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I know its non-canon but, I have OOC about it. So this thread works.


im not gonna piss on your parade or anything

but a rock 60km across going 50KPH is like. well

wtf is it stuck in a time bubble?

160,000 m.p.h

and the rock that killed the dinos was 6 miles across.

60km is 37 miles across

damage wont be great mate, it would be the same as detonating every nuke the humans have, in one spot at the same time... and more.

OOC: uh? I really have problems with only one part of Cybil's, but a bigger one issue with zoot.

Cybil: faster speed, 50kilometers per hour is only slightly faster than the fastest human running speed.

Zoot: Typo on the "Damage wont be great"? It would be more like detonating every nuke on earth times a million in one spot. Considering that 6 mile rock blasted a massive crater.


Edited by Tahsir Re
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it wasn't a god mode. The sheer amount of PETN was enough explosives to fracture that thing like a egg vs a hammer. Thats what hundreds of millions of tons of high explosives can do. :v:

200 meter tall cakes of high explosive mining chemical spaced in intervals commonly used to blast rock connected with det-cord repeated for miles and miles. :ph34r:

Fly, you fools!

It's a god mod, not god mode. God Mode just sounds stupid. <_<

Also, retcons are fail. They should be retconned. :P

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Everyone stop with the bloggers.


It's bad, boring and spam. You should feel bad if you use them.

Now go do actual RP.

I disagree.

They sure as hell don't belong in actual diplomatic argument threads, but if people put them in say, their news thread, they at least don't get in the way (And they can occasionally be funny).

I do agree though, if they are in actual threads where important stuff is going on, they are irritating, give a negligible amount to the RP, and are generally irritating.

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JED has a better trend...

Replying to everything with 'we shall watch this with interest' or some variation of it. :v:

EDIT: :facepalm: Double post. <_<

Actually, I am the one who started THAT trend... :rolleyes:

Before I knew how to properly Role-Play, that is.

I do it a few times and it's funny....I stopped when everyone else started. :(

You still should have known better... <_<

You stopped it but started the trend, and when you did it it was funny

He still should have known better. :P

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Pravus needed someone to RP Caterina, if the community has a problem with it, I will humbly turn over the character.
Wouldn't see why, characters in another nation aren't uncommon. Government shouldn't be either

I don't have a problem, but if you can't split your own country into two and RP them as separate entities, why is someone allowed to RP the head of government of one nation and the second in command of another?

Edited by Sargun
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I don't have a problem, but if you can't split your own country into two and RP them as separate entities, why is someone allowed to RP the head of government of one nation and the second in command of another?

Its not a problem, so to make sure that further confusion doesn't happen, Pravus will have control over Caterina from this point on. It'll be easier this way and not cause arguments or problems in the future.

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I don't have a problem, but if you can't split your own country into two and RP them as separate entities, why is someone allowed to RP the head of government of one nation and the second in command of another?

That is a good point actually Sargun, but I think I can see why you arn't allowed. It might be becuase if someone does split their country in two they might use their IG stats for both nations. IE say they have 10,000 troops they might say both countries have 10,000 troops thus doubling their numbers though only a fool would do that as we would soon recognise it.

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That is a good point actually Sargun, but I think I can see why you arn't allowed. It might be becuase if someone does split their country in two they might use their IG stats for both nations. IE say they have 10,000 troops they might say both countries have 10,000 troops thus doubling their numbers though only a fool would do that as we would soon recognise it.

Except when someone (I think Vince tried to do it once but many months before that others tried) offered to have 5000 troops in one and 5000 troops in the other it was also rejected. It was a long time ago.

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I plan on RPing two separate nations within a few months, basically one half of Great Lakes States is ruled by GLS's legitimate government and the other half by a different government group that seized power with violence and attempted to completely take over GLS. Is it okay as long as I split my infra, soldiers, airplane, tanks, and naval ships in half for each of the nation?

Edited by HHAYD
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Except when someone (I think Vince tried to do it once but many months before that others tried) offered to have 5000 troops in one and 5000 troops in the other it was also rejected. It was a long time ago.

Well I can't see any reason why it should be disallowed, I mean as long as no extra territory is taken or any stats added is should be okay what you think Sargun?

I plan on RPing two separate nations within a few months, basically one half of Great Lakes States is ruled by GLS's legitimate government and the other half by a different government group that seized power with violence. Is it okay as long as I split my infra, soldiers, airplane, tanks, and naval ships in half for each of the nation?

Seems okay to me.

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I'm not here to think, I'm here to ruin Sarah's roleplay experience.

In all seriousness, I don't care. It's a GM thing; it isn't up to me.

Its fine...rather not have a problem in the future and deal with it now.

HHYAD...yes but only as a civil war, and for a limited period of time.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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I don't have a problem, but if you can't split your own country into two and RP them as separate entities, why is someone allowed to RP the head of government of one nation and the second in command of another?

Actually I think the bold should be allowed if you truly split it within original borders and split stats too.

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