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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1289850726' post='2513725']
So general question to the peanut gallery. Is there a sub modifier and if so, what is it? Gracias.

There is one, the exact rules are probably a dozen or so pages back in the GM's court though.

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote]Secondly, at some point in April my IG nation was deleted for inactivity. I started a new nation a few days ago so I would not violate the terms of service for the board. I have no interest in growing my nation. I have played this game and had fun with the IG alliance politics, but have no interest in becoming a part of it again. As such, my in game stats will not reflect my RP nation stats. I realize that I am violating Botha's beloved rule, and other rules that have become much more official in my absence.
For being in violation of these rules, I will obey the following:
J Andres will never have a military force exceeding 1000 soldiers. We have modern tech and an economy comparable to our old nation. Our national resources are still Aluminum and Wheat. We have a total of 6 fighter jets, 2 bombers, and a few aircraft capable of transporting troops. We have a small navy consisting of one old submarine, and two destroyers. We can and could build nuclear weapons, but choose not to. We have a small number of nuclear warheads from our previous reincarnations that we will never use in battle mostly because they are so old we forgot how to use them.
What does this mean in RP terms? I have a nation strength of zero. My forces can repel your army of cavemen but nearly anything else will over run us. We will roleplay a loss if confronted. Otherwise our existence is purely for flavor.

I hate to be the fun-killer and god only knows what else you people think of me but it needs to be said that if J. Andres wants to play in CNRP then he has to follow the rules/guidelines the rest of us follow. Which means, you must use your IG stats to reflect RP stats otherwise you are playing a non-cannon version of CNRP. If you wish to play in a way in which to be more isolationist and do more internal RP then you should consider going into Botha-mode.

Alright lovely community feel free to blast me now.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1290182898' post='2517430']
J Andres has 1,789 NS.
The RP has to reflect that.
No grandfathering. No exceptions.
My opinion.

I meant it more as a stepping stone.
In the past nations have tech traded and RP'ed for better "stats"
Already I have the IG stats to reflect 8000 soldiers in RP

What I am asking for is that for the continuity of the nation, which has existed in CNRP for quite some time, on the same land, and with the same characters, the roleplay has been done that these technologies exist in the region. The same characters were using them less than a month ago. If you desire that I don't have access to nuclear weapons, I can understand and modify that. I don't think that a nation having old relic aircraft that they barely understand how to use (and which I agree will fail in combat) is necessarily a true breach in the rules. Especially when the existing RP exists.

Our knowledge of the technology we possess, will reflect our tech level. Currently = 0

edit: removed and revised our nuclear warhead possession.

Edited by J Andres
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290180345' post='2517401']
[b]I hate to be the fun-killer[/b] and god only knows what else you people think of me but it needs to be said that if J. Andres wants to play in CNRP then he has to follow the rules/guidelines the rest of us follow. Which means, you must use your IG stats to reflect RP stats otherwise you are playing a non-cannon version of CNRP. If you wish to play in a way in which to be more isolationist and do more internal RP then you should consider going into Botha-mode.

Alright lovely community feel free to blast me now.

Fun-killer! Let the guy have his fun! :mad:

lol, kidding :P

Anyways, welcome back, J Andres! Long time no see. :awesome:

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I think it's pretty fair. He's not asking for a crap ton. He's not asking to be a 20k ns nation again. What's the problem? It won't bother anyone else, it's just something so he can rp? Are we going to turn another old player away because of strictness and a**holishness?

Edited by Vince Sixx
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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1290221037' post='2517898']
Are we going to turn another old player away because of strictness and a**holishness?
I don't know about you, but I don't see this as @$$holishness at all. I see this as making sure everyone follows the rules, with no exceptions, as it should be. If everyone else must strictly follow their IG stats, why should someone else be allowed to do otherwise?

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1290221037' post='2517898']
I think it's pretty fair. He's not asking for a crap ton. He's not asking to be a 20k ns nation again. What's the problem? It won't bother anyone else, it's just something so he can rp? Are we going to turn another old player away because of strictness and a**holishness?

Old players should not be getting any exceptions in rules that are not being given to new players. Rules are the same for everyone. Besides he already has the choice to do it in a non canon role. Besides it would be an RP opportunity to explain how the fall took place.

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1290221037' post='2517898']
I think it's pretty fair. He's not asking for a crap ton. He's not asking to be a 20k ns nation again. What's the problem? It won't bother anyone else, it's just something so he can rp? Are we going to turn another old player away because of strictness and a**holishness?

$%&@ the old players :P.

[sub]What, I've just stated what everyone was thinking, honest![/sub]

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I am roleplaying a nation with a nation strength under that of my IG nation strength.

I am RPing with less soldiers than I am allowed.

My remaining requests are to enhance the roleplaying aspects of the game WITHOUT harming the integrity of the fact based statistics.
J Andres had a full navy and a full compliment of aircraft. These things didn't disappear.
I'm not asking for weapons that I plan on using in combat. I'm not asking for anything near the previous strength of my nation.

I am asking for 6 old fighter jets, so we can fly them around our nation and pretend we are launching proton torpedoes into the Death Star.
I am asking for 2 old destroyers, which are essentially two, floating, rusty tin cans, and could probably be outrun by a paddle boat.
I am asking for 1 submarine, which is also a rusty tin can, except it has a few less holes, since that might result in fatalities.

This [b]is[/b] me roleplaying the fall of my nation. We have these rusty old relics from the past, and they don't add one ounce to my nation's strength or capabilities.

In fact, if anything, having these old relics only weakens me because the wind will blow the wrong way, sink one of my vessels, and take a sizable portion of my armed forces with it.

My only true break from what has been established is that I shouldn't have access to an air force or a navy with my tech level. I do believe that the requests I have made to not injure the integrity of the game rules.

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Granted, J Andres. What others see are "free planes and free ships", while in reality you have "useless planes and useless ships". Others see "old player getting tech advantage", while in reality you are "responsible player getting a flavor boost that gives him no advantage". These are not combat-ready vehicles and the moment they turn combat-ready and he doesn't have them in-game I'll be the first to wipe them, but as it is he has proven himself to be a responsible RPer that has voluntarily set limits on himself that a GM will oversee.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290270189' post='2518221']
I really do not agree to this ruling, not that it matters as a ruling is the final word.
Everybody else has to play by the rules, either in Bothamode or in standard CNRP mode.
This should be no different imo.


For once, I agree with Zoot. We always say IG > CNRP so the GM ruling needs to reflect this.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290270189' post='2518221']
I really do not agree to this ruling, not that it matters as a ruling is the final word.
Everybody else has to play by the rules, either in Bothamode or in standard CNRP mode.
This should be no different imo.


Well in his defense, he basically has nothing better than people without navies using a coastguard and according to existing cnrp rules he could have 60 aircraft anyway. If anything he rp's below his stats.

Edited by Centurius
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The best result here would be for him to call it coast guard rather than a navy. Just a slight tweaking of terminology and all is well. The only limit on coast guards is common sense and the ramshackle aircrafts could be explained away as trainers. Let us try to solve this without creating any unnecessary precedents. Basically a brown water navy. In that way he gets to RP what he wants and he is within the established rules and guidelines anyway. Win-Win for everybody.

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