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List of Treaties and blocs


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Tuland, Dominion of Velvika, Elysian Plains, Wighton, Mogatopia, Dilberian Empire, Zahra, Ile de Noir, Rossiyskaya, NorseTurks, lgtromm, New Mambosa, Paraganea, Land of 1000 Swords, Sarnian Empire, Guardsville, Terra Firma, The Wilson Empire and Federal Republic of Cavaliere are all gone, so they should be removed.

Also, The United Kingdom split into Proxian Empire and Welsh Empire, Shillia appears to be Korea now, Wanatet should be Feet of God, United Nation should be Kingdom of Serca, and Dragon Empire is gone, and I don't know what should happen to the treaties held by them as a group.

Have fun Subtle :P;)

I believe I got all the changes. If I didn't, please tell me EXACTLY where I missed them.

MDP and Economic Pact between Andonia and Association


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Please delete the following:


Ardoria/Cholan Empire

Also, big purge in the Americas. I think the following got deleted:

Amerikanisches Reich

Rebel Virginia

J Andres

Pravus Ingruo

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  • 2 weeks later...
Please delete the following:


Ardoria/Cholan Empire

Also, big purge in the Americas. I think the following got deleted:

Amerikanisches Reich

Rebel Virginia

J Andres

Pravus Ingruo

Everything deleted, except for Amerikanisches Reich and J Andres, as I am unsure if they will remain deleted.

Also cleaned up any defunct treaties I was sure of.

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Cainette/Othello MDoAP

Cainette/Tennessee Federation


Could they all be removed please?

Please add Bosporan/Beijing Corp ODP+my membership into RUSSIAN and remove anything related to the Imperial Union

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1375143 ODP

All done.

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Alliance of Crescent Nations ACN--MDoAP

Members: Realm, Novak, Rebel Army

Realm is gone.

Asian Nations Coalition Agreement ANCA--MDP

Members: Forever Battlefield, Neo Japan

Is now the AEO, see http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=52296 and the Main thread, with additional people in it.

The Australasian Coalition MDoAP

Members: Feet of God, Republic of Tanis, Timor Empire, Confucianism, New Cymru, Promised Land, The Hanseatic Republic, Dragonisia (observer Status)

That's yours, you're supposed to keep track of it. =P

The Bermuda Triangle Pact--MADP

Members: Ardoria, Tennessee Federation, Imperium of America, Tahoe

No change, afaik.

The Covenant of Legion--MADP

Members: United Francoist Empire, Rebel Viginia


Feederite Union MADP

Members Neo Olympia, Dragonisia, Othello

Othello is gone.

The Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood MADP

Members: Palintine, The Omniscient Empire of Naboo, Tahoe

No change, afaik

Leviathan Accords MDoAP

Members: New Taiwan, Dragonisia, IndoChina

IndoChina is gone.

Mutually Assured Construction M.A.C.--NAP (With Free trade and Optional Tech Sharing clause)

Members: Chan Khong, Dragonisia, Forvenge, Hanseatic Republic, Taeunas, Union of Molakia

Not...entirely sure who's still in that and who's gone. Sorry.

Not In My Back Yard Treaty NIMBY--NAP (To provide security for the Indo-Australian region, Free trade and Information Sharing

Members: New Cymru, Marscurian Empire, Promised Land, Feet of God, Novak, Dragonisia

Your treaty, your responsibility.

The Old World--NAP (Economic Clause)

Members: Cainette, Feet of God, Imperial Republic of Crimea Iso

Feet of God may be gone, I'm not sure. Or he's Wanatet.

Pan-African Coalition PAC--MDP

Members: Realm, The Western Republic, Rebel Army, Federal Republic of Transvaal (observer status), Arctica, Novak, Gebiv

Isn't this the 2PAC now?

Pax Mediterrania--MDoAP (also Economic)
Members: Rebel Army, Gebiv

*Should* still be active.

The Representative Union for Security and Stability In Asia North (RUSSIAN) Pact:

Members: The Northern Empire, Slavorussia, Tyranar, Vaule, Bosporan

Currently being invaded, but up and running. May have new members.

The Scandinavian Union MDP (with Economic Clauses)

Members: Forvenge, Molakia

No changes afaik.

Southern South America Accords--MDP

Members: The Dellian Empire, Lubeck, The Democratic United Kingdom of Sassain

Should still be running.

The Sovereign Initative (TSI) MDoAP

Members: Tahoe, Proxian Empire, The Welsh Empire, The Proxian Empire

Why is Proxian twice in there?

The United European States (UES) MDoAP

Members: The Welsh Empire, The Proxian Empire

Stil alive~

Union of Transcaucasian Republics--(Closest similar thing is the Commonwealth of Independent States)

Members: Azerbaijani Republic, Republic of Dagestan, Nagorno Karabakh

I do beliebe only Azerbaijan is still alive.

The Vidianist Union--MADP+Economic+Tech-Sharing

Members: Solaris, Gebiv, Himynamistan

As far as I know, only Gebiv exists anymore.

In the rest: Dutch Republic is now Union of Western Europe (Afaik)

Rebel Virginia is gone.

>>Estovakia/Republic of Emmeria << Emmeria is gone, from what I know

That's all changes that I know of. I do not guarantee that they are accurate in any way, but it's what I know.

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All changes you noted were made. And just because I'm part of a treaty doesn;t mean I am up-to-date on all the members!

Yes the Union of Transcaucasian Republics de jure still exists. I will rp dissolution sooner or later.

I have deleted it, as it in practicality no longer exists.

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Along with the Lübeck Islands (Comoros), South Central Africa, Association, Mozambique, and Natal are all under the optional protection of Transvaal due to the Botha Line Doctrine. There was a thread about this, but the easiest to find source is here.

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This was signed awhile ago, but it needs to be posted here.

Nordlandic Confederacy Treaty

Mutual Defence:

In defensive wars, which are defined as wars of aggression against The Nordlandic Confederacy (Henceforth referred to as "NC"), each party is to defend each other on the battlefield to the utmost of their abilities, considering themselves to be in a state of war with the aggressors automatically.

Mutual Aggression:

When it comes to offensive wars, although Nations are encouraged to collaborate, the right to opt out from such a conflict is reserved to each sovereign signatory party. Deciding not to take a part of such a war includes being able to opt out from defending from Declarations of War that may come as a direct reaction of the Offensive War. If a NC nation honors a military pact outside of NC, this is also considered to fall under this case.

General Council of the Lands:

The General Council of the Lands is the main body of the Treaty. There is to be a delegation available at Berlin at all times of officers to represent their respective Lands, and at least once a year the Leader or Leaders of each Land must have a meeting to coordinate the direction of the NCT, discuss issues, and if they wish, amend the treaty. The Leader of the Council is chosen once a month, and is the current leader of a nation in the treaty organization.

Greater Council of the General Staff:

The Military Council, concerning cooperation during wartime and readiness during peacetime, its task is to better make each individual nation be able to concentrate their efforts with a higher efficiency.

Economic Council of the Northern Lands:

The Economic Council deals with maintaining a stable economy, trade agreements and is essentially a tool for the better development of each of the involved Nations. During wartime, they work together with the Economic Council to help war production efforts and supplying efforts.

Votes and Rights of the Lands:

Each Nation has the right to one vote in each decision or issue that may arise. As we are Five, there is no such a thing as a tie. Nations may choose to abstain from deciding on a particular issue. Each Nation has the right to leave the pact with two weeks of warning during which the treaty remains active. During wartime, it is impossible to leave the treaty until the end of the conflict.

Amends and Modifications:

Amending the pact requires the approval of all involved parties.

For the Great German Reich,

Scolar Visari

Kaiser des Großdeutschen Reiches

Signed for Prussia,

Kaiser Albert Tanzband

Signed for The Union of Western Europe

Prime Minister Alexander

The House of Lords

The House of Commons

Signed for Nordheim,

Týr, Lord of the Aesir

Heimdall, Vicelord of the Aesir

Ratified by the Aesir Council

Signed for Norsvea,

Keiser Niklas Magnus, Abærøn of Norsvea

Yuri Yurikovich, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Russo-Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimeastan

Dmitry Molotov, General Secretary of the Republik Balkan

Edited by Malatose
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The Imperial Alliance and CSSR have a perma-MADP. Source: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1401707

Dracula-Yuri Pact

Article One: Harmony

Now being a single entity the signatories of this document do hereby agree to promote common understanding and open communication. Any and all intelligence shall be shared with the other, and open and honest discussion shall be the norm in all government communication. Furthermore self hate being what it is the Signatories being one do hereby pledge to abstain from all acts harmful to the other, as such acts would be self destructive. Finally both understanding how their own actions may effect the other agree to ensure that their own policies do not harm the interests of the whole.

Article Two: Growth

Both being one do hereby agree to assist and aid the other economically, to the best of their ability, if the other should such a request.

Article Three: Protection

An attack on one shall be an attack on the other, and assistance must be offered to the best of either nation's ability. Moreover each pledges to safeguard the other from enemies from within the other's nation. (Eg. Illegal Coup)

Article Four: Common Aggression

Both being one much like the right and left fists belonging to a body must recognize that aggression by one is therefore a call to action for the other. In the event that aggressive action is deemed fitting by one then it is the duty of the other to assist militarily, economically, or diplomatically based on the needs of the other.

Article Five: Eternity

It is impossible for a being to separate itself from itself. A mind cannot strip itself of its mind, nor a body of its body therefore this union shall exist in perpetuity until the dissolution of one or the other.

Signed for the Imperial Alliance:

Stephen Othran

General Administrator

Signed for the CSSR:

Yuri, General Secretary of the CSSR Communist Party

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Imperial Alliance and Ardoria MDoAP with a tech sharing deal.

Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods.

Article IV - Mutual Defense

The signatories of this treaty agree that in the event of a foreign party actively pursuing hostile actions against any signatory, the other signatories will be obligated to defend the attacked signatory with full military support.

Article V - Optional Military Assistance

In the event one of the signatories of this treaty actively uses military actions against a third party, the other signatory has the option to assist the signatory military, logistically, and diplomatically.

Article VI - Technological Developments

The signatories of this treaty agree that they will share newly developed or existing technological pieces and methods that they deam to be beneficial to the other signatory whether they are intended for military or civilian uses.

Article VII - Withdrawal

If any of the signatories decide that they wish to leave the alliance created by this treaty they must give the other signatories a 24-hour (OOC: RL Time) notice beforehand of their leaving, and then publicly declare that they are no longer bound by this treaty. After the 24-hour period elapses, the signatory will no longer be bound by this treaty.

Signed for Imperial Alliance

Stephen Othran

Imperial Alliance General Administrator

Signed for the United Republic of Ardoria

President Alskan di Raritan,

Head of the Ardorian State

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