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Tournament Edition Bugs & Suggestions

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It's probably been mentioned, but please remove trades or strip them down greatly.

It's annoying enough setting them up in vanilla CN, doing it for just 3 months is just going to be incredibly annoying. Put everyone on an equal playing field with the trades?

This version should be more about war than petty economics like that.

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It's probably been mentioned, but please remove trades or strip them down greatly.

It's annoying enough setting them up in vanilla CN, doing it for just 3 months is just going to be incredibly annoying. Put everyone on an equal playing field with the trades?

This version should be more about war than petty economics like that.

Why its all part of the basic game just fill your 4 or 5 slots up within your own Alliance

As for setting them up in CN you do that for long term so in TE you take what you can get its just a mad dash it makes it more fun

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I've seen several people suggest lowering the length of wars, and I agree with that as well. I'd say five days is about right, for the aforementioned reasons as well as this: I've noticed that if you attack someone and they immediately drop their soldiers, or, say, get ganked by two other people and overwhelmed, you now end up with war slots tied up with someone you can't peace out with, and can't get spoils from, for 5 or 6 days. So, essentially, because you attack, you lose war slots for much longer than you're actually fighting. I'd hazard a guess that you'd get two days of attacks most of the time against nations who're going to quit, or who'd use turtling/locking-up-slots as a tactic, before attacking becomes a waste of time, so with five-day wars, you'd only have three "dead" days, as opposed to five days with seven-day wars.

Also, I'd recommend shortening senate terms a bit. Instead of a 15 & 30 day cycle, I'd say a 10 & 20 day cycle is probably better. (That would put it approximately on ratio with the other time changes already done, and the recommended five-day war change.)

Finally, I'm not sure how long it takes to delete inactives, but if it's 20 days, that seems a bit silly. The game is only 90 days, and if you're back-collecting for 19 days at some point in there, I think you're doing something wrong. Gut says halve it, but that's just a guess.

TL;DR: Recommend war duration reduced to 5 days, senate terms reduced to 20, and "inactivity deletion" limit reduced.

Edited by Vhalen
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I've seen several people suggest lowering the length of wars, and I agree with that as well. I'd say five days is about right, for the aforementioned reasons as well as this: I've noticed that if you attack someone and they immediately drop their soldiers, or, say, get ganked by two other people and overwhelmed, you now end up with war slots tied up with someone you can't peace out with, and can't get spoils from, for 5 or 6 days. So, essentially, because you attack, you lose war slots for much longer than you're actually fighting. I'd hazard a guess that you'd get two days of attacks most of the time against nations who're going to quit, or who'd use turtling/locking-up-slots as a tactic, before attacking becomes a waste of time, so with five-day wars, you'd only have three "dead" days, as opposed to five days with seven-day wars.

Also, I'd recommend shortening senate terms a bit. Instead of a 15 & 30 day cycle, I'd say a 10 & 20 day cycle is probably better. (That would put it approximately on ratio with the other time changes already done, and the recommended five-day war change.)

Finally, I'm not sure how long it takes to delete inactives, but if it's 20 days, that seems a bit silly. The game is only 90 days, and if you're back-collecting for 19 days at some point in there, I think you're doing something wrong. Gut says halve it, but that's just a guess.

TL;DR: Recommend war duration reduced to 5 days, senate terms reduced to 20, and "inactivity deletion" limit reduced.

Agree with 5 day wars

Senate terms 20 days could make it more interesting

Inactivity deletion to 10 days if no wars or bills paid but if bills are paid or in war and fighting back 19 days

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Agree with 5 day wars

Senate terms 20 days could make it more interesting

Inactivity deletion to 10 days if no wars or bills paid but if bills are paid or in war and fighting back 19 days

Yeah. I think 20 day terms would allow enough of a turnover for senate to possibly matter a little more. It adds an election cycle and a half, and allows for a dramatic "clean slate" election on day 80, moving into the endgame, whatever that turns out to be. Feels like it would create a little more interest then, anyhow.

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One forum suggestion: Let TE accounts post in the Water Cooler and Boiler Room. No real reason why they shouldn't be able too. If anything, you can add a little section by "Nation Name" and "Alliance Name" to say whether you're TE, CN, or both.

Why not take it one further and have 2 Alliance name fields, one for CN alliance and one for TE alliance?And how've you been, Aeternos?

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We've (and by that, I mean I've) been over the multiple update thing several times already, and it is a bad idea in too many ways to count. Anyway, admin already said no to that, so try to find something else.

Perhaps, we could choose which update to use? 12AM or 12PM (noon or midnight). You can't chance it once you've picked it for the round, perhaps.

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IIRC, admin said that the update time for CN was non-negotiable. I'm thinking same goes for TE, but I may be wrong..

I don't see how it would be a problem, CN and CN:TE are hosted on different servers, It wouldn't cause any logistical problems. and being able to choose your update for each game would be pure win! and why not enable aid?

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If everyone is anarchied then everyone is on a level playing field.

:wub: Admin!

That's an excellent idea, Start everyone out in Anarchy! Then we're all equal :lol:

ooops. I should shut up while i'm ahead :lol:

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So when u can fight on your very first day, and you anarchy someone else on their very first day. you basically completely removed any chance they had at growing. people get smashed early and fast, anarchied and your pretty much done for.

I suggest starting out with a set amount of infra, like 500, along with the startup money of 1 million (which is already in) so that people still have a chance to fight. Right now its basically, who can anarchy who first. Who has the most people on their alliance and they win.

Who wants to attack a zero infra, zero tech nation?

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Who wants to attack a zero infra, zero tech nation?

When they have 1 million =p

What's this going to do? It's keeping the playing field level, just boosting it up.

Isn't that how war is. You have 150 other nations fighting with you, you're gonna beat one, unless that one is extremal talented.

Get some treaties, get recruiting, get friends.

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Shorter wars would be great. Esspecially since my enemies are effectively turtling and or quit within 4 days of the war, wasting my attack slots which has a big effect on teh growth of my nation imo.

yep I did that to one guy already... he refuses hang up the war..

3 day wars would be good... you can get in do damage and get out..

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In the information index in the Cyber_Nations_Tournament_Edition section you have wonders, nuclear weapons and navy vessels listed twice.

4 - The purchase cost of improvements, wonders, infrastructure, land, technology, cruise missiles, navy vessels, and nuclear weapons have been significantly reduced. The purchase requirements for wonders, nuclear weapons, and navy vessels have also been reduced.


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So, I just got an event, and realized that if it had been a majorly positive or negative event for 30 days, it would quite possibly screw one over or benefit one quite a lot in the 90-day cycle of TE. You might want to consider either shrinking the duration of events or ensuring they're not too strong either way.

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