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Ugh...I've been bored with CNRP ever since Botha left. I miss the character-based RPs we did, I don't want to do -just- national RP.

Does anybody want to get into an RP with my new PMC, Hourglass? They can be helping to train an army unit or gendarmerie, or even just on VIP protection detail. That would provide plenty of opportunity for character development through everyday interactions and/or with an underlying plotline.

I'd also be willing to do character RPs with my existing, established government officials (Vedran, Ramiaramanana, etc.).

Edited by Vedran
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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1305254607' post='2711082']
Ugh...I've been bored with CNRP ever since Botha left. I miss the character-based RPs we did, I don't want to do -just- national RP.

Does anybody want to get into an RP with my new PMC, Hourglass? They can be helping to train an army unit or gendarmerie, or even just on VIP protection detail. That would provide plenty of opportunity for character development through everyday interactions and/or with an underlying plotline.

I'd also be willing to do character RPs with my existing, established government officials (Vedran, Ramiaramanana, etc.).

I'd hire them for my Civil War and afterwards Ved...don't worry...you'll have a lot of warring to do :)

I haz planz.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1305254919' post='2711087']
Hopefully it will just be the mercs that do the warring ;)

Most definitely. If you'd like to send a gentleman or lady up to Western Austria, where the Republican (soon to be Fascist) forces are gathering. We could make quick terms and go from there.

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Hmm, how would they access Western Austria? It would be better if one entity sent a message to contact the other about Hourglass's value to the struggle. And the struggle's value to Hourglass, of course.

The rebels estimate what they need from Hourglass, and they get a quote!

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1305255110' post='2711090']
Most definitely. If you'd like to send a gentleman or lady up to Western Austria, where the Republican (soon to be Fascist) forces are gathering. We could make quick terms and go from there.

So we can send a PMC to support a faction in this civil war?

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1305320351' post='2711490']
I presume air travel isn't blocked? Can one of the blockading nations confirm this?

Limited air traffic, a large amount of unexplained aircraft will trigger some red flags.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1305322718' post='2711497']
What about one very high altitude craft broadcasting PI IFF codes that heads to Austria, then turns around and leaves immediately?

As a rule of thumb if it is reasonably rp'd it will go through, in this case it'll most likely get through.

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[quote name='Chancellor Patrick' timestamp='1304278440' post='2703294']
[center][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Death of a Dynasty, Birth of a new one[/size][/color][/center]

[center]The New Kaiser
OOC: Why are you using Franz Ferdinand for your leader? It would mean alot to me if you could potentially use a different leader's visual image for your leader, mostly as I RPed extensively with Franz Ferdinand, and he's pretty much dead. From a IC perspective, if I was Germany, I would have rolled you due to having a remarkable resemblance to Lübeck/Denmark's former god/leader which would have triggered off alarm bells. I can't remember what the GM ruling was, but I still consider the visual image of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as one of my characters, no matter if he's six-feet under in Rio. Thank you for reading this, and you may continue with your RP.

This post is in regards to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101308"]this thread.[/url]

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1305754987' post='2714528']
OOC: Why are you using Franz Ferdinand for your leader? It would mean alot to me if you could potentially use a different leader's visual image for your leader, mostly as I RPed extensively with Franz Ferdinand, and he's pretty much dead. From a IC perspective, if I was Germany, I would have rolled you due to having a remarkable resemblance to Lübeck/Denmark's former god/leader which would have triggered off alarm bells. I can't remember what the GM ruling was, but I still consider the visual image of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as one of my characters, no matter if he's six-feet under in Rio. Thank you for reading this, and you may continue with your RP.

This post is in regards to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101308"]this thread.[/url]
It's a picture. Calm down.

Since most people cannot create a unique face/building/design without some sort of skill or time put into it, I just ignore all pictures with any sort of RL similarities.

Ignore it. All it is is a PICTURE, in fact, it barely exists in CNRP. CP just wants to paint a picture of him in your mind, nothing more.

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Franz, CP is not using your character's name - merely a RL picture of a person called Franz Joseph. He calls the picture's character, Archduke Frederick von Hapsburg. Therefore, there shouldn't be any conflict between your RP'd character and this one. Remember, CNRP is about writing not pictures so there shouldn't be a conflict.

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Franz, there have been multiple players using RL people such as Putin, Stalin, and some other world leaders, including the Archduke. This is no big deal, and it's certainly not something to harass a guy with a little nation about. If !@#$-talking people over such small things is how you get your kicks, do it somewhere else. I certainly didn't like it when you did it to me in #cnrp, and nobody else does.

He's not calling the guy Franz Ferdinand, he's not trying to impersonate your account or claim any undue connection to Lubeck. It's a picture of a famous RL historical figure. Toughen up.

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