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the Martens issue is something that multiple drama threads have been dedicated to, and seeing it and his controversial tech resolved is going to be necessary everytime Martens gets himself into a fight, and lets be honest here, he has a tendency to do that.

I believe it's more of an issue of players wanting to be winners and trying to bend the rules to their favor.

Let's stop this, people. This has been a nonissue from the start.

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I agree that mergers for the sake or merging shouldn't really be around. If everyone does that, legitimate mergers may have to be reexamined.

I've always been against collective punishment, but as you being the head of a legitimate merger yourself it does have a ring of truth to it.

There is no denying the mergers are out of hand. All of them.

ohi something we agree on :awesome:

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I believe it's more of an issue of players wanting to be winners and trying to bend the rules to their favor.

Let's stop this, people. This has been a nonissue from the start.

I do not think that that is a fair assesment. You shouldn't say one thing and then say its a non-issue and move on. Its rather rude when you say clearly people who disagree have an ulterior agenda. There are quite a few players in the game who want to have RP by a standardized set of rules and who want to RP closer to reality tech, rather than having victory being based on what fanciful machine you have.

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If the others did so I would. Though admittedly it happening in the middle of this war would be difficult. I would suggest either waiting till the war is over (risk more mergers) or just retcon to pre-war and everyone agree to sort out all these OOC issues before any one starts a major !@#$ fest again.

Edited by Triyun
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I do not think that that is a fair assesment. You shouldn't say one thing and then say its a non-issue and move on. Its rather rude when you say clearly people who disagree have an ulterior agenda.

The people who are raising the racket (well, most of them) have been here when Martens was given the "exception". They didn't complain then, they never tried to solve it firmly, and now they're constantly bringing this issue up now that things are getting hot.

There are quite a few players in the game who want to have RP by a standardized set of rules and who want to RP closer to reality tech, rather than having victory being based on what fanciful machine you have.

It would be lovely, if only the some of those players would stop making fanciful machines of their own.

A question I have which may be necessary for the future: Could one RP two nations, as long as they have connections with each other RP-wise and the IG infra are split?

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If the others did so I would. Though admittedly it happening in the middle of this war would be difficult. I would suggest either waiting till the war is over (risk more mergers) or just retcon to pre-war and everyone agree to sort out all these OOC issues before any one starts a major !@#$ fest again.

Martens discussed just such a possibility earlier, though admittedly, without all parties currently online, doing anything atm is well...up in the air is the best objective statement I can come up with.

Secondly, which war? The current cluster$%&@ or the Tion invasion that preceded it? Which presents several problems seeing as most of my Tion leaders have since died off and my own lack of desire to renew Tion.

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The people who are raising the racket (well, most of them) have been here when Martens was given the "exception". They didn't complain then, they never tried to solve it firmly, and now they're constantly bringing this issue up now that things are getting hot.

I don't know how many times this has been disproven. People raised issues with Martens in the tech sharing thread and the OOC thread during our war. Please don't deliberately misrepresent the facts.

It would be lovely, if only the some of those players would stop making fanciful machines of their own.

Can you show examples of where we've RPed weapons way out of left field that nobody can fairly compete against?

A question I have which may be necessary for the future: Could one RP two nations, as long as they have connections with each other RP-wise and the IG infra are split?

I think no. Also any refounded DKT not authorized by the coalition is an enemy of it FYI.

Martens discussed just such a possibility earlier, though admittedly, without all parties currently online, doing anything atm is well...up in the air is the best objective statement I can come up with.

Secondly, which war? The current cluster$%&@ or the Tion invasion that preceded it? Which presents several problems seeing as most of my Tion leaders have since died off and my own lack of desire to renew Tion.

My feeling is the Tion Invasion, though removing Tion from existence might be an elegant solution there.

Edited by Triyun
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Thanks man.

If the others did so I would. Though admittedly it happening in the middle of this war would be difficult. I would suggest either waiting till the war is over (risk more mergers) or just retcon to pre-war and everyone agree to sort out all these OOC issues before any one starts a major !@#$ fest again.

Well I would suggest rewinding to after Tion was invaded but before any action was taken against KM and co including moving troops. This would allow a lot of issues to be sorted, and then when its all ready, we have a good RP.

The people who are raising the racket (well, most of them) have been here when Martens was given the "exception". They didn't complain then, they never tried to solve it firmly, and now they're constantly bringing this issue up now that things are getting hot.

Thanks for remembering it is most.

It would be lovely, if only the some of those players would stop making fanciful machines of their own.

Well, most things are fine, and once a bit of discussion / argument has gone on, pretty much everything has been sorted into allowed / impossible.

A question I have which may be necessary for the future: Could one RP two nations, as long as they have connections with each other RP-wise and the IG infra are split?

I would say split the IG tech too, as well as land. However, this opens up a another can of worms, so Over all I would say, 1 RPer: One Nation.

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I don't know how many times this has been disproven. People raised issues with Martens in the tech sharing thread and the OOC thread during our war. Please don't deliberately misrepresent the facts.

Can you show examples of where we've RPed weapons way out of left field that nobody can fairly compete against?

I think no. Also any refounded DKT not authorized by the coalition is an enemy of it FYI.

My feeling is the Tion Invasion, though removing Tion from existence might be an elegant solution there.

Then I propose this.

1. No Tion ever existed, Uberstein lands were assimilated into Nordland. The Hanseatics were thusly made independant by Kaiser Martens, not the now non-existant Vayne Archades, or I could retcon him back to the Naval Admiral he was before the Saborian Invasion of Europe.

2. Franzharia in Africa was defeated by...well take your pick, rebels, civil war, etc.

3. Novorossiysk the enclave took in the last remnants of the Monarchy (IE - Anabelle) and became the Principality as it stands now (Though with Anabelle as Monarch, High Magister Vasili as Regent, and Josef as Prime Minister).

By doing this we eliminate the crap of late, and now you all must find a real reason for war, other than, 'Oi you invaded your brother because of his new shirt color, thus we don't like you, now die'

Edited by Ranather
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Then I propose this.

1. No Tion ever existed, Uberstein lands were assimilated into Nordland. The Hanseatics were thusly made independant by Kaiser Martens, not the now non-existant Vayne Archades, or I could retcon him back to the Naval Admiral he was before the Saborian Invasion of Europe.

2. Franzharia in Africa was defeated by...well take your pick, rebels, civil war, etc.

3. Novorossiysk the enclave took in the last remnants of the Monarchy (IE - Anabelle) and became the Principality as it stands now (Though with Anabelle as Monarch, High Magister Vasili as Regent, and Josef as Prime Minister).

By doing this we eliminate the crap of late, and now you all must find a real reason for war, other than, 'Oi you invaded your brother because of his new shirt color, thus we don't like you, now die'

The current reason for war was real. Nordland is unchecked because all of Europe excluding Slavorussia bows to the Kaiser and cater to his every whim. Thats evident with the welsh merging into Magna Europa, as well as Belka and HL declaring war on the Northern Empire and allies even though there was no threat of them being invaded.

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Yes, but a number of those same nations also used the invasion of Tion (or unchecked expansion, but the two seem intertwined these days) for the basis of the war and it sort of became an overriding theme. By removing Tion from the picture, the other reasons are brought to the fore.

Suddenly the war is strictly about [Nations vs. Kaiser Martens], about Nordland, nothing else. You see?

Edited by Ranather
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Thanks to everyone who answered the question I asked a few pages back. I've looked through the RP and after writing a news channel/anchor with a report of things that happened today I realized there isn't enough interesting stuff happening for me to sustain an entire seperate thread to report it all. I could have a reporter in certain threads to shake things up, but thats how my last news crew died, so I'll past on attempting that again.

I think I'll go for an individual character. Anyone who's open to me RPing as a citizen of their nation please say so and provide a brief overview of the laws of your country.

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If you want to RP someone living in a theocracy, you can. Basically you'll likely be living a miserable life as someone who is working in the chemical industry (our largest industry), or a bureaucrat (we have a disproportional amount of those in the country). We're a third world nation. Not Africa third world, but more Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union. No fun is allowed, and those who are non-religious despise the government, but most are indifferent.

If you'd like you could also RP a corporation there. We have almost no restrictions, so you can be a soulless capitalist if you'd like. :v

Also, if you want to RP a news station in Rebel Virginia, you may be forced to be a propaganda stationed. But no, I doubt most nations would prevent you from having teams in their countries. Maybe a few, but not most.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Thanks to everyone who answered the question I asked a few pages back. I've looked through the RP and after writing a news channel/anchor with a report of things that happened today I realized there isn't enough interesting stuff happening for me to sustain an entire seperate thread to report it all. I could have a reporter in certain threads to shake things up, but thats how my last news crew died, so I'll past on attempting that again.

I think I'll go for an individual character. Anyone who's open to me RPing as a citizen of their nation please say so and provide a brief overview of the laws of your country.

The Theocracy of Rebel Virginia is technically my parent state, as in I am part of her. If you wish, you could newscast many things within West Virginia, we are one of the world leaders in innovation, and constantly come up with something new, and set trends among the nations that vastly out tech us, just by our sheer weaponological Knowledge.

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Yes, but a number of those same nations also used the invasion of Tion (or unchecked expansion, but the two seem intertwined these days) for the basis of the war and it sort of became an overriding theme. By removing Tion from the picture, the other reasons are brought to the fore.

Suddenly the war is strictly about [Nations vs. Kaiser Martens], about Nordland, nothing else. You see?

Of course its nations versus Martens. I wanna emphasize again though, the only way I would agree to a retcon here is if the community agreed they wanted to end all mergers.

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