.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1331960859' post='2939191']
Seriously people, stop assuming greatness in CNRP equals the amount of space your lame nation takes up on the map. Don't be demanding land when you aren't rping for it.

To be honest TBM its not like we're hurting for space right now? (I know I say that with a large nation). But its not that big a deal when the map is so open. Now if we get to a situation where there are only tiny slivers here and there, a few of us probably could reduce.

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I don't really care about people expanding. It bothers me when they are barely active and acting like entitled little brats because they want it without rping for it. You want more land, rp for it. Don't sit there with your hand out expecting just because you exist and are asking for it oocly and are too passive to do something about ICly that the Land Fairy will come leave a little something something under your pillow.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1333163597' post='2945883']
One thread: Add a player-designed continent.
Another thread: Limit military because player-designed tech is causing problems.

I find it a bit ironic.
Meh, it's a mix and match scenario. :lol1:

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