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Bill locked myself?!

Nathan Hale2

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Well, after blowing most of my warchest on infra after Grub became emperor, I found that I am making less in taxes than I owe in bills. Nation name is Knowlton Rangers for anyone who wants to look


Last Tax Collection Date 7/6/2008

Days Since Last Tax Collection 2

Current Money Available $759,286.65

Earned Interest Since Last Collection $10,000.00

12% per day on available cash. (Max $10,000)

No interest on first day.

Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen) $39.80

Taxpaying Citizens 16,342

Total Collection Amount $1,310,823.20

Total Money Available After Tax Collection $2,070,109.85


Last Bill Payment Date 7/6/2008

Days Since Last Bill Payment 2

Current Money Available $759,286.65

Begin Detailed Summary

Only items that you own are shown

Infrastructure Purchased 2,365.72

Daily Infrastructure Cost (Per 1 Unit) $284.07

Infrastructure Bill $1,344,060.16

Number of Soldiers 8,744 (13,032)

Daily Soldier Cost (Per 1 Unit) $1.00

Soldier Bill $17,488.00

Number of Tanks 855

Daily Tank Cost (Per 1 Unit) $34.96

Tank Bill $59,781.60

Number of Nation Improvements 16

Daily Improvement Bill $950.00

Improvement Bill $30,400.00

End Detailed Summary

Total Cost of All Bills $1,451,729.76

Interest Charged on All Bills $5,000.00

10% per day. (Max $5000)

No interest on first day.

Total Bill Payment $1,456,729.76

Money Left After Bill Payment $-697,443.11

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Collect your taxes, and the get some Labor Camps, they will really reduce your bills, also sell your tanks they cost a lot... Overall it's that infra upkeep which is killing you, also try buying a few Stadiums, they will really up your tax collections by a lot.

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You may need some support from alliance buddies to get you out of this one. After a few aid packages, you need to re-assess your improvements. Labour camps reduce the infra bill. You may have to destroy other improvements in order to get these.

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Slap me if I read it wrong, but can't you pay off your bills by collecting?

$2,070,109.85-after collecting

Total Bill Payment $1,456,729.76

Yeah but that is because I had a few hundred thousand saved up already. Daily my bills are like 20K higher than taxes

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First decom your tanks.

Banks: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Schools: 3, Universities: 1,

Second, get some Stadiums; you have almost all the income increasing improvements and NO happiness adding ones. Switching a few banks for Stadiums would be great.

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Yeah but that is because I had a few hundred thousand saved up already. Daily my bills are like 20K higher than taxes

Oh ok.

Well like others have said, definitely decom your tanks. But don't decom any improvements.

In the math it would save you some money, but by just calculating the money you wasted building it snd the money you'll spend buying another improvement- it's not worth it.

Max out stadiums next, for sure.

edit: I just saw your trades, get some better ones! This is essential man

Edited by thedestro
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Ok well after taking some advice of others and yourselves I'm out of bill lock, but only by 50K. I've been working my trades with someone else so I'm getting there. My environment is also only 7.94. Also thanks for all the help so far, it's been working. Also, yes, the collection rate is at 28%

Edited by Nathan Hale
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Second, get some Stadiums; you have almost all the income increasing improvements and NO happiness adding ones. Switching a few banks for Stadiums would be great.

No, banks ALWAYS come first. DECOM the factories, you don't need to buy infra anytime soon, given that it's the cause of your problem right now. Factories reduce initial cost, not upkeep. The resulting rise in tank upkeep wouldn't be significant enough to keep the factories from coming down.

EDIT: Examining your nation, I've found these problems:

1. You doubled up a resource. Make sure you don't have two trades with the same resources, you have 5 trades but 11 resources. Although it'd be cool, resources don't double up (i.e. if you have two wines, you don't get +8 happiness, only 4).

2. YOU NEED SOME LAND. You have a 1:10 land/infra ratio, which really sucks. Although it's difficult and costs some moolah to keep up, try and get it to 1:2 land/infra. I'm working on that right now, it increases your environment which, in turn, increases your happiness and citizen count.

3. Get into a trade guild. You have three nonessential resources: LEAD, GEMS, AND WINE. Yes, they increase happiness, but you should go for bonus resources that give you more happiness and reduce infra upkeep/price. Go for the construction/beer/fast food set, for an example of the resources needed, check my nation. Given your resources, you could also go for one of the high-end sets, whose bonus resources escape me... lemme see... cars, asphalt, microchips, radiation cleanup, construction, and beer I believe. Very nice set.

The following are speculations, given that I can't confirm them without spying on you.

4. Are your trade partners on black team, or are you mixing color? Try and get all your trades on the same team, that's 5 happiness right there.

5. Is your gov/religion what your people want? Religion should always be adjusted, but tell me what your people prefer on gov. If it's revolutionary, be revolutionary. If it's republic, be republic. There's one other case, but I can't remember it. See if your alliance has a government choice guide.

Other than that, you're good. You have a nice resource drop, so you have possibility for any set. Gold is a needed part of the big set I mentioned, and can be used as a "luxury" resource in any other set.

Edited by thor gold
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No, banks ALWAYS come first. DECOM the factories, you don't need to buy infra anytime soon, given that it's the cause of your problem right now. Factories reduce initial cost, not upkeep. The resulting rise in tank upkeep wouldn't be significant enough to keep the factories from coming down.

When you have 11 income percentage increasing improvements, and ZERO happiness increasing improvements, it is a problem.

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When you have 11 income percentage increasing improvements, and ZERO happiness increasing improvements, it is a problem.

I agree. But then again I have only been doing this for 500 days.... what do I know? :) Also, factories are good you should use them when purchasing infra, which at your level you should always have 15 days of bills on hand in cash.... pay 10 days worth of bills, then do your improvement swaps and collect. Back collecting is your friend. When you get to 10 days inactive, I would pay bills, do your imp. swaps and then spend the rest on infra, then collect taxes and sit on that money.

wash, rinse repeat.

Every guide I have ever seen and every math equation I have seen on any calculator states that your improvement order should be 1 harbor, 1 foreign ministry (if you are doing tech deals...which you should if you are under 4K infra.... you should sell) then 5 factories and THEN 10banks/stadiums switching back and forth.... If you are ever at a point where you can either buy a clinic and bump up to hit the next 1000 or buy a something else, you should always buy the clinic and then buy the next improvement that is in order.

Trades are a key for growth.

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the construction/beer/fast food set, for an example of the resources needed, check my nation.

That advice will probably help you more than any single thing, and though it might take a little while to get into a circle, it's worth the effort. It'll also help a lot the next time you buy.

You're paying $284 a unit per day on infra. I pay $188 a day with Const/FastFood/Beer, even with 900 more infra than you.

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No, banks ALWAYS come first. DECOM the factories, you don't need to buy infra anytime soon, given that it's the cause of your problem right now. Factories reduce initial cost, not upkeep. The resulting rise in tank upkeep wouldn't be significant enough to keep the factories from coming down.

EDIT: Examining your nation, I've found these problems:

1. You doubled up a resource. Make sure you don't have two trades with the same resources, you have 5 trades but 11 resources. Although it'd be cool, resources don't double up (i.e. if you have two wines, you don't get +8 happiness, only 4).

2. YOU NEED SOME LAND. You have a 1:10 land/infra ratio, which really sucks. Although it's difficult and costs some moolah to keep up, try and get it to 1:2 land/infra. I'm working on that right now, it increases your environment which, in turn, increases your happiness and citizen count.

3. Get into a trade guild. You have three nonessential resources: LEAD, GEMS, AND WINE. Yes, they increase happiness, but you should go for bonus resources that give you more happiness and reduce infra upkeep/price. Go for the construction/beer/fast food set, for an example of the resources needed, check my nation. Given your resources, you could also go for one of the high-end sets, whose bonus resources escape me... lemme see... cars, asphalt, microchips, radiation cleanup, construction, and beer I believe. Very nice set.

The following are speculations, given that I can't confirm them without spying on you.

4. Are your trade partners on black team, or are you mixing color? Try and get all your trades on the same team, that's 5 happiness right there.

5. Is your gov/religion what your people want? Religion should always be adjusted, but tell me what your people prefer on gov. If it's revolutionary, be revolutionary. If it's republic, be republic. There's one other case, but I can't remember it. See if your alliance has a government choice guide.

Other than that, you're good. You have a nice resource drop, so you have possibility for any set. Gold is a needed part of the big set I mentioned, and can be used as a "luxury" resource in any other set.

your advice on trade sets falls into one of the fallacies. People too often think many bonus resources means the set is better, but when you do that, you ignore the base resources bonuses. the FF, Beer, constr. set is 9 times out of 10 the best set better than 5 bonus resource sets, because you get the population increasing resources.

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your advice on trade sets falls into one of the fallacies. People too often think many bonus resources means the set is better, but when you do that, you ignore the base resources bonuses. the FF, Beer, constr. set is 9 times out of 10 the best set better than 5 bonus resource sets, because you get the population increasing resources.

But some starting resource combos (Gold/Iron) just aren't ready made for the population set. The standard 3 resource build has two wildcards. Being a population set, one of those is picked for you, you need to have Fish. The other one needs to be an income resource, which usually means either Gems, Silver or Wine. While the set is strong in population modifiers, it's weakness is income modifiers which the income resource helps mitigate otherwise the set isn't much different than any of the other sets and in some cases is actually weaker gives the 3 resource build's weakness in infrastructure reduction to purchase and upkeep compared to the 5BR or 8BR. Against a traditional 8BR, his build would only be getting 140 less citizens per 1000 while it would earn $2.50 more than the 3BR. So in gross income that amounts to $655 per 1000 unmodified citizens. And given the 8BR gets a 9% greater price break on buying infrastructure over the 3BR, he'll be buying more infrastructure to offset the 3BR's population advantage of getting improvements sooner due getting more citizens per infrastructure point. He also gets a 5% greater discount on upkeep over the 3BR. Using Gold as one of the wildcards for the 3BR will be tough to get and tough to hold together. While it's tailor made for the 8BR which will make it easier to get and to keep trades, something that can't be underestimated. Sure it would be nice to get the 3BR, but it he wouldn't be giving up that much to go with the 8BR. Now if he had Fish/Iron....that would be different story.

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Ok well after taking some advice of others and yourselves I'm out of bill lock, but only by 50K. I've been working my trades with someone else so I'm getting there. My environment is also only 7.94. Also thanks for all the help so far, it's been working. Also, yes, the collection rate is at 28%

I think that you need to focus on getting that environment score down. 7.94 is scary high and killing your population count.

I have about a 10:1 ratio of working citizen population: infrastructure. For you this figure appears to be closer to 7:1 which means that you could get about 7000 extra working citizens if you got your environment under control.

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