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Nukes^6 Update - Nuclear-Enforced No Fly Zone

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14 hours ago, CrinkledStraw said:

Adude is somehow worse at logic and reason than FL. That’s impressive. 


Crinkleds reply options - 


1: A thought out post that might prove the other person wrong

2: Ad hominem attack


CS chooses #2!

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49 minutes ago, paul711 said:

He always had been


"Everytime I try to ignore you, you bring my name up, stop it, please." -Paul711, who now won't leave N^6 alone.

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2 hours ago, ADude said:


Crinkleds reply options - 


1: A thought out post that might prove the other person wrong

2: Ad hominem attack


CS chooses #2!


It's not an ad hominem when they're correct.

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17 hours ago, firingline said:

"Some Old Guard nations may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."

Why didn't you change your resources to tobacco and and sugar cane?


My message was clear: 


To: firingline    From: Greatest Mothers    Date: 6/11/2024 7:51:27 AM

Subject: RE: Important Trade update


Message: Okay, have you already changed your resources to tobacco and sugar cane?
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This rogue is a bigger drama queen than Diabetes or that annoying guy with the level 9 bombers.  Kind of reminds me Walford and his army of none. 

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48 minutes ago, Greatest Mothers said:

Why didn't you change your resources to tobacco and and sugar cane?


My message was clear: 


To: firingline    From: Greatest Mothers    Date: 6/11/2024 7:51:27 AM

Subject: RE: Important Trade update


Message: Okay, have you already changed your resources to tobacco and sugar cane?


Those are pretty solid resources to be honest. 🤭

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16 minutes ago, ADude said:


Those are pretty solid resources to be honest. 🤭


That's why I'm surprised that he didn't switch.


28 minutes ago, TheBigBad said:

This rogue is a bigger drama queen than Diabetes or that annoying guy with the level 9 bombers.  Kind of reminds me Walford and his army of none. 



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2 hours ago, Greatest Mothers said:


That's why I'm surprised that he didn't switch.




Those seem like critical resources tbh, I am with you.

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4 hours ago, Mogar said:

Those seem like critical resources tbh, I am with you.



Arrack Batavia is a type of Indonesian rum made from fresh sugar cane juice and fermented red rice. It is a distinctive spirit with a rich history, particularly in Europe, where it was a key ingredient in traditional punch recipes.



The tradition of Swedish Punsch originated in the 18th century when sailors of the Swedish East India Company discovered Batavia Arrack on an unplanned stop in Batavia (now Djakarta) on the Island of Java, Indonesia. They created a “punch” for the long sail back to Gothenburg, Sweden, and the tradition quickly took hold. The arrack is combined with lemon, flavorings and sugar to create a warming drink. Initially, socializing around a flowing bowl of warm, heady “arrack punch” was a pastime for the wealthy, as sugar, spices, and citrus fruits were luxuries.



Limo is an extremely fragrant and very rare citrus fruit similar - but different - to Bergamot orange.



Limoncino liqueur is a traditional Italian lemon liqueur, characterized by its bright yellow color and sweet, citrusy flavor. Use Limo (Step3) in place of lemon to make a special version of the Limoncino.



Use SPECIAL LIMONCINO MADE WITH LIMO in place of lemon to make a very special version of the Swedish Punsch. Replacing the lemon with the very fragrant LIMO liqueur increases the alcohol content of Swedish Punsch and significantly alters its flavor, creating something completely new that is sweeter, warmer, much more aromatic and more powerful than traditional Swedish Punsch.

Edited by Greatest Mothers
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5 hours ago, HeroofTime55 said:

Can you please explain to me why the 100k limit doesn't apply to NG, I'm kinda mad about this.


Because according his feelings just only Old Guard and FTW have nations over 100k NS




Additionally, we are announcing a new policy: a No-Fly Zone at high NS levels. The aforementioned alliances are hereby prohibited from having an upper tier. (This is defined as whatever we feel like at that moment - to be safe, I'd recommend having all nations sell down to below 100,000 NS.)


We find Old Guard and FTW to be in violation of this policy. Trimming commences... now.






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On 7/19/2024 at 12:55 AM, firingline said:

Doom isn't doing anything. Nor are there any rogues involved.

Old Guard was openly warned that aid was an act of war. They made the conscious choice to directly aid Armen. I'm not sure what they expected the results would be.

I think you're trying to shift the blame since it was your VEP software that directed Old Guard to send that aid to Armen, and thus it is largely your fault that @Lan Mandragoran will be going to 0.

Always blaming everybody else instead of taking accountability for your actions. It's what got CCC here in the first place.

I informed our allies in Old Guard that we were rogue busting a couple months ago, they asked if they could help, we informed them we had it covered. Arminius also has access to all NATO non governmental channels. They were informed what was going on. Although i personally have enjoyed the chance to use you and your cohorts as target practice for alliance members that are varying degrees of rusty, I don't consider the alliance itself at war.  We are just doing pest control. You're going to have to get more Doom Sphere people to "rogue" us for that to become the case.


Unfortunately for Lan, Javier decided to grow a pair and actually attack someone instead of running back to Doom Squad immediately like he did two months ago. My hope is the big nations are able to make him pay for that choice.


And I am increasingly regretting my vote for you for Triumvirate last year and pushing you to run again the next term. Seems like I would have maxed out GasX purchases but it would have been exciting.

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10 minutes ago, Not the Carlton said:

I informed our allies in Old Guard that we were rogue busting a couple months ago, they asked if they could help, we informed them we had it covered. Arminius also has access to all NATO non governmental channels. They were informed what was going on. Although i personally have enjoyed the chance to use you and your cohorts as target practice for alliance members that are varying degrees of rusty, I don't consider the alliance itself at war.  We are just doing pest control. You're going to have to get more Doom Sphere people to "rogue" us for that to become the case.


Unfortunately for Lan, Javier decided to grow a pair and actually attack someone instead of running back to Doom Squad immediately like he did two months ago. My hope is the big nations are able to make him pay for that choice.


And I am increasingly regretting my vote for you for Triumvirate last year and pushing you to run again the next term. Seems like I would have maxed out GasX purchases but it would have been exciting.

I mean, he's looting slightly less tech than he's losing, but Javier is also netting a huge amount of land. So I'm not really sure those nations have the capacity to bleed him.


It's also important to note, that while Doom Sphere is not involved in this war, we don't recognize Nukes^6 as rogues, but a sovereign alliance airing out a grievance as many have before on planet Bob.



I would also like to note, that Non Grata has consistently had its members do the same by ghosting or 'joining' The Wolves. And at present, your side maintains that it's justified and that their members are free to act as they wish. I'm certainly feeling as if there's a double standard here.


Javier's actions are Javier's. The honest truth is he was advised against joining and eventually elected to do so anyway. He's a grown up, and he's allowed to make those choices for himself

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23 minutes ago, Not the Carlton said:

Unfortunately for Lan, Javier decided to grow a pair and actually attack someone instead of running back to Doom Squad immediately like he did two months ago. My hope is the big nations are able to make him pay for that choice.


You are missing the part where OG had every opportunity to avoid Lan being blasted, but based on last minute advice from NATO and Polar Arminius denied it.


Hopefully he see's the error of his ways.

Edited by ADude
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9 minutes ago, Gh0s7 said:

Javier's actions are Javier's. The honest truth is he was advised against joining and eventually elected to do so anyway. He's a grown up, and he's allowed to make those choices for himself


I'm shocked

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Not the Carlton said:

I informed our allies in Old Guard that we were rogue busting a couple months ago, they asked if they could help, we informed them we had it covered. Arminius also has access to all NATO non governmental channels. They were informed what was going on.


From July 19th:

[4:13 PM]Arminius: To be honest, we don't read the OWF so don't know what is going on. We're pretty insular.


[4:26 PM]Arminius: Not sure how this started. We are using the VEP aid program. We are formally allied to FTW and Polar. [4:26 PM]Arminius: We don't want to start wars, but will fight if attacked.



I don't consider the alliance itself at war. 


That's weird, considering NATO formally declared war here: 



Unfortunately for Lan, 

Unfortunately for Lan, his alliance caved to pressure from NATO and other allies, who disliked the optics of OG ending their war.

I offered OG essentially white peace. No reps, no further attacks against Lan. Even offered a day-long truce to give them time to discuss. 

At first they said the terms were fair and that they could get them wrapped up quickly. Then, some allies messaged them and all of a sudden they weren't interested anymore.




And I am increasingly regretting my vote for you for Triumvirate last year and pushing you to run again the next term. 

And I'm disappointed that you and the rest of NATO government choose to defend Armen's endless personal OOC attacks.

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30 minutes ago, firingline said:


From July 19th:

[4:13 PM]Arminius: To be honest, we don't read the OWF so don't know what is going on. We're pretty insular.


[4:26 PM]Arminius: Not sure how this started. We are using the VEP aid program. We are formally allied to FTW and Polar. [4:26 PM]Arminius: We don't want to start wars, but will fight if attacked.



That's weird, considering NATO formally declared war here: 


Unfortunately for Lan, his alliance caved to pressure from NATO and other allies, who disliked the optics of OG ending their war.

I offered OG essentially white peace. No reps, no further attacks against Lan. Even offered a day-long truce to give them time to discuss. 

At first they said the terms were fair and that they could get them wrapped up quickly. Then, some allies messaged them and all of a sudden they weren't interested anymore.



And I'm disappointed that you and the rest of NATO government choose to defend Armen's endless personal OOC attacks.

Yeah well fortunately/unfortunately the highest proportion of NATO nations you all can hit is about a quarter and you’re sharing your affections with other alliances (I do appreciate the level of chaos you’re causing with messages and spy attacks though). There’s no point in filling the moat and adding alligators if it’s not likely alliance members will actually get action. I am also not the sum total of NATO government. 

I highly doubt you or anyone involved actually care about Armen, the alleged OOC attacks, or the supposed victim. You’re just jumping on an attractive CB to get some excitement (Which I have no issue with.  I enjoyed my round with Cosmic Chocolate). If you actually cared about the subject of the attacks, you’d stop Streisand effecting it all over the airwaves. That is why I personally was reluctant to get involved at first. But CCC asked for our help so here we are. 

Edited by Not the Carlton
Spy attacks not soy attacks
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1 hour ago, Gh0s7 said:

I mean, he's looting slightly less tech than he's losing, but Javier is also netting a huge amount of land. So I'm not really sure those nations have the capacity to bleed him.


It's also important to note, that while Doom Sphere is not involved in this war, we don't recognize Nukes^6 as rogues, but a sovereign alliance airing out a grievance as many have before on planet Bob.



I would also like to note, that Non Grata has consistently had its members do the same by ghosting or 'joining' The Wolves. And at present, your side maintains that it's justified and that their members are free to act as they wish. I'm certainly feeling as if there's a double standard here.


Javier's actions are Javier's. The honest truth is he was advised against joining and eventually elected to do so anyway. He's a grown up, and he's allowed to make those choices for himself

I get it. We were in a similar situation with Berbers. Alas you can’t tie down people and make them do what you want.

I had a ball getting nuked last month and I hope all involved find a way to have a good time, too.  

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39 minutes ago, Not the Carlton said:

I highly doubt you or anyone involved actually care about Armen, the alleged OOC attacks, or the supposed victim. 


Then you have no idea what you're talking about. Armen's OOC attacks have been an ongoing issue I have been concerned about for some time. It nearly ended in war on September 10, 2023, but I was able to handle the issue with AO from CCC. Unfortunately, before this most recent incident, he retired. If he hadn't, I think there's a high likelihood it would've been resolved diplomatically again.



 If you actually cared about the subject of the attacks, you’d stop Streisand effecting it all over the airwaves.


I generally avoid the content of the attacks themselves for just this reason.

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49 minutes ago, Not the Carlton said:

Yeah well fortunately/unfortunately the highest proportion of NATO nations you all can hit is about a quarter and you’re sharing your affections with other alliances (I do appreciate the level of chaos you’re causing with messages and spy attacks though). There’s no point in filling the moat and adding alligators if it’s not likely alliance members will actually get action. I am also not the sum total of NATO government. 

I highly doubt you or anyone involved actually care about Armen, the alleged OOC attacks, or the supposed victim. You’re just jumping on an attractive CB to get some excitement (Which I have no issue with.  I enjoyed my round with Cosmic Chocolate). If you actually cared about the subject of the attacks, you’d stop Streisand effecting it all over the airwaves. That is why I personally was reluctant to get involved at first. But CCC asked for our help so here we are. 

I didn’t enjoy it at all..you replied to every single report I sent you. Weird.

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1 minute ago, Cosmic Chocolate said:

I didn’t enjoy it at all..you replied to every single report I sent you. Weird.

And you didn’t respond to any. 😢 I was hoping I’d annoy you enough to actually GA me instead of just lobbing a nuke over. 

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1 minute ago, Not the Carlton said:

And you didn’t respond to any. 😢 I was hoping I’d annoy you enough to actually GA me instead of just lobbing a nuke over. 

I thought you liked me nukes 😕 well come on down I’ll GA you this time :)

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