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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1284149309' post='2448999']
Are you so sure what happens an ocean away wouldn;t affect one front? Realistically it would affect, at the very least, morale, and if the enemy at home was threatening enough, it would eventually prompts a recall of the forces overseas. Or would you rather blatantly risk the integrity of your homeland for a little gain on another continent?

I have other, far harsher means to protect my homeland than recalling troops from overseas. That being said, morale isn't a factor in CNRP, at least, I've never seen anyone RP it.

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If you want to cut down on your having to wait for people because of real life reasons. Talk with them beforehand, ask them if they have any things that would cause a lack of activity, given that there may be emergency circumstances, but I'm sure this would cut down on it a bit.

And if you're so irritated by the fact that your conquest is being held up by someone's life, then go to war with someone else. The fairness to the attacker is the fact that they initiated the conflict and they also have the option to initiate any other conflict. The defender can't change who is attacking them, but you have plenty of control over who you attack.

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[quote name='Joey67500' timestamp='1284158013' post='2449153']
If you want to cut down on your having to wait for people because of real life reasons. Talk with them beforehand, ask them if they have any things that would cause a lack of activity, given that there may be emergency circumstances, but I'm sure this would cut down on it a bit.

And if you're so irritated by the fact that your conquest is being held up by someone's life, then go to war with someone else. The fairness to the attacker is the fact that they initiated the conflict and they also have the option to initiate any other conflict. The defender can't change who is attacking them, but you have plenty of control over who you attack.

The problem is, most of the time, people do contact people prior to war. Simply saying because the attacker declared war means they aren't entitled to any other fairness is silly.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1284158763' post='2449168']
If you feel someone is abusing it, contact a GM. You don't need to get more map space, you merely want it. People need time off to take care of real life business. Your wants can wait on the rest of the world's needs.

Depends on your perspective really, in my government's view, I need more space on the map as it goes in line with the way I RP. Regardless though, we aren't talking about me, even though you seem to wish to, we are talking about the underlying war issue that are present in this community. If you continue to wish to talk about me, take it elsewhere as this is neither the time nor the place to comment on the way I choose to play CNRP.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1284159531' post='2449183']
Will you people stop jumping on Yawoo and JED's case please. Sure mistakes were made but they were made by both sides and it has already been sorted by the GMs so there is no need what so ever to keep commenting about it.

Eh where is this coming from? We are not discussing the current war with DeSchaine specifically but auto-advances and auto-wins in general.

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HHAYD, where was your navy located prior to my invasion? Surely they're not all sitting in harbor waiting for my ships. Also, how did you mobilize your army and air force so fast?

EDIT: Looking over, how big are your railguns? How many on each ship do you even have? To have 80 railguns (unless I missed something) you'd need at least 20 railguns on each ship, and this is assuming that all of them are divided equally to each side. Where are you getting all of your vehicles? Were they sitting around waiting for an invasion or what? When did you even build this military base conveniently close to the harbor?

Edited by Markus Wilding
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284165013' post='2449286']
HHAYD, where was your navy located prior to my invasion? Surely they're not all sitting in harbor waiting for my ships. Also, how did you mobilize your army and air force so fast?
They were in the harbors, they had nowhere else to go. The western provinces' harbors were shut down, Disparu shut down its water to GLP, and my four battleships would not be able to move between lakes in the Great Lakes.

I would have posted my military noticing unusual movements and mobilizing but you never told me until you started RPing the invasion. 30+(additional time from spotting the aircraft via radar) minutes are enough to launch aircraft into the sky. I have not made any ground movements other than fortifying the only military base within your range, prepping makeshift defenses far away and sending in reinforcements.

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I will concede the harbor point. Also, I do not feel obliged to inform you of a sneak attack upon your nation. Unless you've stopped recognizing unplanned wars, you could have gone onto the forums at any time (assuming you did) and checked around. Talks between various nations would have told you something was going to happen. I will await further answers before editing.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284165990' post='2449301']
I will concede the harbor point. Also, I do not feel obliged to inform you of a sneak attack upon your nation. Unless you've stopped recognizing unplanned wars, you could have gone onto the forums at any time (assuming you did) and checked around. Talks between various nations would have told you something was going to happen. I will await further answers before editing.
You could have PMed me as a heads up to get a response from me, I don't have the time to check every thread, especially during weekdays when I have school. Sorry, but 900 aircraft and lots of ships are pretty hard to hide from radar, especially when they were never designed to be stealthy.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284166303' post='2449309']
Please answer the rest of my questions.
I did.

[quote]I don't have the time to check every thread, especially during weekdays when I have school.[/quote]

It's common courtesy to inform someone that you are launching a full scale attack unless if you want to wait a long time for a reply. Again, your invasion force would be impossible to hide from detection.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284165013' post='2449286']
Looking over, how big are your railguns? How many on each ship do you even have? To have 80 railguns (unless I missed something) you'd need at least 20 railguns on each ship, and this is assuming that all of them are divided equally to each side. Where are you getting all of your vehicles? Were they sitting around waiting for an invasion or what? When did you even build this military base conveniently close to the harbor?
I fail to see answers for these.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284165013' post='2449286']
EDIT: Looking over, how big are your railguns? How many on each ship do you even have? To have 80 railguns (unless I missed something) you'd need at least 20 railguns on each ship, and this is assuming that all of them are divided equally to each side. Where are you getting all of your vehicles? Were they sitting around waiting for an invasion or what? When did you even build this military base conveniently close to the harbor?
I have two five-rotating barreled railguns on each battleships, the 80MJ merely mentioned how much electrical power was put into a shot, the higher, the more kinetic energy a shell has. The vehicles were sitting inside the base during that time, it doesn't take long for the crew to drag them out of the storage buildings, park them on the empty lots in the base, and operate them.

I had a naval base, harbor, airport, air base, and a small city all located next to each other. It would be logical to include an ordinary army base.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1284166824' post='2449315']
I have two five-rotating barreled railguns on each battleships, the 80MJ merely mentioned how much electrical power was put into a shot, the higher, the more kinetic energy a shell has.
How are you generating this much power? How are these railguns rotating? How can you even operate more than one of these on your battleships? Unless you can give me solid, mathematical proof that these weapons work I refuse to recognize their effectiveness.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284167262' post='2449321']
How are you generating this much power? How are these railguns rotating? How can you even operate more than one of these on your battleships? Unless you can give me solid, mathematical proof that these weapons work I refuse to recognize their effectiveness.

Railguns have been in use on battleships for quite some time now. So I am afraid you can't decide to suddenly not recognise them.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284167262' post='2449321']
How are you generating this much power? How are these railguns rotating? How can you even operate more than one of these on your battleships? Unless you can give me solid, mathematical proof that these weapons work I refuse to recognize their effectiveness.
Each battleship has two nuclear reactors that produce a total max of 240 MW. You know revolver handguns? Load six bullets and watch the parts that hold the bullets rotate each time you fire.

Each time a railgun barrel is fired, it is rotated out of firing position to give the cooling system time to remove the heat before loading another shell to fire it again. That kind of system allowed the battleships to have additional room for other weapons or equipments. A few months ago, I asked if such railguns would work in the Technology Stats Help thread and I was told it would work.

EDIT: They don't spam shells, they fire a few over a long period of time, but any ships hit by the shells will take severe damages, and such shells will tear through multiple ships. Civilian cargo ships would stand little chance against shells flying past mach 10.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1284167545' post='2449324']
Railguns have been in use on battleships for quite some time now. So I am afraid you can't decide to suddenly not recognise them.
Note that they were all experimental. All I'm seeing in my research is "expected" "were tested" and this particular red flag:

[quote]Rail and insulator wear problems still need to be solved before railguns can start to replace conventional weapons.[/quote]

[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1284167548' post='2449325']
Each battleship has two nuclear reactors that produce a total max of 240 MW. You know revolver handguns? Load six bullets and watch the parts that hold the bullets rotate each time you fire.

Each time a railgun barrel is fired, it is rotated out of firing position to give the cooling system time to remove the heat before loading another shell to fire it again. That kind of system allowed the battleships to have additional room for other weapons or equipments. A few months ago, I asked if such railguns would work in the Technology Stats Help thread and I was told it would work.
From what I'm visualizing, the structure needed to implement this system practically would be bulky, unreliable and impractical for a battleship of any size. The highest megajoule test-fired by anyone is 10.64MJ. I highly doubt, even with your tech level, that you can create 80MJ worth of power. As I stated before, I want mathematical proof of these weapon's practicality and ability to even be used before I write my next post.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1284168129' post='2449333']
Note that they were all experimental. All I'm seeing in my research is "expected" "were tested" and this particular red flag:

From what I'm visualizing, the structure needed to implement this system practically would be bulky, unreliable and impractical for a battleship of any size. The highest megajoule test-fired by anyone is 10.64MJ. I highly doubt, even with your tech level, that you can create 80MJ worth of power. As I stated before, I want mathematical proof of these weapon's practicality and ability to even be used before I write my next post.
I see your point, though keep in mind that the US Navy planned on using 32 MJ railguns. I will lower the MJ of my railguns down to 30 and readjust them so they can easily replace barrels, though they will still inflict damages.

If you want mathematical proof...


I'd be surprised if you understood it.

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