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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293237328' post='2553107']
That aside.

If anyone wants to buy tech, I would definitely be glad to sell >_> I really need a tech deal right now XD
I'm interested. I can send $3 mil now, if you want. :)

On an unrelated note, merry Christmas/happy holidays to everyone in here~ :D

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dotCom, mate, if you are not on #cnrp, you can still be in one of the other regular cnrp haunts like #hansaempire or #cnrpic . There would be at least someone in these channels at any time through whom you can still find who all are still online and thus communicate. Getting banned from #cnrp by Sargun is not a big deal. He does that a lot. It is his channel and if you do not "BOB" to him or is an old friend, you are liable to be k/bd. get deaddicted from #cnrp, depend more on PMs for a while and all will be good.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1293251751' post='2553297']
dotCom, mate, if you are not on #cnrp, you can still be in one of the other regular cnrp haunts like #hansaempire or #cnrpic . There would be at least someone in these channels at any time through whom you can still find who all are still online and thus communicate. Getting banned from #cnrp by Sargun is not a big deal. He does that a lot. It is his channel and if you do not "BOB" to him or is an old friend, you are liable to be k/bd. get deaddicted from #cnrp, depend more on PMs for a while and all will be good.
What the hell does "BOB" mean?

The only people who get kicked and banned are people who act badly on IRC continuously (dotCom, LeVentNoir) or piss me off (Executiveminister, though to be fair we can't help it. It's a love/hate relationship). I should also note I own #cnrpic :v:

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[quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293253726' post='2553319']
Why can't we just drop the subject and enjoy Christmas? I mean, Santa's flying, the trees are sparkling with lights and decor, and we're on our way to a new yearly cycle.

[b]To better days and peaceful years![/b] *takes a swig*

I, for one, don't enjoy holidays named after con men. But if that's what floats your boat, go ahead.

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Christmas presents can be worth it, though. It's one of the few times of the year where begging for the latest, highly-reviewed game is justified, hehe. Why else would shopping malls be filled with people going, "Can I have can I have it pleaaaaaaase?"

Edited by SK Wynter
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I take all credit for making the old United States Bloated or Decadent for conquest, because no one else who followed me in leadership after had the diplomatic or military talent to make it any larger than it was before its fall. :-P

And yes, yes, this comment was completely self-serving, lol.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Biohazard' timestamp='1293258859' post='2553374']
That's cool Mael. Also, quit whining about IRC peoples.

Also, to hell with Christmas. I declare a new holiday: Bionia! All who celebrate shall be rewarded with these [s]evil mind control hats[/s]hats in the vague shape of the Patron Saint, Saint Leonardo.
To heck with all of the holidays. It only serves as a time period for childern's brain to atrophy.

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All followers of Sargasm have today off! Everything is non-canon!

Want to invade Nordland? Go ahead! Because it's not canon, he might not surrender!
Want to start a furry dragon cult? Fine by me! It isn't canon, so you might still have some respect at the end of the day!
Start a land war in Asia? HA! You're still $%&@ed!


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Twas the night before christmas and all through the house
A bowl Vince was loading on his bed-slash-couch

His towel was blocking the door jam so clear
In hopes that the lighter his parents wouldn't hear

My parents I thought were asleep in their beds
As visions of Credit card bills danced in their heads

Before I did smoke, I grabbed some food stat
Then last before least I had a quick fap

When out of my window there arose such a sound
I dropped my bowl, though quick to be found

Grabbing my fan, hiding my pipe in a hurry
Turned off my lights and put out the cherry

Oh my god he said breast, and something about snow
I'm so godd**n high right now I don't even know

Then there was something my red eyes saw
Some b***h ass ford mustang, red as a tampon

He parked in our driveway, oh god what a p***k
I hoped to Satan it wasn't that b***h nick

But when he stepped out, oh man what a shame
It was a fat old p***k with a shiny red cane

Then he drunkenly called out some names
And then puked in our street's storm drain

F**k Dannie, Love Annie, Screw Mikey, F**k Mitch
Those guys are all d**ks and the girls are b***hes

Then he climbed on the porch, and climbed up the wall
And walked on the roof, couldn't believe what I saw

Another observation is making me gush
Godd**n that was real good orange kush

He walked up the roof, the chimney he did sit
And in the fireplace came a massive s**t

And then above me I heard such a hiss
The fat f***ing b*****d was taking a piss!

I did my best to cover my head
As he left the roof to search the shed

He used an old key to break in the house
And rubbed his sooty a** all over the couch

He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV
As I grabbed my baseball bat stealthily

His eyes were glazed and his cheeks wet with drool
His nose looked like Nixon's, the stealing fool

His mouth let out a belch so horrid and foul
I knew exactly what I had to do now

As he took a drink from his bottle, Johnnie Walker Red
I raised my baseball bat above my head

When I brought the weapon down, there arose such a crack
The fat f**k's skull had broken my bat

He now lay unconscious, lying on my couch
I stole his pipe and wondered what to do now

I searched his pockets, hoping to see
At least a meager gram of weed

I dragged him into his mustang and called up a friend
And went out to a deserted river bed

Fat a** in his seat, and hands on the wheel
Rock on the accelerator, shifted to first gear

As he went up in flames, we laughed at the show
And loaded up for a victory bowl

And we yelled to the air as we sped into the night,
"F**k !@#$%*es, get money, smoke trees, feel alright!"

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293324289' post='2553832']
Is the CNRP's tech limit is still capped at 2020? Or has it been bumped up to 2021?
While I do realize people have been pushing for this, myself included, even if this is done it won't actually have much, if any, of an actual impact.

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