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True enough, but some people jus thave their characters developed that way. Sargun's leaders have never been the most polite.

I've never hidden the fact that my leaders are rather rude and quite blunt. I myself am rather rude and quite blunt :v: but I don't carry over IC feelings to OOC and vice-versa.

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Except mine was in-character and yours was not. That's what separates me from you.

What? I never replaced anyone's posts with BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. That's what separates you from Cali. And of course I know you were joking, hence, the winky face...

Edited by Executive Minister
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Anyway, why is Rothenberg even on our map is he won't play with the rest of us?

I agree with this. He's RPing by himself, he can just post threads in the section for his RPs. He's just taking up a space on the map for new players by refusing to interact with us.

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Anyway, why is Rothenberg even on our map is he won't play with the rest of us?

He plays as much as I do.

I think both your points are fair but by now its just a hybrid IC/OOC dick waving contest of Bawwing and attacks on both sides. You both should drop it before I carpet nuke you both just to be done with it (yes I know he wouldn't recognize it, I think that is perfectly fair.) If he ever attacks someone without prior agreement I would fully support rolling him, but as it is you don't have to agree but you can leave him in peace. Besides, we are far to war happy anyways. You can have an awesome cold war RP without it turning hot.

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He plays as much as I do.

Quality over quantity. I play as much as anybody else does but that doesn't mean I RP just like them.

Even Botha recognizes IC wars. He also recognized the war against him to remove him from Africa. Besides, if it's a preplanned war on both sides, it should be fine with him....

He will reject any war that doesn't end with victory for him. His version of "good RP" is something that involves him being trumpeted and heralded. I remember he was quite fine with Lavo both OOC and IC before Lavo took an IC stance against his colony (even though Lavo didn't even attack his colony) and then he turned both OOC and IC against Lavo. Even with an established, quality RPer like Lavo he refuses to see it as "good RP". What the hell is going to convince him to actually interact? If I wanted to invade Botha, I would talk to him ahead of time and say "I'm going to invade you no matter what but" and then work something out. Just for being nice Botha would earn brownie points if I managed to defeat him (which I wouldn't, this is just a hypothetical). If it was required I'd declare on him in-game but I don't have the same luxury as Borghese, and that's my problem. It isn't his pseudo-"Botha mode", but it is that he is manipulating it to where he does not have to deal with consequences.

I don't care if he says "in-game wars only" - I do care that in-game wars are restricted and that even if I wanted to declare I can't. I'd love to do a cold war RP with him but that's only if he will even put aside his OOC grudges to make one.

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"He won't recognize so lets attack him!"

Ok, so you attack him. But what reason other than finding valid IC ways of attacking him are you fighting him for? Because the purpose of a role playing board is for the players to have fun with the role plays that connect the players together, not because "it is necessary". It isn't going to kill you if you cannot go to war with one country, will it? And if he does indeed have OOC beefs with you, then just ignore his country. There are plenty of other nations you can have fun having a war with (and plenty that would LIKE to have a war)...

I'm not quite a fan of not recognizing wars 100% either (as sometimes there are things that are fun but you couldn't of planned it out beforehand), but does it truly matter that this one country doesn't like to recognize wars? To a higher extent, does it increase the quality of role play by removing him from here (that is effectively what you are doing) or changing the way he enjoy's playing? I think not. One country role playing a different way won't destroy the world.

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"He won't recognize so lets attack him!"

Ok, so you attack him. But what reason other than finding valid IC ways of attacking him are you fighting him for? Because the purpose of a role playing board is for the players to have fun with the role plays that connect the players together, not because "it is necessary". It isn't going to kill you if you cannot go to war with one country, will it? And if he does indeed have OOC beefs with you, then just ignore his country. There are plenty of other nations you can have fun having a war with (and plenty that would LIKE to have a war)...

I'm not quite a fan of not recognizing wars 100% either (as sometimes there are things that are fun but you couldn't of planned it out beforehand), but does it truly matter that this one country doesn't like to recognize wars? To a higher extent, does it increase the quality of role play by removing him from here (that is effectively what you are doing) or changing the way he enjoy's playing? I think not. One country role playing a different way won't destroy the world.

The problem is, he doesn't even interact with the rest of the RP world. And if he does, the event ends with him declaring that he won't recognize X RP. At least Botha actually interacts with the rest of the world, even if he doesn't fight many wars.

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"He won't recognize so lets attack him!"

Ok, so you attack him. But what reason other than finding valid IC ways of attacking him are you fighting him for? Because the purpose of a role playing board is for the players to have fun with the role plays that connect the players together, not because "it is necessary". It isn't going to kill you if you cannot go to war with one country, will it? And if he does indeed have OOC beefs with you, then just ignore his country. There are plenty of other nations you can have fun having a war with (and plenty that would LIKE to have a war)...

I'm not quite a fan of not recognizing wars 100% either (as sometimes there are things that are fun but you couldn't of planned it out beforehand), but does it truly matter that this one country doesn't like to recognize wars? To a higher extent, does it increase the quality of role play by removing him from here (that is effectively what you are doing) or changing the way he enjoy's playing? I think not. One country role playing a different way won't destroy the world.

I never said I wanted to attack him. I never said I would. He isn't role-playing a different way, he's taunting us. He believes that his was is the only co

Highly, highly subjective, number one. Number two, this statement implies one's RP's are better than another, dangerous.

Tell that to Borghese. He believes that his RP is superior simply because he goes strictly by in-game. Mudd made the point that he RPs just as much as Borghese. Who cares if you RP just as much? It isn't how much you RP, it's what you RP that matters. If you're going to antagonize me and put yourself in a dangerous IC situation, you should have to face the consequences regardless of how much you RP.

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"He won't recognize so lets attack him!"

Ok, so you attack him. But what reason other than finding valid IC ways of attacking him are you fighting him for? Because the purpose of a role playing board is for the players to have fun with the role plays that connect the players together, not because "it is necessary". It isn't going to kill you if you cannot go to war with one country, will it? And if he does indeed have OOC beefs with you, then just ignore his country. There are plenty of other nations you can have fun having a war with (and plenty that would LIKE to have a war)...

I'm not quite a fan of not recognizing wars 100% either (as sometimes there are things that are fun but you couldn't of planned it out beforehand), but does it truly matter that this one country doesn't like to recognize wars? To a higher extent, does it increase the quality of role play by removing him from here (that is effectively what you are doing) or changing the way he enjoy's playing? I think not. One country role playing a different way won't destroy the world.

In a RP world, especially ours, it revolves around action and reaction. Some actions have war as a reaction, and when that reaction is taken away the equation becomes imbalanced. It's not the fact that he won't recognize wars, its the fact he is being an antagonist, vocal, etc, and bragging that he won't recognize any IC wars. If he stayed relatively like Botha, being nearly isolationist (commenting on matters that pertained to him), following the same general rules of Botha-style RP, didn't keep mentioning he won't recognize IC wars and was being generally respectful OOC, no one would have a problem with him RPing that way.

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I don't read too many role plays now a days, so... :P

I never said I wanted to attack him. I never said I would. He isn't role-playing a different way, he's taunting us. He believes that his was is the only co

I didn't mean to say that you were going to attack him. See below responce for moar.

In a RP world, especially ours, it revolves around action and reaction. Some actions have war as a reaction, and when that reaction is taken away the equation becomes imbalanced. It's not the fact that he won't recognize wars, its the fact he is being an antagonist, vocal, etc, and bragging that he won't recognize any IC wars. If he stayed relatively like Botha, being nearly isolationist (commenting on matters that pertained to him), following the same general rules of Botha-style RP, didn't keep mentioning he won't recognize IC wars and was being generally respectful OOC, no one would have a problem with him RPing that way.

I never did know really about any disrespect happening. Blame it on the non-reading of role plays :P.

You guys do have some good points there. I won't clang my blades against yours on this issue any more (largely because I wish to clang swords another day on players destroying new players, even if valid, in a similar fashion to a level 80 MMO player killing a level 5 MMO player because they are on the other faction; but that is for another day :P).

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I don't read too many role plays now a days, so... :P

I didn't mean to say that you were going to attack him. See below responce for moar.

I never did know really about any disrespect happening. Blame it on the non-reading of role plays :P.

You guys do have some good points there. I won't clang my blades against yours on this issue any more (largely because I wish to clang swords another day on players destroying new players, even if valid, in a similar fashion to a level 80 MMO player killing a level 5 MMO player because they are on the other faction; but that is for another day :P).

Ah killing Gnomes :)

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