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I would like to request a crash course on the history of cybernations ever since the end of the NPO-DH War. Brevity is a plus. One word is being a smart ass.

We're still here, that's all you need to know. ;)
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Yes and they lost.

MK lost a war and disbanded again.

Someone finally did something about NG and they're barely here still.

Nothing more notable really. TOP is back with Polar, Aftermath and Usual Suspects are the new blocs. Super friends is gone.

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Yes and they lost.

MK lost a war and disbanded again.

Someone finally did something about NG and they're barely here still.

Nothing more notable really. TOP is back with Polar, Aftermath and Usual Suspects are the new blocs. Super friends is gone.

I remember when youwish wanted to offer a 1v1 to Legion after RV kept pushing the spying. Told him we shouldn't because it would be NPO-DH on a small scale (top tier squeezing downward with aid and nuke turrets). I see that the wiki entry had allies on NSO's side though. Did that help make the fight a bit closer?


TOP getting back with Polar is kind of ironic considering the WotC war and all of the infighting in TOP-CnG. Probably the worst coalition I ever had the pleasure to be in. But, still demonstrating my knowledge is dated with these old events. :P

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Saw you guys actually ended up fighting Legion. Kept pushing the spying thing?

Varianz and Hereno (while he was still in Tetris) did; YW had put the orders out for us all to stop .. lol .. Legion declared war on Tetris because it was Hereno that made the post that was 'the final straw' .. We declared on Legion 5 hrs later, and Tetris' other allies - the one's you saw on the wiki - came in the following couple days ..
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Varianz and Hereno (while he was still in Tetris) did; YW had put the orders out for us all to stop .. lol .. Legion declared war on Tetris because it was Hereno that made the post that was 'the final straw' .. We declared on Legion 5 hrs later, and Tetris' other allies - the one's you saw on the wiki - came in the following couple days ..


That's too bad. After all the merges, NSO was the strongest it had been since Moldavi started the thing. Now I see there's hardly anyone left from before the time of those merges.

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I remember when youwish wanted to offer a 1v1 to Legion after RV kept pushing the spying. Told him we shouldn't because it would be NPO-DH on a small scale (top tier squeezing downward with aid and nuke turrets). I see that the wiki entry had allies on NSO's side though. Did that help make the fight a bit closer?


TOP getting back with Polar is kind of ironic considering the WotC war and all of the infighting in TOP-CnG. Probably the worst coalition I ever had the pleasure to be in. But, still demonstrating my knowledge is dated with these old events.  :P


Rayvon you skipped the best part! IAA/NSO/NsO/Tetris/BTA lost to the Legion alone. Even though they had numerical superiority.* For what it's worth though, I'll admit NSOs military now is much more competent than it was then, they used to be of the mentality "more bills/day = greater WC" which was !@#$@#$ stupid because they just all decided to stay small and only have like 20mill on hand.  :facepalm: But that was then and this is now.


* = Obviously its not cut and dry as that, Legion had advantage in the upper mid 60-90k tier and pushed that advantage. Problem was coordination on the other sides part and a couple 100k NS NSOers deleted. 


But lets focus on the highlights since NPO-DH.


1) Guy from TOP (vladimir stukov II --Tubby from SC) attacked GOD because he didn't like Xiph or whatever. Xiph was too proud to ask for help from allies. Vlad singlehandidly (basically) destroyed GOD. Other people joined his AA and stuff but it was mostly him. 


2) Legion-Tetris war. People are making fun of the legion (as usual) on OWF. Legion is upset. They get some info about legion WC standards (or something irrelevant like that) and Hereno starts spreading it on IRC. Legion says he spied on them and attacked him/his alliance (tetris). We had kind of a cold war thing going on so noone wanted it to super escalate but C&G decided to aid bomb NSO&Co, so Polaris aid-bombed Legion. We all got our dicks hard over a potential war, it didn't happen.


I should add that meanwhile NG is attacking weabos and random pony lovers between these above wars. They also get alliances merge into them here and there.


3) Kaskus (made up of mostly ex-NGers) attack NG under the pretense of defending the little alliances that noone really defends because protectors don't want to fight NG at that point (NG did usually attack poorly aligned people from what I remember and they were in PB at this point). I think it was more of an attempt to just generate some competent opponents more than anything tbh but I wasn't in Kaskus then.


4) Grudge war. People have been trying to start a global war forever but all the power is concentrated on the PB/DH sphere of the web (NG/MK/GOONS/Umb/FOK/some others). XX/SF did have comparable numbers total NS wise so people thought it would be a war (or pretended it would be so they would get their slaughter) 


5) Mongols/BTA war. Mongols raid BTA. Kaskus attacks Mongols to help BTA. Kaskus/Mongols ally after war is over. 


6) GOONS/Mongols war -- GOONS raided some unaligned dude (lets call him seller) who had been selling tech to a mongol for a long time. Mongol sends his money to buy tech to seller. GOONS gets pissed. Mongols says $%&@ you and cancels the aid and then resends it with 4k soldiers attached as well. GOONS attacks mongols. Kaskus attacks GOONS. GOONS was 4mill tNS/sanctioned/300members at this point. Mongols+kaskus was like 1mill tNS. Sard thinks hes got it no problem. Sard says at beginning 500mill will be minimum reps. Month goes by, GOONS getting raped pretty bad. Umbrella declares on Kaskus also. Umb too big to do anything though really (they raped 1 guy iirc) Month goes by, GOONS still getting smashed. Down to 2mill tNS and 200 members. Sardonic keeps demanding massive reps. Very funny logs I might still have them. Eventually all of PB (VE/FOK/whoever) is called in to fight two micros. Sard lowers his reps to 175mill or something like that. We ask for 174mill instead because it's divisible by 3. Sard goes ballistic (also hilarious logs). His allies eventually talk him to 180mill but some sort of tech conversion and if paid in good timing clauses. Convoluted mess.


7) NG/AGWO war -- This was the first time we saw an alliance that was actually established/had allies/decent NS get "tech raided" without (serious) repercussions. 

8) Some micro thinks they can also raid allainces and get away with it. PROTOSS or something like that. They raid Tetris. Get raped. We laughed, it was fun.
9) NoR/LSF 2.0 - I forget which way it happened but randomly in the summer one of them just randomly attacks the other because their first war a long long time ago never ended. It was entertaining.
10) Dave War -- Rota had this guy Dave spying on CSN for some stupid reason. MK attacks Dave. CSN gets mad, they said they wanted the slots. So MK goes, okay fine you can have the stagger spot. Then without telling CSN, they accept Dave as a member. CSN then attacks the stagger slot. MK then attacks CSN for attacking their member. Umbrella simultaneously declares on Fark because "we don't like you" Global war ensues.
11) LSF got rolled again. I forget by who. IRON? Int? Someone orange.
12) GOONS raided some small 6 person AA. Leader was doornail though who knows how CN works. He goes, no you cannot raid me because I am soverign etc. etc. and nukes the GOONies. GOONS calls him a rogue and sanctions him and stuff. Doornail comes to OWF. OWF !@#$storm ensues. People say GOONS shouldn't be able to raid and sanction small neutral alliances. GOONS says $%&@ you.  :smug:  So a bunch of alliances aid TSL (Doornails alliance) at once. Kaskus/UE were the only ones with major connections, rest were just a bunch of people GOONS had raided at some point.. but still GOONS backs off.  (Global war had just ended like 2 months prior)
13) NPO and Sparta do a very !@#$@#$ stupid thing. NPO is like "yo in 30 days we're attacking someone random! Guess whoo!?!?" And everyone simultaneously creamed their pants. But then it turned out NPO !@#$@#$ sucks at doing exciting things and just did a "war games" with Sparta and like no nuke or CM s and it was stupid. 
14) NG raids the wrong alliance (SPATR). Their biggest guy is like top 10 at the time. Diplomaticing ensues and they become a NG protectorate?  :blink: But now they are our allies and I love them  :awesome:
15) Kaskus-NSO War - Since I was so close to this one, I'll let someone else elaborate. Basically I was accused of spying by NSO and kicked out (mostly because I said I was spying for MK, but that was only to bring attention to the fact that Bros had used his admin account on UPN forums to see threads that he/MK shouldn't have). Anyways, I maintain that NSO never told me I was on a ZI list (and to this day noone has proved otherwise despite them saying whathisface contacted me.. because he didnt), Anyways after sitting in peace mode fro a week I rejoined Kaskus and left PM. NSO decided to go ahead and attack me. Kaskus defended me. War lasted a few months. SL aid-bombed NSO, so NEW did the same to Kaskus. NP/SO was upset with NEW for this. ShangriLa and NPO joined on NSOs side. A couple months later the war ended. 
16) Eq War - Some guy from Umb was roguing AI. AI claimed Umb was helping/encouraging him. Umb nations had declared on the AI guy but allegedly only did GAs. Basically filling his defensive slots so he could cherry pick AI targets. AI attacks Umbrella. Global war ensues.
17) Polar decided to attack some micro for "unauthorized use of guides" ...in !@#$@#$ 2013.  :v:  It was funny Guides hadn't been updated in like 3 years either. They were terrible


18) Stewie and a bunch of other people were trying to roll polar for a bit. It kind of died out so him and NGers just rogued NpO under the Bear Force 1 moniker. 


19) MK disbands. Alot of them join Mushqaeda AA and rogue neutrals calling for a Jihad on Neutrality. They attacked TDO  :facepalm: . It was really hyped up but after like 2 weeks noone really cared. Alot of MKers deleted. GOP/Mogar/some others defended the neutrals. Rooman said some hilarious things on the OWF. We  :popcorn: 'd


20) Disorder War - NSO/Rayvon/NG were planning on rolling NpO. But TOP allied NpO (whaat?) and NpO/Fark/RnR did some good diplomating work and decided to use the info about NSO plotting to roll Polar to pre-empt them. NSO maintains that the plans on rolling polar never came to fruition/weren't that serious but we got a global war out of it. 


21) While this global war was going on Kaskus attacked ShangriLa for aid bombing NSO during their last war. This was because SL said it was okay for them to aid NSO because they were on the more powerful side but NEW couldn't aid Kaskus and we thought that logic was hilarious and wanted to just kind of see what happened. 



And yeah. You're about caught up.

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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