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Federation of the Atlantic


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Parliament Hill, Ottawa (Federation News Service) - After weeks of campaigning and electioneering, the inaugural elections of the newly christened Federation of the Atlantic are complete, with the Social Democratic Party winning a majority of seats in Parliament, followed closely by the Centre Right Union bloc of parties, which has named itself as the official opposition. Parliament, consisting of the unicameral Chamber of Deputies, comprises representatives elected by popular vote throughout the constituent provinces of the Federation: South Ontario, South Quebec, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.


After electing Colin Edwards MP (SDP, Maine) as Speaker in a secret ballot this morning, Parliament's first act was to establish the executive. A round of voting beginning after lunch today has led to the establishment a semi-presidential system, in which a Prime Minister appointed by Parliament and approved by the President (the latter being waived for the inaugural holder) serves as head of government, sharing power with a popularly elected President of the Federation who acts as head of state and manages foreign policy. Adele Laroche MP (SDP, Quebec) was announced as Prime Minister-elect after the Chamber of Deputies emerged from voting earlier this afternoon. The inauguration has been scheduled to take place on the 31st of May, in the rotunda of Federation Hall, in the main building at Parliament Hill. The event will be open to members of the foreign and domestic press, but not to the public.


PM-elect Laroche said in a brief acceptance speech this afternoon that she will pursue a policy of economic renewal of the Federation, along with a high degree of internal autonomy for the provinces, cutting of unnecessary defence programs along with a modernization of existing assets, a wide degree of human rights and personal liberty, and a peaceful, non-expansionist foreign policy. She also stated that any significant shifts in foreign policy will have to wait until a president is elected, but that she will do her best to handle both internal and external aspects of national policy until that time.




After the announcement of the new government by Federation News Service, the Federation of the Atlantic began to take shape. With PM-elect Laroche's inauguration still a day away, she could do little without any official powers granted to her by Parliament. Because of this, Parliament had to pull most of the weight themselves, although being an MP, she was still included in discussions and votes. Although it wouldn't have been democratic to make it official, she did notice that her fellow MP's were listening to her more closely when she spoke. Her own party was clearly supportive of their candidate, and the opposition, while not quite being on her side, were still careful to absorb everything their new head of government said and did, for Adele was a newcomer to national government. She'd been in Quebec's legislature for years, but something like running a country was still quite new to her.


Among the first acts of Parliament was to establish defense and foreign policy. The fleet in Federation Forces Base Halifax, along with the ground and air forces already being organized, would provide for their immediate security and territorial integrity well enough, but diplomatic and trade relations would have to be established. To this end, a letter was sent to each nation basing their capitals in North America, inviting them to send representatives to Ottawa for an ad-hoc diplomatic exchange pending formal recognition and the establishment of a proper government.


Among such important tasks were more mundane matters. The national capital was formally established at Ottawa in the Province of South Ontario, and the official languages of the Federation were set: English and French, with both having equal status in matters of federal government, but with French being used for signage, education, etc. in South Quebec while English was used for same in the rest of the Federation. A national flag1 has been selected and authorized for civil and state use on both land and sea; by sunset on the 30th, it is already flying from Peace Tower on Parliament Hill, and over the coming days will be flown at an increasing number of government buildings throughout the Federation.




OOC: Haven't started a nation in ages, so bear with me as I get reacquainted with a few things. A map claim will be up soon, but the Federation ranges from Windsor, ON to Cape Breton, NS.



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By noon on the 31st, a crowd was gathering on the steps and front lawn of Parliament Hill, watched from a distance by the Parliamentary honor guard belonging to the recently raised ground forces of the Federation, as well as the civilian security staff. It was a warm, sunny day, with a very light wind that just barely kicked up the Federation flag flying atop Peace Tower. The Prime Minister's inauguration was imminent, and although the public wasn't permitted inside for the ceremony, they were allowed to stand outside and await their new PM to address them.


Immediately inside the main entrance, Federation Hall was abuzz with activity. While the inauguration of a Prime Minister was a rather low-key affair compared to some foreign ceremonies, members of the press filled the periphery of the room, as well as the upper gallery, leaving the central area of the rotunda around the central limestone pillar free of clutter.



Federation Hall, earlier in the morning


Television stations with sufficient broadcast range to warrant taking up room in the compact rotunda had brought camera and sound equipment to record the historic occasion, and had arrived several hours previous. By now, they had already set up their equipment, and the various journalists and reporters gathered about had begun to mill around aimlessly, filling the room with the familiar drone of dozens of different conversations occurring at once.


The event coordinators took this as their cue to start the ceremony. The Clerk of the Chamber of Deputies was already standing next to the column, with a bound copy of the Oath of Office in hand. On the far side of one of the hallways extending from Federation Hall, the Hall of Honour, a door opened and a small procession came down the hall. PM-elect Laroche began the long walk down, flanked on one side by the Speaker and on the other by an honor guard. Both she and Speaker Edwards were dressed in simple but smart suits, with a lapel pin bearing the Federation's flag. Once they were situated in Federation Hall, the Clerk approached the PM-elect and turned the copy of the oath to face her.


"Raise your right hand," he said, and as she did, the audible click of news cameras filled the room. She began to read from the paper. "I, Adele Laroche, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and trust reposed in me as Prime Minister, so help me God." After pausing to allow the cameras to snap a few more pictures, the Clerk lowered the copy and the Prime Minister lowered her hand, and it was done.


"Congratulations, Prime Minister," said Speaker Edwards. They shook hands and the Speaker departed for his office, while the PM walked outside to address the public. A podium had been set up in the small plaza atop the steps, and the crowd gathered on the lawn gave a good cheer as Laroche emerged from the building to approach the podium and arrange some papers. She took a pair of reading glasses from her pocket and put them on; after a short pause making sure she had the right page or indeed the right speech, she began. "As many of you watching at home may have just seen on your televisions or heard on your radios, and as many of you camped out here on Parliament Hill may have been able to tell from the commotion inside, Parliament has just inaugurated me as Prime Minister." A few more cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd, but they settled down soon enough.


"I am quite grateful to Parliament and the people of this fine country for believing in me to be their head of government, and I will endeavor to do the best that I can to make you all proud, and if I cannot, I trust that our democratic system will enable you to elect someone who can. In the coming days and weeks, I will be working with my own party and the Official Opposition to establish proper diplomatic relations with the larger world, particularly those nations which are close to our own borders. Already diplomatic recognition has been extended to this government by New Babylon, Ubersteinia, Italy, Cascadia, Moscow, Tikal, and Alexandria, and I am certain there are more to come. I invite all nations who have recognized our legitimacy, and those who will do so in the future, to send representatives to Ottawa to establish friendly relations with the Federation. We will not attempt to restrict trade or travel within our borders to a degree beyond that necessary for our security, and I have been informed that Embassy Row is being prepared to receive temporary envoys pending the election of a President who will be able to accept ambassadorial credentials.


On to the topic of elections: nationwide elections for the office of President of the Federation are set to be held in the coming days, with voting periods beginning tomorrow, the 1st of June. Ballot access will be restricted to those parties who were eligible to participate in the Parliamentary election, and those independents who are able to secure at least five thousand signatures for their campaign.


That is all." A steady applause rang through the crowd, and they parted to either side of the walkway leading down to Wellington street as the Prime Minister walked down the steps, joined by the honor guard from before, and into a waiting state car which would take her to the official residence at 24 Sussex Drive.




Although doing so was more the province of the President than the Prime Minister, one of Laroche's first acts in her new position was to extend diplomatic recognition to New Babylon, Ubersteinia, Italy, Cascadia, Moscow, Tikal, and Alexandria, and invite these states to initiate an exchange of diplomatic missions, to facilitate trade and negotiation, and to represent their citizens and interests in the Federation.


In addition to this, the Federation military was established, as the Federation Forces. It consisted of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, with two subordinate branches, the Federation Marines and Coast Guard, both under the Navy. Chiefs of staff were appointed by Parliament to lead each branch, and a review of all existing military forces was undertaken. The publication date was yet to be announced.


In her office the next day, the PM realized she'd yet to appoint a cabinet. "Oh, sacrebleu."

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The Provisional Government of Hungary and Slovakia recognizes and welcomes the nation, people, and government of the Federation of the Atlantic, and looks forward to cordial formal dipliomatic relations between our two nations.


We offer you an embassy in the Hungarian capital (currently under renovation, but you are welcome to move in whenever you are ready), and petitions for both a Hungarian Embassy in Ottawa and for the start of diplomatic ties and diplomatic relations.

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The Red Sea Republic congratulates the Federation on its existence and successful elections. May democracy reign supreme across the world, with the traditions of North American republicanism existing as a shining light in a world plagued by darkness.
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France fully recognizes the Federation, and wishes them luck in their endeavors in North America. However, the Empire of France has many things to speak with the Federation about, including the present Military protectorate status over the province of Quebec maintained by the Empire, and the continuation of the stated relationship, especially as concerns the troops within that area, as well as the rights of the French speaking peoples in that area.

Edited by Shave N Haircut
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"The Federation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland warmly grants recognition to this Federation of the Atlantic. We express great pleasure at the appearance of yet another federal government. Perhaps soon, we may be able to engage in diplomatic discussion."


- Minister of Foreign Affairs Richard Winters

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The Brazilian expedition sent one of its teams north to what was once New York City, knowing that they would find some signs of life and, if lucky, the American federal government. However, a miscalculation on part of the rusty naval personnel led to them going further north than expected. While this was quickly noticed and could have been fixed, the interesting activity on the shores of Maine led to the crew deciding to take this extra stop in hopes of making contact with America sooner, rather than later. The main vessel floated off shore, as a small boat carrying two soldiers and a diplomat from the Brazilian Confederacy inched toward the shoreline. Their mission was to make contact with the government, find out more about the world, and begin trading with outside nations once again.

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France fully recognizes the Federation, and wishes them luck in their endeavors in North America. However, the Empire of France has many things to speak with the Federation about, including the present Military protectorate status over the province of Quebec maintained by the Empire, and the continuation of the stated relationship, especially as concerns the troops within that area, as well as the rights of the French speaking peoples in that area.

"If such talks to occur, the Principality of Tikal, protecting Quebec jointly with the French, would like to participate. We hope both the Federation and France consider this if such a conversation is initiated."
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The day of the elections, a good number of candidates had qualified for the candidacy, and three major contenders became evident. The first was Louise Edmonton, the candidate formally nominated by the Centre Right Union to represent them in the presidency. She was an MP from Ontario, and her campaign platform summed up the CRU's views nicely: she favored less spending in favor of a more hands-off system of government, allowing citizens and businesses to decide their own path, with government involvement in daily life only occurring in the event of a major problem or catastrophe. Edmonton and the CRU called the SDP's methods of social democracy overly socialist and with too much interference in daily life. One position on which both major parties agreed on most points was defense: they all felt that the Federation needed a modern military capable of defending their interests, but without overly bloated R&D programs or cronyism that occurred in a military-industrial complex.


William Lyon Evans, a Social Democratic Party MP, also from Ontario, was the SDP's candidate, and being a member of the governing party, was the expected victor as well. His campaign platform was quite close to the PM, Laroche's, and they differed on no major points. He had been a member of Ontario's legislature for years, but unlike Laroche, had had some experience governing: he had been House Leader for some time, and knew how to make the difficult compromises that would allow him to perform in a position as President.


The last major candidate was Owen Cleese, of the Green Party, which held the third highest number of seats in Parliament after the SDP and the parties comprising the CRU. The Greens favored an egalitarian, environmentalist approach over all, and opposed the development of heavy industry, instead hoping that the Federation would rely on the information technology and service industries. Furthermore, they joined the SDP in favoring a high level of personal liberties, and the CRU in opposing bloated, inefficient military spending.


Throughout the day of June 1, the people went to the polls, making their choices in secret ballots on who would govern the foreign policy of the country and be the face of their nation to the outside world. By the time all was said and done, late in the afternoon, the predictions all turned out to be correct: once the dust settled, Evans of the SDP had gained a respectable 46.3% of the votes (with 80% estimated voter turnout) and had held his home province of South Ontario. Edmonton and Cleese had settled for lesser margins and the knowledge that they would be able to try again when his term was up.


At 20:00 on June 1, the Federation President was sworn in at his official residence at Rideau Hall by the chief justice of the Federation Supreme Court. He made a rather brief speech and retired to begin his work. By the next day, Evans' first acts as President were to formalize the PM's extension of diplomatic recognition to the several nations which had recognized the Federation thus far, and also to compose a letter to France and Tikal.



To whom it may concern,


I am grateful that you have decided to bring the matter of Quebec to the attention of the Federation. While it is still quite early in my administration and I am still getting settled into the office of President, I would be more than happy to welcome representatives from both France and Tikal at my home in Rideau Hall, One Sussex Drive, Ottawa to discuss the matter of protectorate status over the unaffiliated portion of Quebec, which is formally identified by the Federation as North Quebec.


Yours etc.,



His Excellency the Right Honourable William L. Evans, President of the Federation





Rockland, Maine was a small town on the coast of Maine, south of Bangor and around halfway between the border with New Brunswick and the edge of former Massachusetts state. Among other things, it was the home of the annual Maine Lobster Festival, and since the festival wasn't in season, it was also a rather boring, quiet place. Since the Festival was the main event for miles around, the mayor of Rockland wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary, and had settled himself in for another quiet two months until the festival began and he had to deal with the increased traffic from all the tourists. Certainly not a headache on the order a foreign diplomatic expedition coming to his shores.


So it was that the town's small police force had been informed by a local fisherman that there was a military vessel out in the harbor, and it wasn't flying anything resembling the Federation flag. Moreover, it had launched a boat that was coming for shore. Once the police chief informed him of this, the mayor was confused. "Come again?"


The police chief explained the situation to him again, and after considering the situation, he called his secretary in. "Brenda, I want you to call Augusta for me. Yes, the governor's office. And make it quick. Meanwhile," he continued, addressing the police chief. "Have a couple of your men meet this boat when it lands. Better yet, phone the paramedics in town to get ready. They might be in distress...just better hope they don't have the plague." The local police came out to meet the boat, rather stumped as to what to do, but hoped they could contain the situation in a peaceful manner, or at least pass the buck to their superiors so they wouldn't have to make any difficult decisions.


Meanwhile, in FFB Halifax, the largest naval base of the Federation, the crew of Skjold-class corvette FNS Cyclone were settling in for several days of uneventful maneuvers and equipment checks when they got a call from the base commander. It appeared that an unidentified vessel had made itself apparent in Federation territorial waters, and they were needed to go check it out. Since the Skjold was among the fastest classes of armed vessel when it was built nearly fifteen years ago, being able to reach upward of fifty knots in normal weather, it was felt among FleetCom that they would be best equipped for a rapid response, whether that response was to provide assistance to a ship in distress, or...something else. And since Cyclone was the only one out on maneuvers that day, they were picked for the task. So, after a few system checks, Cyclone sailed out of Halifax Harbour and toward Rockland.



FNS Cyclone sailing out of Halifax Harbour

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