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2 hours ago, Sephiroth said:

I'll make you guys one next, & give some thought into the color would like for the grenade against a black background. Black on Black is possible with a glowing effect, although I want to make sure it looks good when I make it & put some thought into the colors.




aNiMaLz Announcement (Posting it for them upon request)


aNiMaLz recognize Dr Strange as Mandarin of Cobra, and all members of Cobra who fight for him under the LPC endorsed Cobra banner should send aNiMaLz they are fighting peace with the reason being "Dr Strange" and we will start peacing out those members. Any traitors that remain loyal to Jack Layton, Kannabis, or the rogue Cobra Kashmir Faction will continue to be curb stomped until kingdom come.




Limitless Nexus Announcement


Sacrificing COBRA for a lost cause will just ensure COBRA's destruction, especially when its in support of the traitorous snakes whispering orders of betrayal against us in your corrupt gov. I hope GK can be convinced to hand over power peacefully & COBRA can be set on the right track more quickly. Kashmir are the deceivers who have tricked you guys to suicide against the only alliance who actually saw potential in COBRA & risked a lot to help you guys in a war nobody else wanted to touch.


We recognize Dr Strange as the Mandarin of the real COBRA & view those loyal to Jack Layton as traitors. It would be wise for COBRA to make the decision as soon as possible on which side they are on. COBRA is defeated militarily already, if COBRA wants to be destroyed fighting for traitors & our enemies; I'll have no sympathy ripping up every traitor left occupying the COBRA AA up from the roots; even if it needs to be dismantled brick by brick.


With Baron & Dr Strange already loyal to the LPC; we can rebuild COBRA brick by brick after destroying the current one if they choose to fight for traitors and aggressors against us to the end. COBRA has no need for traitors against the LPC & Jack Layton loyalists.


Opposing Dr Strange as the Mandarin in favor of GK will be considered treason against COBRA & the LPC. Choose wisely who you are loyal to, the leader who saved COBRA from constant war with GOONS by aligning with the LPC or those failed COBRA by betraying us in favor of Kashmir; which now has put you in the position you are in now.


Good luck making the right decision to COBRA, prove your loyalty if you want to be part of COBRA's comeback.


It's funny you should endorse Dr. Strange.


Back when we referred to him as Inquisitor Severus, he played you like a fiddle. 

His position as Mandarin was never compromised and his password was never stolen. He made you believe that so he could have his cake and eat it too. He fooled you into thinking Kush had poached us, when the reality is that he never mentioned it to his staff and just wanted to save his own skin. 


The only reason I bring this up is because Severus asked me to keep this information between us out of fear that either or both sides would seek retribution. He installed his brother, Lucius, for a short time, but I came to power when the latter went inactive.


Either way, that's just a fun fact for your own consolation. 

Severus and Baron are both cowards who will switch sides in a heartbeat. They don't know what loyalty is.



We became loyal to Kashmir and I have no regrets.


I would sooner delete my nation than accept your terms. You want COBRA? By all means, come and get it.






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He already told me the truth and his version matches up with yours, so him being honest makes me feel like he can be trusted. He was pressured to it after all the hostility he faced after the announcement from groups like Kashmir


However I have forgiven him and put that behind us.


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3 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:










He already told me the truth and his version matches up with yours, so him being honest makes me feel like he can be trusted. He was pressured to it after all the hostility he faced after the announcement from groups like Kashmir


However I have forgiven give him and put that behind us.




At least I don't have to post screen shots now.


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16 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:


You know you love wasting time.

lol, you really are a fool not even worth replying to. You conspired with groups like Kashmir to have COBRA betray the LPC.


Severus giving into the pressure & handing over power to someone like you was a mistake, as well as lying about it initially. However you've been "Leader" of COBRA this entire time you guys have been moving towards betraying the LPC more & aligning with a hostile alliance against. Letting a traitor get into power is bad, but its not as bad as being the traitor in charge as COBRA betrayed us..


This entire chapter of betrayal can end with your reign, all of COBRA doesn't need to burn the same amount of time as Kashmir (Maybe Longer) just because you are a Kashmir "Yes Man", who only cares about pleasing them. You are COBRA's greatest enemy, a traitor who initially acted like they were a friend of the LPC; as you consolidated power enough to completely turn COBRA against us.


Although clearly a clown like you is a waste of time & I've done enough of that. You are a relic.

Edited by Sephiroth
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47 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

lol, you really are a fool not even worth replying to. You conspired with groups like Kashmir to have COBRA betray the LPC.


Severus giving into the pressure & handing over power to someone like you was a mistake, as well as lying about it initially. However you've been "Leader" of COBRA this entire time you guys have been moving towards betraying the LPC more & aligning with a hostile alliance against. Letting a traitor get into power is bad, but its not as bad as being the traitor in charge as COBRA betrayed us..


This entire chapter of betrayal can end with your reign, all of COBRA doesn't need to burn the same amount of time as Kashmir (Maybe Longer) just because you are a Kashmir "Yes Man", who only cares about pleasing them. You are COBRA's greatest enemy, a traitor who initially acted like they were a friend of the LPC; as you consolidated power enough to completely turn COBRA against us.


Although clearly a clown like you is a waste of time & I've done enough of that. You are a relic.


I want my 10 seconds back.

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1 hour ago, Sephiroth said:

lol, you really are a fool not even worth replying to. You conspired with groups like Kashmir to have COBRA betray the LPC.


Severus giving into the pressure & handing over power to someone like you was a mistake, as well as lying about it initially. However you've been "Leader" of COBRA this entire time you guys have been moving towards betraying the LPC more & aligning with a hostile alliance against. Letting a traitor get into power is bad, but its not as bad as being the traitor in charge as COBRA betrayed us..


This entire chapter of betrayal can end with your reign, all of COBRA doesn't need to burn the same amount of time as Kashmir (Maybe Longer) just because you are a Kashmir "Yes Man", who only cares about pleasing them. You are COBRA's greatest enemy, a traitor who initially acted like they were a friend of the LPC; as you consolidated power enough to completely turn COBRA against us.


Although clearly a clown like you is a waste of time & I've done enough of that. You are a relic.

Oh come on, we spent many pages in this thread arguing whether COBRA indeed betrayed anyone.

Also making posts like aNiMaLz recognizing someone as what is still a sovereign alliance's leader doesn't send a good message. Nobody other than current COBRA members get to decide who their leader is and right now its General Kanabis. You are once again trampling on our liberty. You have been questioning our right to liberty and our right to Independent decisions from the very start. Have you ever paused to think that this is one of the reasons why we are still fighting you.

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3 hours ago, Roal36 said:

Oh come on, we spent many pages in this thread arguing whether COBRA indeed betrayed anyone.

Also making posts like aNiMaLz recognizing someone as what is still a sovereign alliance's leader doesn't send a good message. Nobody other than current COBRA members get to decide who their leader is and right now its General Kanabis. You are once again trampling on our liberty. You have been questioning our right to liberty and our right to Independent decisions from the very start. Have you ever paused to think that this is one of the reasons why we are still fighting you.

I'm not aware of any terms being offered to your side, other than the life line me and aNiMaLz have offered to assist in rebuilding COBRA into something other than a Kashmir pawn. Kanabis is guilty, how much other gov is to be seen.


PM if you want to ask about something, but I'm bored of the forum back and forth. GK failed Cobra & we`re not interested in peace with those loyal to Jack Layton, they can share his fate without sympathy from me.

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From an outsider not involved in this conflict, would it not be prudent to take a step back(all parties) and hold peace talks thru an un-biased alliance trusted by all parties.

I can get why Cobra are sticking to there guns, i to would feel my nation and my alliances sovereignty  were being infringed on by Septh's demands.

Even tho you dead against the suggestion to hand leadership over to an ex-leader. In saying this could a compromise by all parties not be worth exploring.

Why destroy your nation and those nations under your commands.


Nations can be re-built, im not sure about relationships

Edited by NapoleontheThird
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2 minutes ago, the rebel said:


If it was up to me, Cobra would be fighting till General Kanabis leaves Cobra.

If you're prepared to do whats needed, so am I. I'm just getting warmed up after that week break between the SNX War & this one. Eventually he will break, I'm just getting started and don't wonder why they're still fighting. We have no desire for early peace with Jack Layton & General Kanabis.

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On 4/27/2016 at 3:54 PM, General Kanabis said:



In order to rise, we must learn how to fall.



opps you haven't learned...posting first when the result is not yet decided...so this is why you're losing your war w/ me bcoz your too buzy posting your war won by being able to lob CM first. lolz!!

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for me personally...if cobra doesn't severe ties w/ kashmir and wouldn't boot that clown jack layton from their AA, this party won't stop. not that i'd like this to end after all i get sick w/o wars. but these things are to be decided by the LPCN leadership(seph, rukunu, LH, sir kindle, rebel) i'm lazy on these matters!

viva LPCN!!!

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11 minutes ago, visayan said:

u and junka lunka are the same...all mouth no spine to do it:P

From what I have seen its mostly you like that. You are all mouth and no spine. I think we have all seen what Gen Kanabis did and is capable of doing. 


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19 minutes ago, visayan said:

opps you haven't learned...posting first when the result is not yet decided...so this is why you're losing your war w/ me bcoz your too buzy posting your war won by being able to lob CM first. lolz!!

That still didn't stop him from rolling on you.

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2 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

From what I have seen its mostly you like that. You are all mouth and no spine. I think we have all seen what Gen Kanabis did and is capable of doing. 


GK is soft and was to easy when I fought him, even easier than you. So you're all talk sitting at ZI with most of your alliance, although keep being delusional.

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6 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

GK is soft and was to easy when I fought him, even easier than you. So you're all talk sitting at ZI with most of your alliance, although keep being delusional.

So were you inspite of all your military wonders and money. I could lob 3 nukes at you and 2 wet through even and this is despite me burning through my WC while fighting your allies Rebel and Stoneland both alongside you.

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Have fun sacrificing the rest of COBRA's infra for Jack Layton; with you guys being his servant and a puppet of Kashmir with no free will. You deserve the same fate with where your decisions have taken you, its what you asked for.

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3 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

So were you inspite of all your military wonders and money. I could lob 3 nukes at you and 2 wet through even and this is despite me burning through my WC while fighting your allies Rebel and Stoneland both alongside you.


Burning through your war chest fighting me? You haven't done much.

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