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Well I have a question for the show. Actually it's more of a request. That everyone describe in their own words the ideals of the Church of Walford. Minimum 100 words. No cheating.

Also, what do you think about me? Seriously. Am I annoying, cool, sneaky, obnoxious or what? I know I've gotten under a lot of people's skin in my time here.

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Opinions on the Blackstone Collusion?

If you could be any other person in cybernations for 24 hours who would you be?

If you knew that cybernations was going to disappear tomorrow what would you do?

You discover that the person you're head-over-heels interested in, loves a good dessert. What will you concoct when you have this person over?

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My question for Everyone: I don't think anyone can argue by looking at the CN forums and looking at the nation count going down each day, that there is indeed something wrong with Cybernations currently. If you could name only one thing to blame that on, what would it be and how do you think it should be fixed?

Question for Doitzel: How long does it actually take you to write an announcement?

Question for Dilber: Your favorite ally?

Also, another question for everyone. If you had to pick one song to describe Cybernations with, but it could not be one made by someone who plays CN (Hint Hint, not the History of Cybernations Bollywood style or Pax Pacifica or anything else like that) what song would you pick?

And if the Devil came to you and challenged you to a fiddle contest, and you knew how to play fiddle, and it was a fiddle of gold against your soul, would you accept the challenge?

EDIT: Including another question for the lulz.

Edited by Nintenderek
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3 Questions

1) What is your opinion on the statement below? (Dilber specifically)

2) What is your opinion on the Kaiser Martens, Zenith/GOD situation? (Situation over with already)

3) Why are you all still in Cyber Nations? >_>


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I have a question or two for Dilber:

Are you satisfied with the internal workings (its structure, departments and their results) of the NPO, would you like to change anything internally?

Are you really the puppet master of Moo and if so how difficult is to pull a string of a cow?

Do you feel that times which are coming will be more challenging for the NPO then usual?

Are you happy with the level of sexiness of your behind or do you feel it needs more work?

Thank you for you time.

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These aren't working for me. All I get is 21 or so seconds of them, which is all music. How to fix please?
Ahh yes; the non-working audio files. My solution was to open an older show, and go to the URL bar and simply change the number of the episode.

Any way to make the new one work without this solution? :)

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what were your orignal reasons for joining vox?

and why do you stay with them?


how does it feel to be the right hand cow? ^_^

and how would you describe your foreign policys?

also have u lost your pants since the last time a alliance found them for you XD?

Edited by agnews
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For AirMe: MK is almost completely free from surrender terms...6 months ago when the terms were first put in place, did you expect to make it the entire time without getting "FANd"?



^Stat threads such as these show the advantage that the smaller and more active membership alliances (citadel, MK, etc) have in a lot of categories, especially those based on % of members, average anything, and most notably total # and % of military wonders. Do you think that this will change anytime soon, with some of the larger alliances "bulking up" and purchasing more military wonders? Or do you think these alliances will maintain their spots on these lists, assuming there isn't a massive war to mix things up (lol)

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Get your last Questions in for Dilber and Doitzel.

Also on the aftershow.....Stormsend and Uberspion will be hopping on with me. Possibly even Stumpy, if we can drag him out of his ivory tower.

Also Doitzel probably won't go away as is a nasty habit I hear.

And yes ask some damn questions.

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I formally request...actually I beg you to play "I'm On A Boat" by The Lonely Island.

Id like this.

Doitzel: What do you actually do within the structure of Vox?

What ultimately pushed you from leaving your place in the Orders to being one of the preeminent members of Vox Populi?

What is your opinion of 'This Week in Pacifica' and ES's 'The Tattler'?

How's it going? I hear Florida is nice this time of year.

Dilber: Are there any actions that you have specifically taken or pushed for that you regret in the past year? Any that you wish to clarify?

How do you see the foreign affairs approach of the Order changing in the coming months? Has the rumors of war changed your approach at all?

also, i second the 'august revolution question'

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