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Spies Input


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to A:

- sanction him, since he is a nuclear rogue, all teams will follow your request

- triple team him (2 on day1, 1 on day2) and keep him in eternal anarchy to prevent him from ever get a high tax income and/or escape into peacemode

- ZI him

+ either one of your own nations changes AA to something else and do the spy-attacks if you really want to do it yourself or you just ask a friend outside your alliance (everybody knows ANYONE who could just launch 2 spying attacks on your rogue to do you a favor)

to B:

- all this switching is 1. annoying if you must wait several days to switch back, 2. dangerous because techraiders may think the ones who dont use the accurate AA are ghosts free to raid, 3. track- and traceable and therefore easy to report for abuse.

A: here you suggest to change the AA to be able to spy on rogue

B: here you say changing AA to spy on your own AA is stupid.

Dude, whatever, I still don't consider your "solution" to solve anything. Also if 2 alliances are befriended why not change the desired government and religion of you friend-alliance if one asks you to do it?

The problem is spies can do something that is actually benefectical to another nation, which out of some ultra-stange reason the nation cannot do itself. Thats the problem, not checking if AA are the same or different.

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People seem to be living in fantasy land with their views on what spies can accomplish.

Not all spies sneak across the border, do their work then leave.

Okay when you do RL-comparisons:

* When did you last heara of a spy destroying an infrastructure? Goldengatebridge destroyed by a spy?

* When did you last hear of a spy destroying a nuke?

* When did you last hear of a spy *destroying* tech? Yes they industry-espionage does "steal" tech, in the sense the copy the plans, but they don't destroy. And even if copying this is quite different since the attacker gains tech while the attacked doesn't actually lose anything.

And the favorites:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired government?

And even better:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired religion?

Some are working within organisations for years, decades even and leaking information and doing damage from the inside.

Henceforth it really isn't that difficult for them to achieve all the things being said they would have no chance to do.

If it takes them years to work within organisatiions, why is their result on CN instant? It should take them weeks then at least....

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I love the system only thing i can think of is there has to be a way to unmask spies. Maybe if they fail a message is sent to the person they attempted to spy on stating who sent them. Also THREAT LEVEL SHOULD BE HIDDEN!!!!!!!

You shouldnt be able to see anyones threat level unless of course you send in a spy for intel.

Having it where you can view there threat level from browsing there nation is bad.

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Okay when you do RL-comparisons:

* When did you last heara of a spy destroying an infrastructure? Goldengatebridge destroyed by a spy?

* When did you last hear of a spy destroying a nuke?

* When did you last hear of a spy *destroying* tech? Yes they industry-espionage does "steal" tech, in the sense the copy the plans, but they don't destroy. And even if copying this is quite different since the attacker gains tech while the attacked doesn't actually lose anything.

And the favorites:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired government?

And even better:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired religion?

If it takes them years to work within organisatiions, why is their result on CN instant? It should take them weeks then at least....

why, beacuse when is the last time you heard of a nation with 18,000 citizens making 1 mill plus a day? a day in CN time is a long time...

I love the system only thing i can think of is there has to be a way to unmask spies. Maybe if they fail a message is sent to the person they attempted to spy on stating who sent them. Also THREAT LEVEL SHOULD BE HIDDEN!!!!!!!

You shouldnt be able to see anyones threat level unless of course you send in a spy for intel.

Having it where you can view there threat level from browsing there nation is bad.

i have to agree with this...threat levels should be hidden...but then again so should your defcon rating... (maybe now it can be that we have spies...that way people would have to do an actual spy mission to find out that info about a nation and then a further one to do damage...just like how a proper terrorist/spy/special forces works)

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why, beacuse when is the last time you heard of a nation with 18,000 citizens making 1 mill plus a day? a day in CN time is a long time...

i have to agree with this...threat levels should be hidden...but then again so should your defcon rating... (maybe now it can be that we have spies...that way people would have to do an actual spy mission to find out that info about a nation and then a further one to do damage...just like how a proper terrorist/spy/special forces works)

Threat level IRL is public knowledge. DEFCON I agree with.

Edited by Vor
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Okay when you do RL-comparisons:

* When did you last heara of a spy destroying an infrastructure? Goldengatebridge destroyed by a spy?

* When did you last hear of a spy destroying a nuke?

* When did you last hear of a spy *destroying* tech? Yes they industry-espionage does "steal" tech, in the sense the copy the plans, but they don't destroy. And even if copying this is quite different since the attacker gains tech while the attacked doesn't actually lose anything.

And the favorites:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired government?

And even better:

* When did you last hear of a spy changing the desired religion?

If it takes them years to work within organisatiions, why is their result on CN instant? It should take them weeks then at least....

Spies in WW2 were destroying Dams, but to make your point you choose a ridiculously large target to make it. You can have 60 planes delivered ready for use by your nation in a matter of seconds.

IRL, who is going to admit that they are spying on another nation? Who is going to admit a spy infiltrated their nation and destroyed a nuke? Nobody.

Why don't you also complain about the fact you can build a hospital instantly?

Its an added part of gameplay and there are people moaning about how unrealistic is when the majority of the game is unrealistic. Its a simulation, it isn't going to be perfect. You can't have spies steal information on plans to war with other nations because that isnt stored in game. The missions spy can go on have to reflect in-game actions. These are in game actions that will disrupt a nation.

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I think that more land should deract from spy defense.

For example, if I have 1000 miles of land and 100 spies, that's 1 spy per 10 miles. If I have 10000 miles of land and 100 spies that's 1 spy per 100 miles.... should be more difficult yo defend.

In your formula, it looks like more land helps spy defense.

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I think someone should make a poll on this on whether people like the spy idea. I think it'd be a lot to decide if people like it. Also It'd be easier to see suggestions too.

Honestly I don't think democracy works well with all this gameplay decissions. And I prefer consens achieved in posts far more than the simple "do a vote" call.

There *is* a majority of roxxor kids that will vote for any feautre they consider cool for themselves, and give a damm how it affects gameplay over all. If democracy would be in place, how many new roxxor wonders would have to be implemented?

Second if decissions would be taken with democracies strongly applied, this would alter the gameplay in a new meta-stage, as alliances could "order" (ask) their people in vote this or that way. So as soon you got a majority of players on your side, you can alter the gamerules to your favor -> thats bad.

Game rules should be altered by rationality, reason and sanity, and I don't actually see votes to be a big supporter of either of this 3.

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Rather than allowing spies to destroy infra and the like I think it would be more to the point to just hide infra altogether and make a spy op capable of discovering it.

If anybody has evey played Utopia; their system provides a very minimal amount of information about opposing states. You need to perform spy operations in order to get the intel needed for things like wars.

For example, military and infra values should either be hidden or be given with a +-30% random margin. Spy ops can uncover a more realistic (but perhaps still inaccurate) value. This is more in tune with what spies would actually be doing: Report back with information on the size of their standing army and their ability to pay for it.

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