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a new formula for alliance strength >.>


in TE its quantity that dominates...

I suggest ((alliance nations / total nations * 1,000) + (alliance strength / 10,000)) / 3

This should prevent alliances with 50k NS to be sanctioned

Edited by BluRaider
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At first glance, the new wonder prices seem much more in line with what people may be able to spend. We should see more than a few purchased this round.

This is my hope. The previous round was hard to gauge what sort of prices to set but I think the new prices and requirements will make wonders a viable option for some players now.

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Here is a culmination of suggestions with a few of my own.

1. shorter rounds down to 60 days

2. shorter wars 3-4 days

3. Bring back foreign aid slots, except you have to buy them with foreign Ministries, and lower the cost of Foreign Ministries and require nations to have at least 100 infra, 15 tech and a harbor. ( that way people can not just make a nation to give the money away). They would have to have at least 2000 population. And have a 5 day wait. for the slots to open up again. 1 fm=1 aid slot.

4. Change Foreign Aid to only allow cash with a limit of 500k, regardless of the amount of slots.

5. Increase startup money to 1.25 million.

6. Change the amount of deploys per day to 2 if in more then 1 war, otherwise it would be 1.

7. Lower Costs of Infra by 25% and leave tech the same cost as it is now.

8. Lower donations and start them down at $2.5 USD. and give some decent stuff away. no one is going to make a 20 dollar donation to see it up in smoke. but they would consider a $2.5 donation.

9. Prizes, I think each round should be decided on, that way its something different.

Donation Example:

$2.50: $50,000, 10 infra, 10 tech, 10 land.

$5.00: $100,000, 25 infra, 25 tech, 25 land.

$10.00: $500,000, 50 infra, 50 tech and 50 land

$15.00: $1,000,000, 100 infra, 100 tech, and 100 land

$20.00: $2,000,000, 200 infra, 200 tech, and 200 land.

You think that by doing this your losing out, well I think if you were more generous with what you gave with donation bonus's, people would be more apt to give them.

This game is about war, and why not make it more interesting and more volatile??

Edited by maxfiles
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y isn't there any aid i think it would be better and easier for alliances and nations

Aid would mean that alliances and blocs would dominate the game just as they do in the regular game. Without aid everyone is on their own and on an equal footing.

Someone from a CN alliance with ten members could conceivably beat out Moo in CN:TE.

It's much more sporting without aid and Admin knew what he was doing on this one. B)

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I suggest a limit to alliance size. This can increase competition and competitiveness. Some alliances might just split into multiple alliances, but that's a lot harder for them to organize. In the end, the alliance with the biggest NS kinda wins.

Set the limit to something around 15, 30, 45, or 60.

But by doing this, the option of booting someone out from an alliance must be added to prevent abuse. So let the first person that puts on a certain AA have control over kicking people from the AA. If he leaves the AA, then the 2nd person gets control.

The good thing about the suggestion is that the Alliance Score Comparison has values that are closer to each other, and reflects more on how well the nations in the alliance are doing.

Edited by XRCatD
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I suggest a limit to alliance size. This can increase competition and competitiveness. Some alliances might just split into multiple alliances, but that's a lot harder for them to organize. In the end, the alliance with the biggest NS kinda wins.

Set the limit to something around 15, 30, 45, or 60.

But by doing this, the option of booting someone out from an alliance must be added to prevent abuse. So let the first person that puts on a certain AA have control over kicking people from the AA. If he leaves the AA, then the 2nd person gets control.

The good thing about the suggestion is that the Alliance Score Comparison has values that are closer to each other, and reflects more on how well the nations in the alliance are doing.

Yes, so now we'll see "Murder Inc.," Murder Inc. 2" "Murder Inc. 3" etc. all under one forum. That won't make a difference.

My own suggestion: allow senate voting from day 1 for TE

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I don't think aid will work in TE. People who can't really be bothered with TE will just create bank nations with no tech to disincentive raiders (or just 10 for +5 happiness) and the winner will no longer be the best individual nation (as much as it is now), it will be the nation with the most friends...forum spying will be come into play to identify and sabotage the banking nation...yuk.

I agree that wars could be shorter however, especially if the 12 hour server reset is implemented.

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I'd make the MP actually relevant and make it -

"Allows nation with access to uranium to purchase nukes regardless of infrastructure, technology, or rank."

Since no one ever will buy it anyways might as well make it *useful* if someone does buy it.

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I am fairly new to these forums but not new to CN:TE. I have been in the last two rounds and have seen some things that could possibly improve the game.

I agree with the shorter wars (5 days) but I also think anarchy should be reduced to 5 or less days. Sorry if this has already been discussed.

Another thing that seems to be causing a problem is the ghosting of alliances. Nations leave and join other alliances without ever really belonging to those alliances (ghosting) causing trouble for those alliances. Perhaps you could set it up so that you first have to join that alliance and be approved. I play !@#$%* and to join an alliance you must first register your colony or nation and be approved. This would solve some major problems that seem to be running rampant throughout the game.

Also, if you could place voting info on a nations page so others can see if they have voted.

If this has already been addressed disregard this post. Appreciate your consideration...

Striker DCS

Edited by Striker DCS
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I agree with Striker and not only because we have a mutual interest in this very problem.

Is there no way to give alliance leaders a degree of control over the AA system? Or at least enough control to 'disown' a ghost, ie, cancel their alliance's AA? I don't know how that could be programmed, just throwing it out there. Theoretically applies to CN standard too...

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a new formula for alliance strength >.>


in TE its quantity that dominates...

I suggest ((alliance nations / total nations * 1,000) + (alliance strength / 10,000)) / 3

This should prevent alliances with 50k NS to be sanctioned

I agree that the score calculations need to change. Take a look at the current round. I can think of no reason that MI should be ranked as number one at this point:


MHA has them beat by a multiple of 2 or 3 in each category and only has a handful of fewer nations. I don't know what the calc. should be, but it definitely needs to be adjusted. I don't know of anyone that would say Murder Inc is the number one alliance in anything other than total nations currently. And if the round ended today, based on current stats, they'd win the round (which seems odd given the curbstomp they were just in).

And FYI, I have nothing against Murder Inc... just trying to get a better scoring system in place. :D

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I agree with Striker and not only because we have a mutual interest in this very problem.

Is there no way to give alliance leaders a degree of control over the AA system? Or at least enough control to 'disown' a ghost, ie, cancel their alliance's AA? I don't know how that could be programmed, just throwing it out there. Theoretically applies to CN standard too...

That would be an ideal situation, but it takes a lot of changes to the cybernations system, i am a software engineer my self, and the problem is that somethink like that is hard to establish backwards. Because its not always clear who the leader of an alliance is. In case of FOK the founder has joined an other alliance, and some founders are maybe already deleted...

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so far I have noticed that in TE, there are a couple of useless things that are not needed at all. one being the war preference section We know that war is there and there is no peace mode. that can be just removed from the screen. and the other that is useless is religion. It actually serves no purpose. just put the +1 for the right religion over into Gov't type.

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