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The Raj Rises


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In the wake of the worldwide collapse of order the Indian subcontinent suffered greatly. Already impoverished by the standards of the West, without reliable utilities or communications throughout much of the land the people suffered harshly and cried out for a savior. Their prayers were heard, one would come to unite them, to lead them, and to make them mighty.


Azmet Jah II was the last in a line of rulers stretching back almost 300 years. The head of the House of Asaf Jah had ruled Hyderabad, and been the wealthiest man in the world until it's riches were squandered among dozens of relatives in squabbling after it's annexation by the Republic of India. What was unknown was that a vast treasure had been secreted away over the years, diamond, rubies, gold, silver, alloys of electrum, and precious materials by the ton. The secret of the treasure was passed down from father to son, known only by the men whom still had claim to the title of Nizam of Hyderabad.


After the Downfall this treasure was accessed by Azmet Jah II, and with such great wealth he stabilized the area surrounding his ancestral lands of Hyderabad. Where once there was darkness throughout the subcontinent a beacon of hope shone forth. The old states of Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka soon joined with Hyderabad as Azmet Jah II in a campaign to unite India under his banner. Few resisted the promise of a better life that the armies of Hyderabad and its confederates brought, regrettably an ignorant few did. The reunification took four long years but in the end none were able to resist. Threescore and ten years had passed since the fledging Republic of India had overthrown his great grandfather and subsumed Hyderabad, but now the flag of his house would fly from the Himalayas to the shores of Sri Lanka. India had not endured, but the Raj would. 


Long Live His Exalted Highness Azmet Jah II!


OOC: Claim is RL India + Sri Lanka. Known as The Raj, official name is The Hyderabad Raj.

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Butan recognizes The Raj with its ruler as Azmet Jah the Second, and invites the Exalted Highness and his representatives to conduct economic and regional talks.. as well as to be shown the warmth of the monarchy. What kind of fruits do you like in your fruit baskets?

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Butan recognizes The Raj with its ruler as Azmet Jah the Second, and invites the Exalted Highness and his representatives to conduct economic and regional talks.. as well as to be shown the warmth of the monarchy. What kind of fruits do you like in your fruit baskets?

HEH Azmet Jah II is pleased by the invitation and has ordered preparations made for a royal visit to Bhutan.

Edited by Coloradia
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*A separate letter is sent to Mei.. inviting her to attend a regional summit with the Raj and the Monarchy of Bhutan in order to establish relations and set up trade.*


"I shall be there." Mei would say in her reply.

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"The Empire of Shanghai also welcomes The Raj to the world of global politics."

We thank the Empire of Shanghai and look forward to creating a strong Asia together.


"We recognize and welcome the Raj." 

- Vladimir Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Muscovy

A toast to Muscovy! Vodka for all.


"The Imperium of Japan welcomes another nation to the Asian continent, Tenjiku has been historically a close friend to Japan, we hope to restore that friendship."

We too hope for warm relations with the Imperium, and a brighter future in this Asian century.


"The Republic of Italy recognizes the Raj."

We thank Italy for it's recognizance.


The Northlands officially recognizes the Raj and wishes them all the best. We look forward to exchanging embassies and future relations between our nations.

We too look forward to an exchange of embassies and future relations between the Raj and the Northlands.

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